Madison-St. Clair Unit
900 Hillsboro Avenue,
P. O. Box 427
Edwardsville, IL 62025
(618) 650-7050
FAX (618) 655-9951
621 South Belt West
Belleville, IL 62220
(618) 236-4172
FAX (618) 236-9416
Website: www.extension.uiuc. edu/madisonstclair
Pamela Jacobs
County Director
Sarah Ruth
4-H Community Worker
Julie Tyberendt
4-H Community Worker
Belva Blakely
Maritza Lemke
Family Nutrition
Denise Godfrey
Patty Stanton
Office Support
Chelsea Marti
CAREE Coordinator
Margaret Weis
I appreciate the many volunteers and staff in the three counties for helping move the process along! Your help, encouragement, patience, understanding, positive attitude, commitment and fun spirit has been very uplifting for me! Thank you!!
Beginning July 1, 2011, the official. Following are some confirmed details:
St. Clair and Madison offices will have limited operational hours.
These days and hours will be the posted hours for the volunteers and the general public to access the office. Staff may be working or conducting committee meetings with volunteers on any weekday as needed.
Monroe County will be the main office with full time operational hours.
There will be a 60% secretary in the St. Clair Office. The office will have office hours Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. 8 AM to 4:30 PM
Denise Godfrey (secretary in St. Clair Co.)
Monroe County Office.
Patty Stanton
Madison-Monroe-St. Clair Unit
Wednesday to the Monroe or St. Clair office.
will be
will transfer to the
will continue as secretary in the Madison County
Office. The office will have office hours; Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday. 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Patty will rotate on
Additional Civil Service staffing is in various stages of completion.
Special thanks to those who contacted State Legislators to encourage their support to U of I Extension funding support!
We have received two quarter payments of the FY11 County Board
Match state monies.
The Extension Educators who will be providing educational programming and support to the multicounty unit include:
Susan Hayden , 4-H Youth Development & Military 4-H (Monroe Co. main office)
Nora Feuquay , Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
(Monroe Co. main office)
Elizabeth Wahle , Horticulture (50% time) (Madison Co. main office)
Linda Crawl Jackson , Expanded Food & Nutrition Program (Federal Funded program for St.
Clair and Madison counties) (East St. Louis Training Office, main office)
Steve Wagoner , 4-H Youth Development, Metro area focus (St. Clair Co. main office)
Since the Madison County Fair, July 24-30 and Monroe County Fair, July 24-31, is the same week with each having 4-H shows, Susan, Steve and I will be dividing time between each county fair to assist with 4-H shows. Your assistance and understanding is appreciated.
Special thanks to the 4-H volunteers, Extension Councils, HCE board and members, Extension & 4-H
Education Foundation board members, Master Gardeners, County Board members, State Legislators, and many others for the support throughout this reorganization process! The local support in many different ways has been tremendous!
Pam Jacobs, Madison-Monroe-St. Clair County Extension Director
Plans are being made to hold an Open House in each county to provide an opportunity for you to meet staff and learn about the recent Extension Reorganization that becomes official July 1 st . Tentative plans are for the week of August 29 th for these evening Open House Meetings. More details to follow.
The 4-H Exhibit is not an end in itself nor does it measure all the learning experience that takes place in the 4-H project. Judging is a learning experience. From getting your project judged, you can learn what you did well and how to improve. An exhibit does not measure all that you learned, but it is an example of what you have done. Here are some helpful hints to help you with judging.
1. During conference judging, the judge will encourage you to talk about your project.
2. You will be asked about your project, so be prepared to tell what you were trying to do in your project, (goals and objectives) and describe the methods used to produce the finished project.
3. Read and follow the rules and requirements of the county 2011 Show Rules
4. Learn good sportsmanship by being fair, honest, courteous and have graceful acceptance of others’ judgment.
5. Listen carefully to the judges so that you can accept constructive criticism and learn from it.
6. Remember, judging comments can be helpful, but they are only one person’s evaluation or opinion.
7. Projects are evaluated, not people. Projects are evaluated individually, not compared.
8. Realize that the judges are volunteers who are willing to give freely of their time.
You may be getting ready to prepare posters about some of the work you have done in one or more of your projects. If so, you will want to do all you can to make sure that your poster looks good. Here are some tips:
Make sure your poster is attention-getting. Remember you want people to take the time to read what you have done.
Include information that is brief and easy to read.
Make it neat! Even if you have really great information on your poster, no one is going to take time to read it if it is messy!
Watch out for clutter!
Include pictures or charts if they help explain your work.
Check your spelling and then check it again. Misspelled words can be very distracting.
Use intensive colors. Try dark lettering against a light background. This is usually easiest for people to read.
Before you begin designing your poster, make sure that you read through the exhibit guidelines for your project in the show book. Pay attention to any size requirements. Make sure that you understand what they are asking for. Often the guidelines suggest that you report on an activity or
experiment that you completed as part of your project. If that is the case, consider what is most important from that particular activity and what people are likely to want to know.
Begin work on your poster by sketching out a few rough drafts on plain paper. Ask your family which draft they like best and then begin working on your poster.
