MINUTES Graduate Administrative Board Meeting October 25, 2010 Greenville Centre 1511

Graduate Administrative Board Meeting
October 25, 2010
Greenville Centre 1511
3:30 – 5:00 PM
Voting Members Present: Behm, Michael; Decker, Jim; Ericson, Richard; Gallagher, Margie;
Gemperline, Paul; Holte, Jim; Hough, Monica; Kasperek, George; Mott, Vivian; Pokorny, Marie;
Schwager, Paul; and Terry West
Voting Members Absent: Richard Curran and Laura Prividera
Ex-Officio Members Present: Linner Griffin and Mark Sprague
Ex-Officio Members Absent: Dave Cistola
Guests: Allen, Rose; Armstrong, Robin; McConnell, Tom; and Belinda Patterson
1. Call to order
Meeting called to order at 3:35 pm
2. Approval of minutes - 09/27/10 meeting minutes – vote on approval
Minutes approved
3. GSAB Roster Status Report
 Dr. Gemperline reported Dr. Michael Behm was elected the representative of
the GSAB for the College and Technology and Computer Science
 Dr. Jim Holte, Dr. Richard Ericson, and Dr. Terry West were elected as
representatives of the GSAB by the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
 Dr. Andrew Morehead (Chemistry) was elected alternate for Natural Sciences &
Mathematics, Dr. Erik Everhart (Psychology) was elected alternate for Social
Sciences, and Dr. Juan Danieri (Foreign Languages & Literatures) was elected
alternate for Humanities
 The College of Education will elect a representative and alternate for a new term
on the GSAB this week
4. Discussion on latest draft of the revised ECU Graduate Student patent assignment
agreement and policy – Marti Van Scott
 Bayh-Dole Act- gives universities intellectual property control of their inventions
resulting from federal funding
 Federal government mandate and UNC system policy for employees and all
graduate students of the university to sign a patent agreement upon
employment or admission
Any invention made using university resources should be disclosed to the
university, this includes inventions by undergraduate and graduate students
utilizing university resources
Students currently do not know these policies exist
Implementation will be the decision of the Graduate School and GSAB
Dr. Gemperline requested this information be taken back to the Graduate
Faculty for discussion
Dr. Gemperline suggested reviewing best practices of other universities
regarding how this information is distributed to graduate students
Discussion regarding implantation strategies for next GSAB meeting (November
8th), and additional information on sister institutions policies to be gathered
5. Request to modify Gradate Faculty Criteria for School of Art and Design – Scott Eagle
 Request to have the option to substitute last 5 years of annual reports for
 Approved
6. Request from Department of History to allow a student to apply credit from courses
greater than ten years ago, towards new degree – presented by Carl Swanson
 Credit over 20 years old
 Medical problems significantly interfered with degree completion
 All coursework for degree completed except for thesis work
 Thesis research/topic still relevant
 Request for extension through fall 2011
 Approved
7. Request from Department of Criminal Justice to allow a student to apply credit from
courses greater than ten years ago- presented by John Krebs
 Student needs to complete 2 more courses and the comprehensive exam for
degree completion
 Request for extension made for student to the Graduate School in 2007 however
department administrators neglected to follow up on this request
 Request for extension through fall 2011
 Approved
8. Remissions/aid (state and institutional aid) versus federal aid: student payback when
leaving Graduate School through ineligibility or voluntary separation)
9. Vote on approval of GCC minutes
a. 10/06/10
Action Items
Proposal of New Course: NURS 7003
Proposal of New courses: ANTH 7007, 7008, 9000, 9001
b. 10/20/10
Section II Approved, Mary Jackson approved as new GCC member
10. Discussion and vote on the Graduate Schools Strategic Plan
11. Distribution of approved Graduate Faculty Criteria of Department of Mathematics and
Department of Physics
12. Announcements
13. Adjorn
5:05 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp