September 13

Graduate Administrative Board Meeting
September 13, 2010
Greenville Centre 1511
3:30 – 5:00 PM
Voting Members Present: Decker, Jim; Ericson, Richard; Gallagher, Margie; Holte, Jim; Hough,
Monica; Kasperek, George; Pokorny, Marie; Prividera, Laura; Schwager, Paul; and Terry West
Voting Members Absent:
Ex-Officio Members Present: Linner Griffin and Rose Allen
Ex-Officio Members Absent:
Guests: Armstrong, Robin; Brown, Evelyn (representing College of Technology and Computer
Science); McConnell, Tom; Ries, Heather; Schmidt, Steve (for Vivian Mott);
1. Call to order
3:39 pm
2. Approval of minutes
a. July 12, 2010 GSAB meeting minutes
Minutes approved as amended
3. GSAB Roster Status Report
Dr. Gemperline called attention to the new GSAB roster for 2010
4. Consideration and vote on Unit Criteria for membership as Graduate Faculty Status –
Department of Biostatistics
 Presented by Dr. Paul Vos
 Rigrous criteria
 Checklist style
 Approved as submitted
5. Approval of 9/1/10 GCC minutes
 Item III. Proposal to revise the Policies and Procedures for Graduate Certificate
Programs in order to include the need for learning outcomes and quality
enhancement plan – Approved
 Item V. GCC Membership – Approved
 Minutes approved as submitted
 It was noted the EPPC will be discussing the approved Math Education masters
program at the October meeting
6. Initial discussion of Strategic Plan, Strategic Action Plan, and Diversity Action Plan
a. Strategic Plan
Dr. Gemperline asked members to review the draft of the Graduate School
strategic plan and bring comments to the September 27, 2010 meeting
Dr. Gemperline announced the Graduate School draft Strategic Plan will be
distributed to the Graduate Assembly and requested members distribute the
draft plan to constituents
b. Strategic Action Plan
 The Strategic Action plan requires that 3 to 4 objectives will have
measureable outcomes that will be assessed and evaluated annually
 The Strategic Action Plan has been submitted to IPAR; however Dr.
Gemperline invited any discussion or suggestions
c. Diversity Action Plan
 Dr. Gemperline and Dr. McConnell reported the Diversity Action Plan was
currently in process
7. Initial discussion of committee member makeup for theses and dissertations with
attention to adjunct members
 Adjunct graduate faculty (full, assoc., & teaching graduate faculty) are allowed to
serve on thesis committees as external members but adjunct graduate status by
itself is not a sufficient condition to be teaching or to be the instructor of record
in a graduate course.
 To teach a graduate course, a person external to ECU must have adjunct
graduate faculty status AND adjunct faculty status approved through Academic
Affairs. Adjunct faculty status approved through Academic Affairs requires
among other things, official transcripts and action by the unit personal
 Graduate Teaching Faculty members may serve as a 4th member of a committee
 The process of being appointed as an Adjunct Graduate Teaching Faculty is
initiated by the graduate program director who submits the individual’s CV
(showing appropriate expertise in particular area) and a memo for appointment
(Adjunct Graduate Teaching Faculty status does not allow these individuals to
teach courses or chair a thesis or dissertation committee)
 Dr. McConnell noted Adjunct Graduate Teaching Faculty nominees are not
submitted for vote in the same manner as internal Graduate Teaching Faculty
nominees whereas Associate and Full Adjunct Graduate Faculty nominees are to
be evaluated with a vote and a checklist
 Adjunct Graduate Teaching Faculty – no vote is needed at the unit level (only a
letter of appointment and CV are needed for approval)
7. Implementation of S/U grading for 7000 and 9000 courses delayed to Spring 2011
 S = credit earned with no grade assigned or quality points given
 U = hours attempted but not earned
After accumulation of a few grades of U the student may become ineligible
to receive financial aid
8. Accredited versus non-accredited undergraduate or Masters degree, proposal of
accept if Masters from accredited in the same area as application
 If a student has a degree from a non-regionally accredited school they will
not be able to be eligible for admission to graduate school at ECU
 Consensus of the GSAB that if a student without a regionally accredited
bachelors degree but having earned a graduate degree from a regionally
accredited school would be eligible for admission to graduate school at ECU.
9. Proposed deadline changes – Robin Armstrong: Proposed change will provide
uniform deadlines throughout the years rather than each year being adjusted to be
exactly one week before the start of classes
 Fall: August 15
 Spring: December 25
 1st and 11 week Summer: May 5
 2nd Summer: June 15
o These deadlines have worked well for the Graduate Admissions office
o The Graduate School continues to communicate program deadlines
on behalf of the program and website notification to see program
specific deadlines
 Members of the GSAB expressed the desire to retain Priority Deadlines
10. Eliminate hold/send option
 The Graduate Admission Office would like to hold applicants’ materials until
ALL application materials are received by the Graduate School rather than
sending partial applications as has been done in the past for selected
 Program directors will still be able to review partial applications in Xtender;
however they will not receive the AR form until all materials are received by
the Graduate School
 All information will be presented to members of the Graduate Assembly for
11. Certificates and timing application for graduation – Request to add certificate form
while still in a graduate program (Robin Armstrong)
 A new record is now created when students apply for a certificate allowing
them to graduate with a certificate independent of their degree graduation
 There is also an option for the certificate and degree to be awarded at the
same time
12. Institutional award money will no longer be held from students provisionally
admitted (as is federal financial aid)
Adjourned: 5:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp