Student Handbook 2015-2016.docx

Welcome ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Welcome message from Tara McCormack (Students Union Officer for Students with Disabilities,
2015-2016) .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Registering with the Disability Service .................................................................................................... 5
Step 1. Complete the required two questions on indicating a disability on your web
portal................................................................................................................................................... 7
Step 2. What evidence of my disability do I need to provide to register with the Disability Service?
............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Step 3. Call into the Disability Service Office ...................................................................................... 9
Step 4. Determining Disability supports in Trinity .............................................................................. 9
Step 5. Needs Assessment meeting .................................................................................................. 10
Step 6. Agree and confirm your Learning Educational Needs Summary (LENS)............................... 11
Applying for Accommodation (Rooms on campus & Trinity hall)..................................................... 19
Communicating with Parents............................................................................................................ 21
Other useful information ...................................................................................................................... 23
Who works in the Disability Service? ................................................................................................ 23
What is the Disability Service Student Ambassador Programme? ................................................... 23
How will I know what type of support I need? ................................................................................. 23
Is there a policy in College for students with disabilities? ................................................................ 24
How to make contact with the Disability Service ............................................................................. 25
Other Useful Contacts ....................................................................................................................... 26
Notes ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Dear Student,
Congratulations on accepting your place at Trinity College Dublin, the
University of Dublin and welcome. The Disability Service (DS) is here to support
and assist you. We have developed a clear student led service that will work
with you as you transition through College and into employment. The ethos of
the Disability Service is to move from a transactional model of provision where students are passive recipients of supports - to a transformational
model of resource usage, where students take an active part in planning their
educational journey. The supports we offer are designed to enable you to work
through the demands of University and be ready for the world of work.
This handbook aims to give you an overview of supports and services we offer.
You should also read the additional information on our website at College also provides an orientation website which will
help you manage yourself in the first semester
Wishing you the very best for the years ahead and just remember -there are
numerous people here to help you should you need it.
Best wishes
Declan Treanor, Director of the Disability Service
Welcome message from Tara McCormack (Students Union Officer for
Students with Disabilities, 2015-2016)
Hey everyone,
I'm Tara! I'm a Children and General Nursing Student here in Trinity and I work
with the Student Union as Officer for Students with Disabilities. My job is to
represent any students in Trinity with a disability and help you out in any way I
can with any issues you might have. Trinity is an amazing University and I want
every student to enjoy every moment of it. Sometimes students can have
problems with the course, social issues or personal stuff. Whether its problems
with lecturers, sorting out exams, campus accessibility, or anything else,
there's no issue too big or too small. I'm here to help you as best I can with
whatever might cause difficulty or even just for a chat. If I can't help you I'll
make sure you get the help you need. I am a student with a disability myself so
I know how difficult it can be to talk so I hope as a fellow student I can offer
you an outlet.
If you see me around campus do say hello! My email is
Hope you have a brilliant year in Trinity and really hope to see you around :)
Tara, Officer for Students with Disabilities
Students Union
Address: House 6, Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 646 8431
Registering with the Disability Service
Three hundred and sixty one students with disabilities registered with the DS in
2014-2015. Eighty percent of these registered in the first term. In 2015-2016 to
ensure all student get the supports they require as speedily as possible will
introduce a new system for registering all students.
Every student with a disability has different needs. Based on the information
provided at registration and by other initiatives like the Disability Access Route
to Education (DARE) scheme each student is reviewed for supports needed.
Supports are determined through a due process after reviewing information
supplied at registration and based on the expertise of staff within the disability
services when they meet with you.
Students who enter Trinity via DARE (below the points for the course of their
choice) and those with priority needs (students with physical, sensory, mental
health difficulties and students with Asperger’s Syndrome will be offered an
appointment via an email/letter sent to all students once they accept their
Trinity course offer.
All other students (those entering via DARE with the points) will be invited to
an Identify your support needs group session where supports such as
examination accommodations will be discussed and set. Students at any time
in this category can request a meeting with a disability officer later in the term
once all other students are met.
There are six steps to registering with the Disability Service and these will be
discussed under each step.
Step 1. Complete the required two questions on indicating a disability on
your web portal.
When registering as a student in Trinity via the MyTCD portal, students are
required to complete their personal details and answer two questions on
indicating a disability, these questions include the following:
Question 1. Do you have a disability?
Answer Yes or No from the dropdown menu. If you tick  yes, you are asked
to indicate which disability you have. You must then select a disability from the
dropdown menu provided.
Question 2. Do you require support from the TCD Disability Service?
Answer by choosing yes or no from the dropdown menu. By choosing yes,
students need follow the remaining five steps to complete their registration.
Step 2. What evidence of my disability do I need to provide to register with
the Disability Service?
Trinity requires evidence of a disability to support the provision of any
reasonable accommodations in university.
If you are a Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) entrant you will have
given your disability documentation to the Central Statistics Office (CAO) so
you do not need to follow step 2.
Students who do not have evidence of their disability should forward the
evidence of disability form to their medical consultant/specialist to be
Please note that General Practitioner (GP) letters will not be accepted as
suitable medical evidence.
Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) should provide a copy
of their most recent Educational Psychology report clearly stating that the
student has a Specific Learning Difficulty. This report must contain the age
equivalent of intellectual functioning and reading age, age-related percentile
point, or adult norm in the case of mature students
For more information on evidence required by the disability service please click
on this link to download the booklet
Step 3. Call into the Disability Service Office
Call in to the main Disability Service office in room 2054 within the Arts
Building with your evidence. Alternatively you may scan your disability
evidence and email a scanned copy of this evidence from your TCD email
address to
After evidence has been submitted you will be contacted by a Disability Officer
to arrange your supports and/or an appointment.
Step 4. Determining Disability supports in Trinity
When students provide their disability evidence the following will happen:
Students with general supports such as requiring examination
accommodations will be invited via email to an ‘identify your support needs
group session’ where supports will be discussed and set.
Students will be given a copy of the 'Trinity Code of Practice for students with
disabilities' which the student will be required to sign at your group session.
This Code of Practice is intended to outline to students with disabilities their
rights and responsibilities in receiving reasonable accommodations.
Should a student feel they need to discuss their supports with a Disability
Officer they can request a meeting at any time by emailing The
range of supports provided by the Disability Service can be viewed by clicking
on this link.
Step 5. Needs Assessment meeting
When there is the requirement for specific supports by students, a needs
assessment will be undertaken during a one-to-one (1:1) meeting with a
Disability Officer. A needs assessment is carried out during the student's first
meeting with the Disability Officer to best tailor the below range of specific
supports to suit the student.
To prepare for your appointment with your Disability Officer, you should first
of all read the Trinity Code of Practice for students with disabilities which you
will be required to sign at your appointment. This Code of Practice is intended
to outline to students with disabilities their rights and responsibilities in
receiving reasonable accommodations. This meeting will take about an hour,
and will involve:
Checking your personal details
Gathering some background information about yourself as a learner
Talking about the demands of your course
Discussing Assistive Technology
Describing Disability Service supports
Examination accommodations
The role of the personal tutor
Answering any questions you might have about Trinity
Whilst the information you provide to us is completely confidential, some of
the supports provided through the Disability Service (such as examination
accommodations) require that we provide some information to academic and
administrative areas in Trinity, with your permission. Your Disability Officer will
explain this to you during your needs assessment.
Step 6. Agree and confirm your Learning Educational Needs Summary (LENS)
Some students elect to have the supports agreed in their needs assessment
recorded in a Learning Educational Needs Summary (LENS). The information in
the LENS report is made available to the relevant staff within Trinity (i.e.
teaching staff, Disability staff, your Tutor) to help them to also provide
assistance were required. You will discuss the content of your LENS during your
needs assessment.
Should your needs or requirements change, please ensure to inform your
Disability Officer. You may additionally decide that academic staff in your
School of study receive a copy of your LENS. You will discuss the content of
your LENS during your needs assessment.
Please note it will NOT be possible to activate any supports until you have
replied and confirmed your acceptance of the LENS. If you feel a change or
adjustment needs to be made, please ensure to inform your Disability Officer.
You should also email a copy of your LENS to your personal Tutor.
Contact the Academic Liaison Officer (ALO) in your Department
An Academic Liaison Officer acts as a communication route in each department
for issues relating to students with disabilities. They circulate Learning and
Education Needs Summary reports (LENS) which are reports produced for
students registered with the Disability Service (DS).
Academic Liaison Officers are also responsible for:
Being a first point of information on disability issues within the ALO's
school or department.
Making course directors, course coordinators, year coordinators etc.
aware of students and the dissemination of information through LENS
You can check the name of your Academic liaison officer (ALO) by clicking on
this link.
Professional Placements and Work Experience
On many professional courses in Trinity, students must complete a series of
work placements. Whether a placement is part of your course or not, we
would always recommend you secure a few different work experiences during
your time at college in order to best prepare for your career. Starting
placements and work experiences can be daunting for any student, and
especially for a student with a disability, who may need to consider additional
factors such as disclosure and how to request reasonable accommodations.
Disclosure means informing someone about your disability. Reasonable
Accommodation is any action that helps to alleviate a substantial disadvantage
due to an impairment or medical condition.
Placements and work experiences are an opportunity to practice and learn on
site in your given field. They offer the chance to gain experience, demonstrate
your ability and skills, and make professional links for the future. These kind of
experiences also offer the chance to explore how your disability might affect
your experience in the work place, and strategies for managing difficulties
you may encounter. This will help you to understand, and to articulate clearly
and confidently, the reasonable accommodations you may need when applying
for jobs after university. Placements and work experiences also offer an
opportunity to practice how you manage disclosure.
For more advice and suggested activities for how to prepare for the different
stages of placement and work experiences, including organising a preplacement/work experience planning meeting with the disability service, take
a look at the placement section of our website.
Examination accommodations
Trinity currently offers a range of facilities at examination time, including extra
time allowance, rest breaks, alternative examination venues, specialised
furniture and technology aids. Students should make requests as early as
possible in the academic year and note that the following deadlines are
 Michaelmas, Foundation Scholarship and early Hilary term
examination sessions: End of week 8, Semester 1
 Hilary & Annual examinations: End of week 3, Semester 2
 Late Disability Service Registrations for Annual examinations: End
of week 7, Semester 2
 Supplemental examinations: End of week 44 (Friday 1st of July
2016), Semester 2.
A full copy of the College’s guidelines on examination arrangements is also
available on the web, and in alternative formats on request. A summary of
student responsibilities and other important information is available from
Please note that once your examination accommodations have been identified
and agreed with your Disability Officer, any queries in relation to your
examinations including venues and timetabling, MUST be discussed directly
with the Examinations Office, and not through the Disability Service.
Funding for supports
Much of the study-related support for Irish students with a disability is
financed through the European Social Fund (ESF) Student with Disability Fund.
Information for funding supports for non-Irish students is available on the web
at: Trinity receives a per capita
allocation based on the number of students registering with DS seeking
supports. The National Access Office in the HEA administers applications and
decides who is eligible for funding under this scheme. For further information
on this fund, please read:
Students from outside Ireland will be funded via other sources and it is best to
speak with the DS about this or any funded supports required.
Assistive Technology
ATIC refers to various Assistive Technology Information Centres located in the
Trinity Library’s (BLU and Hamilton). Assistive Technology (AT) can help/assist
students perform Information Technology (IT) functions that might be
otherwise difficult or impossible to achieve. To ensure students get the best
use out of technology, they may be given an appointment with the Assistive
Technology Officer, Andrew Costello, in the ATIC space in the Ussher library. At
this meeting an assessment for specific IT supports are discussed. This 30
minute assessment ensures that the correct technology is available, and that
adequate training is agreed upon, to get the best out of technological
supports. Each assessment will cover:
 Previous use of technology.
 Satisfaction or difficulties in using technology.
 Introduction to a range of loaned technology available based on student
 Ensuring that there are support channels in place if your student is
having difficulty with their new technology.
Unilink Occupational Therapy Service
Trinity is unique in that we offer a confidential occupational therapy service for
students who may be experiencing mental health difficulties, physical, sensory
or chronic health disabilities. Unilink is run by the Discipline of Occupational
Therapy in collaboration with the Disability Service. All staff members in the
service are qualified occupational therapists and are bound by the Code of
Practice of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland.
The aim of the Unilink Service is to enable the student, to develop practical
skills and strategies to help them in their role as a student both academically
and socially. Unilink is a student-centered service, this means that the sessions
are guided by what the student needs and wants to do. Additionally it is up to
the student whether they wish to avail of the service or not.
Unilink is available on a one-to-one basis throughout the students’ university
Academic Support
Study skills and other support is provided by Student Learning Development If you would like to make an
appointment with one of the learning support psychologists please contact the
Counselling Service on (01) 896 1407 to make an appointment. Students have
access to an academic skills module via the online Blackboard module, which
can be accessed from:
Students are strongly recommended to utilise these resources to assist with
reading techniques, academic writing, referencing and exam revision.
Academic support is also available from our website as leaflets, podcasts and in
mp3 format and from TCD iTunes or YouTube:
Library Supports
In addition to Assistive Technology Centres there are a number of other library
supports available to students with disabilities, these include:
Borrowing rights: Students with a disability registered with the Disability
Service may be entitled to special borrowing privileges.
Alternative formats: Reading material can also be provided in alternative
formats such as Braille or audio.
For help and general advice on using the library see the library
Website and DS podcast:
Applying for Accommodation (Rooms on campus & Trinity hall)
Accommodation process for allocation of room for students with disabilities:
Trinity has limited accommodation on two main sites (the main university
campus and Trinity Hall). A number of rooms on campus and Trinity Hall are
accessible. Rooms are not fully supervised but they do have 24 hour security
staff and residential wardens on site. The accommodation offered encourages
independent living and this can create a lively environment but are not always
suited to students who need a very quiet living space. Campus accommodation
is mostly final year students or graduate students. Trinity Hall is ideal for first
and continuing students but spaces are limited too.
If you would like to make a residential accommodation application to be
considered on grounds of disability you must, before the closing date,
complete the online application and contact the Disability Service team on
01-896 3111 or by email to to arrange a needs assessment for
accommodation. A needs assessment for accommodation will take into
account the following criteria when prioritising applications for
1. The nature and impact of disability – as stated by the applicant and
documented with appropriate evidence. Priority will be given to applicants
with the most significant needs based on mobility, balance, stamina and
2. The nature and impact of the disability on travelling to and from Trinity
including transport options and distance to the university from home. Priority
will be given to applicants with difficulties in accessing public transport and
those living furthest from Campus.
Based on the criteria above, the Disability Service team will meet collectively to
review all the applications and will make recommendations to the
Accommodations Office. In turn, based on the availability of rooms on Campus
and the priority given to applications, the Accommodations Office will inform
applicants of any room offers. In some cases, applicants may be advised that
accommodation in Trinity Hall better suits their individual needs. Please see
full details at:
Communicating with Parents
Whilst the DS is aware that from time to time parents or guardians may have
questions or concerns that they may wish to discuss with staff, it is important
to acknowledge that a healthy working partnership between students and
Disability Service staff, is based on trust. In the first instance, if you have
concerns about your student or his or her progress in Trinity, the best person
to discuss this with is your son or daughter.
Legal obligations
Data Protection legislation requires Trinity to establish a policy with regard to
any discussion between members of staff in the Disability Service and parents /
guardians, in relation to individual students and their progress through Trinity.
All students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, and
DS is required to have due regard for its legal obligations to protect the
confidentiality of its relationship with the student.
Consent to Confidentiality Waiver
If a parent or guardian approaches DS with a request to discuss their student's
progress, in order to protect the confidentiality of the student, the following
steps apply:
1. The student must complete the Consent to Confidentiality Waiver form
and make an appointment with their Disability Officer or Unilink
Occupational Therapist to discuss their consent, in advance of any
communication with a parent or guardian.
2. DS will not engage in any form of communication unless this step has
been completed.
3. Students need to be involved in all communication, and DS will ensure
that students receive a copy of any written communication, and are
informed of any outcomes from meetings or telephone calls. For
example, if a telephone conversation takes place between a DS staff
member and a parent or guardian, a summary of the phone call will be
emailed to all parties, including the student.
