Graduate Banked Courses Action Plan In September of each year, the Office of Academic Program Planning and Development will identify all graduate courses that have been banked for 5 or more years. The Dean of the Graduate School, on behalf of the Graduate Council, will notify applicable units of the intent to delete identified courses by October 1st of each year. Units desiring to keep their banked courses will be given an opportunity to submit a justification memorandum to the GCC describing why their course(s) should remain banked. The deadline for the justification memorandum submissions will be November 1st of each year. Following completion of the process by the GCC and Graduate Council, and upon receipt of a directive from the dean of the Graduate School, the Office of Academic Program Planning and Development will delete all graduate courses banked 5 or more years, other than those which receive exceptions by the GCC and Graduate Council to keep their course(s) banked. This policy will be reviewed biennially by the GCC. Approved by GCC 04-06-11; Approved by GSAB 05-10-11