Amendment Time Limit 1415-0011 Prime Sponsor: Breton Amendment President’s Signature Date Introduced: Date of Voting: Final Vote: Yea Nay Sens Present Abstain VP Senate Affairs Signature Whereas, at any point during discussion of a bill or amendment, a Senator within the Ithaca College Student Government Association can motion to make an amendment to said bill or amendment, Whereas, if a Senator makes a successful motion to amend, there is then no time limit restricting the amount of conversation regarding a respective amendment, Whereas, it would be more efficient for the bill and amendment process to limit the time for discussion on amending a bill or amendment, It is resolved that, under Article IV, Section 11, as a sub-bullet under “New business...” to read, “If a motion successfully passed by a Senator to amend a bill or amendment, there shall be a ten (10) minute discussion on that respective amendment. A Senator may move to extend the time limit of discussion if need be before a respective vote on said amendment.”