4. In the case of a meeting requested parents or guardians with DS staff,
the student must attend this meeting. A note or summary of the
meeting will be sent to all participants for their records.
5. A Consent to Confidentiality Waiver must be completed for each phone
call, email or meeting request.
Due to ambiguities in dealing with requests for information from parents and
guardians, the next section provides some guidance in relation to the kind of
information DS staff can and cannot divulge.
Other useful information
Who works in the Disability Service?
The DS is managed by the Director of the Disability Service, Declan Treanor.
There are two full-time Disability Officers, an Assistive Technology officer, four
Occupational Therapists, and a number of administrative staff within the
service. When students register with DS they will be assigned a Disability
Officer who will assist them in obtaining the support they require in order to
attain their highest academic potential. For further information on DS staff
What is the Disability Service Student Ambassador Programme?
The DS Student Ambassador Programme is a group of students who act as
Ambassadors for the Disability Service and promote Trinity life and share their
experiences of their university journey. Ambassadors are involved in an array
of DS activities including Orientation programmes, training workshops and
activities within the community. Ambassadors also have access to a series of
rolling monthly workshops aimed at promoting personal growth and
leadership skills. You have an opportunity to become an Ambassador at any
point in your student journey and can contact your Disability Officer for further
How will I know what type of support I need?
The level of support required will differ between students, and even students
with similar disabilities, as each student brings with them their own
experience. There is a wide range of educational supports available for
students with disabilities, including in-course, exam and library support.
Supports such as examination accommodations will be available to all students
registered with the disability services and additional supports will be assessed
through a needs assessment with a Disability Officer.
Is there a policy in College for students with disabilities?
Trinity is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in education and to
ensuring that students with a disability have as complete and equitable access
to all facets of university life as can be reasonably provided. The DS aims to
assist and advise the Trinity community on issues associated with compliance
with laws that relate to students with disabilities, including the University Act
1997, the Employment Equality Act 1998, the Equal Status Acts 2000-2004 and
the Disability Act, 2005.
Does my registration with DS appear on my student record?
You will be asked to indicate a disability on your record in MyTCD, and
also indicate whether you require supports from the Disability Service (DS).
This can only be seen by staff in DS and yourself. Your registration with DS and
reasonable accommodations are not noted on your degree certificate.
How to make contact with the Disability Service
Students can call into the office in Room 2054 of the Arts Building, on the
entrance level past the Lecky Library entrance on the left. Phone DS on (01)
896 3111 for an appointment, Text 086 3442322, or you can e-mail the Service
Who works in the Disability Service?
Declan Treanor
Disability Service Director
Tel: (01) 896 3475
Brendan Power
Disability Officer
Tel: (01) 896 3014
Declan Reilly
Disability Officer
Tel: (01) 896 3776
Andrew Costello
Disability Officer and Assistive
Technology Officer.
Disability Officer
Tel: (01) 896 2903
Caroline Morgan
Disability Service Office Manager
Tel: (01) 896 3971
Claire Gleeson
UNILINK Snr Occupational Therapist
Tel: (085) 7585835
Carol Barry
Executive Officer
Tel: (01) 896 3111
Kieran Lewis
UNILINK Snr Occupational Therapist
Tel: (087) 274 3879
We update information on our website regularly and put up news on
Other Useful Contacts
Admissions Office
Address: Academic Registry,
Watts Building,
Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 896 4500
Fees Office
Address: Academic Registry,
Watts Building,
Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 896 4500
Student Health Centre
Address: House 47, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Telephone: 00353 1 896 1556
Accommodation Office
Address: West Chapel, Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 896 1177
Senior Tutor’s Office
Address: House 27, Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 896 2551
Student Counselling Service
Address: Third Floor,
7-9 South Leinster Street,
Dublin 2
Telephone: 00353 1 896 1407
Examinations Office
Address: Watts Building,
Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 896 2345 / 3710
Students Union
Address: House 6, Trinity College Dublin
Telephone: 00353 1 646 8431
Careers Advisory Service
Address: 7-9 South Leinster Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: 00353 1 896 1721/1705