Unit Response to APDCT Recommendations

Economics Response to APPD Collaborative Team concerns and suggestions
Your budget numbers will change to reflect new resources from HCAS
Changes have been made to both the budget template and GA budget sheets in RAE Appendix.
Correct the last two rows of table at bottom of page 10
UNC-GA/BOG three criteria
o Clarify the need for the degree in the context of workforce and disciplinary trends.
More emphasis added RAE page 6
o Delivery of degree in a revenue neutral environment
Reflected in budget template
o Describe opportunities for inter-institutional collaboration
text added RAE Page 4
Secure endorsements from FEMA, NSF, other UNC universities, Agromedicine program, etc.
In process
Consider possible collaborations with UNC School of Public Health
Noted on Page 3-4
Possible collaborations with ECU Center for Health Disparities and new Office of Public Service
and Community Relations
Noted page 3-4
Include Laupus Library in discussion of Library support
added page 17
Emphasize how coastal resources, natural resources and public health dovetail with university’s
strategic directions
Text added section IA page 1, page 4, page 5-6
Clarify the semester hours necessary to complete dissertations
We have not revised the previously approved course requirements. Students may take from 3-9
dissertation credit hours per semester and fill out to 9 credits with other courses as desired.
Clarify exactly when students enter candidacy
Text added page 12
Describe projected workload
Text added page 17
Consider increasing cohort enrollment to more than 7 with program attrition higher
We have developed a template for a 10 student cohort with 20% attrition. If you want this
template in addition, we can supply upon request.