GSAB Minutes April 25, 2011 Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00

GSAB Minutes
April 25, 2011
Greenville Centre 3:30-5:00
Voting Members Present: Behm, Michael; Curran, Richard; Ericson, Richard; Gallagher, Margie; Gemperline, Paul;
Hough, Monica; Huener, Thomas (for Laura Prividera); Mott, Vivian; Pokorny, Marie; Schwager, Paul; and Tony
Voting Members Absent: Daneri, Juan; Decker, Jim; Kasperek, George; and Terry West
Guests: Tom McConnell and Belinda Patterson
Ex-Officio Members Present: Allen, Rose; Griffin, Linner; and Mark Sprague
Ex-Officio Members Absent: Dave Cistola
Call to order
3:41 PM
Approval of minutes 4/11/11
Minutes approved as amended
Requests for approval of exception for students, first request for a one year extension, CON
Presentation from Service Learning Committee – Rebecca Dumlao (Vice Chair of University Service
Learning Committee)
 Service Learning Committee may become part of the Faculty Senate (pending vote of approval)
 Service learning is a teaching strategy that combines community based learning and integrates it
with the academic goals of a course. There is also an opportunity for students to reflect on how
their community based experience is related to the course objectives
 Service learning courses can be taught at the graduate or undergraduate level
o Faculty choose the teaching approach for a course
 Volunteer and service learning center:
o Assist in matching faculty with service sites
o Maintain relationships with over 100 non-profit organizations
o Service learning coordinator and service learning associates (students) are available to help
structure class sessions on service learning
o Produces a newsletter quarterly
o Track hours of student service learning
 The role of the committee is to promote service learning and oversee service learning designations
o When designating a service learning course the committee reviews course syllabi according
national standards on service learning and investigates how community needs will be met
 Benefits of service learning designation include courses showing up as being service oriented in the
Catalog and transcripts, and for reporting student and faculty community connections
There is a separation and distinction made between volunteering and service learning in these
Vote on approval of 3/23/11 GCC minutes
Action Items
 Proposal of new course: ADED 6590
 Prerequisite revision of existing courses: NURS 6973, 6978, 6985
 Proposal of new courses: COHE 6460, 6470, 6480, 6490, 6510, 6630, 6803, 7000; HIMA 6060
 Notification of intent to plan: MS in Health Information and Information Management
 Approved GCC minutes
Initiate a review and revision of tuition remission policies and eligibility criteria (acceptance criteria into
graduate school standards compared to remission eligibility criteria)
 Currently no formal requirements on the minimum qualifications for students to receive an out of
state tuition remission
 Written polices and information on the web need to be in agreement in with practice
o Important to respond to these situations in a graded way (intentional, serious illness etc).
o Students should be assigned alternate duties instead of terminating their assistantship
unless for cause (performance of duties is subpar not egregious)
 Consensus of body not to have a policy that forces students into a payback situation
o This type of policy will not attract graduate students and is a potential public relations
burden for the university
 If student does not pay back money the debt is turned over to the State Attorney
General for collection
o Policy could influence students into not dropping courses because of a financial
consequence which could put them in academic jeopardy
o Responsibility should be shared with the department or program for admitting a student
who loses an assistantship.
o There should be consequences for students in a payback situation however not as severe as
outlined by the Office of Financial Aid policy
 Dr. Monica Hough volunteered to assist Dr. Gemperline in reviewing practice of other universities and
to articulate a statement to be discussed at a future meeting
4:42 PM
Next Meeting: May 9, 2011
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp