Graduate Council Executive Committee Nov. 25, 2013 Ragsdale 211 3:30 – 5:00 PM Minutes Present: Atkinson, Terry; Gemperline, Paul; McConnell, Tom; McFadden, Cheryl; Ries, Heather; Ringler, Majorie; and Paul Schwager 1. Call meeting to order 3:36 PM 2. Minutes a. Approval of 11/04/2013 GCEC minutes – attached Approved b. Review revised 10/13/2013 GC minutes - attached Resend for approval c. Review of 11/08/2013 GC minutes – attached Revise 4D d. Review of GCC minutes, 11/6/2013 Minutes approved at prior GC meeting 3. Request for exceptions – One item: Sharepoint link Approved GCEC recommends a committee meeting with Dr. Gemperline where a vote as to whether or not there is support for an additional time extension 4. Eligibility of ex officio members of the GC to serve on the GCEC – Paul Schwager. Discuss consideration of ex-officio and/or at-large appointees to serve on the GCEC Under Faculty Manual Part II – Duties and responsibilities of graduate faculty Recommendation of GCEC solicit nominations head of time o Email list of eligible nominees with their department to current members before vote o Suggestion to limit discussion and shorter agenda at GC meeting 5. New program proposals, requests for support from the Graduate School, concerns about the impacts on existing programs – request for discussion from Paul Gares Process of new degree proposals coming forward – Geography Reallocation from existing programs cannot meet demand – strong commitment to provide substantial new resources Environmental Health proposal and Council will review and provide input at the 12/09/13 GC meeting 6. Follow-up discussion thesis/dissertation approvals, readers, etc – Paul Gemperline and Bob Thompson a. Update on 8hr rule, and in-classroom assessment of graduate teaching assistants of record Documentation will be provided for graduate teaching assistants of record This memo will be shared with GC b. External readers External representative on thesis/dissertation committees Goal is to ensure quality of thesis/dissertation work Establish graduate faculty expectations and their role on thesis/dissertation committees Look at existing definitions – begin with a generic/baseline definition and then add detail o Pull from on-campus base for research Detail punitive actions of not meeting graduate faculty expectations 7. Additional information on GRE/MAT/GMAT exception request Goal to eliminate barriers to admission a. MBA Members of Beta Gamma Sigma can waive the GRE UNC-Greensboro is now waiving the GRE b. MSW Many programs have no GRE requirements MSW admits a high proportion of student by exception c. MS HIIM 8. Develop agenda for December 9, 2013 Graduate Council Meeting a. Revised CON graduate faculty criteria b. Vote on 11/20/13 GCC minutes 9. Announcements a. Policy Action Items from Nov GC meeting sent to Academic Council. b. Development of web site templates c. Launch of online marketing campaign d. GCC moving meeting material to Sharepoint for efficiency Respectfully submitted, Amy E. Tripp