4-H Animal Welfare
Livestock exhibitors should be aware of the fact that animal welfare and animal rights groups have been known to come to county livestock events. Therefore, it is imperative that we show all general audiences at these livestock events that 4-H members care for their livestock projects.
The following is a list of guidelines that should be helpful in preventing any misconceptions that the public may have about the way we raise livestock. The proper care of our animals should receive our primary attention.
1. Provide fresh, clean water to all animals at all times.
2. Keep your pens clean and dry with good bedding at all times.
3. Be aware of animal comfort zones (temperature, space, etc.)
4. Sort and load animals safely and with concern for them.
5. Train animals to be handled at a young age before the fair. This will make them easier to lead and more manageable at the show.
6. Arrange for veterinary care in case of an emergency.
We do have some good news for the 2011 State Fair – the west wing of the dormitory WILL be open for exhibitors from Tuesday, August 9 until Monday morning, August 15. On-line registration for those reservations will go active July 15 from the 4-H website:
. The Jr. Department Dorm
Office will have a new location – the Northwest Dorm Wing.
Final locations of project exhibits will be sent to your local Extension offices by mid-July. We do know the following locations at this time:
Clothing & Textile Judging, Fashion Revue Check-in and Dressing Rooms – Southwest
Dormitory Wing (lower level) as in the past.
The 4-H Fashion Review and Clover Celebration will be in the Illinois Building (Senior Center)
Theater each day.
Foods & Nutrition Judging and Food Demonstrations – lower level of the U of I Extension
All other exhibits will be divided between the U of I Extension Building, Illini Auditorium and
Washington Room and the Exposition Building Mezzanine.
Please check with your local Extension office if you have any other questions about State Fair changes.
Parking passes for 4-H members and their families will cost $4 per daily pass. Each automobile requires one parking pass. Admission tickets are only $1 each for each child 5-12 adults.13 and over are $2 each if you get them in advance. Tickets are limited this year to five per family and will be available at both county fairs and offices.
Remind your members about this exciting state exhibit opportunity! Borrow a video camera from your county Extension office and invite members to record a demonstration in their project area. All projects in the 2010-11 Illinois Clover are eligible for exhibit. No county selection required.
All exhibits will be posted and judged online. An iPod Touch will be awarded to winners and free T-shirts to all participants. There is also optional attendance at
4-H Film Festival and Map Gallery. There will be a free awards luncheon, August 20th at State Fair in
Springfield, IL. For more information see:
Congratulations to Stephanie Bechard with the Turkey Hill Busy Bees 4-H Club in St. Clair County.
She recited the 4-H Pledge at Busch Stadium during 4-H Day with the Cardinals on May 7 th . Thank you to all the 4-H families who represented the Madison-St. Clair Unit at the Cardinals game.
“Lights, Camera, Action” is the theme for the fifth annual Southern Illinois Leadership Convention. The exciting convention is set for October 8-10 at the Touch of Nature Environmental Center, just south of
Carbondale. The convention is open to ANY high school student or teen not yet 19 by September 1,
2011. Cost is $150 if registered by September 2 and $175 by September 9, which includes lodging, meals and all program activities.
This one-of-a-kind leadership convention is being planned by teens for teens! The program includes workshops, community service, dances, trust walks, fun games and mixers, and much more! Visit the convention website for more info.
Discover Chicago is three jampacked days of fun learning in one of our nation’s largest cities. You’ll learn about geography, history and science as you explore famous attractions in Chicago.
Cost for the trip is $299 which includes admission to all attractions, lodging, charter bus transportation, meals and insurance. A commemorative t-shirt may also be ordered for an additional $10. The registration deadline is September 1, but space is limited. Your friends who are not 4-H members can attend, too.
We’re also taking applications for adult chaperones. The fee for chaperones is the same as for youth.
For more details, contact the Extension office by phone, 236-4172, or 650-7050 or log on to
. If you need special dietary or disability accommodations to participate in this program, please indicate when registering.
Do you currently attend or plan to attend the University of Illinois?
Do you have 5 years of 4-H Experience?
4-H House is a cooperative sorority where the members do their own cooking and cleaning.
This enables 4-H House to be one of the most economical places to live on campus.
The House atmosphere strives to maintain academic excellence as well as providing members with social opportunities.
For more information, please contact: Lisa Cooper, Interviewing Chairperson, or visit
The following award applications are available in either Extension Office, at the county shows or on the Unit’s website at . All
Applications are due August 31, 2011.
Club Journalism Award - This is available for all 4-H clubs. This award focuses on promoting club news and activities using the media. Club officers (Reporter or
President) and the leader should complete and submit one application per club.
County Award Applications- This is available for all 4-H members. This award focuses on project activity, achievements, accomplishments, leadership, and community service throughout the year.
Electricity Achievement Award- Available to a 4-H member with outstanding achievements in electricity. Members must have constructed and displayed an electrical exhibit.
Garden Club Award- Available to 4-H members who exhibited in horticulture or floriculture
I Dare You Award- This is for high school students starting their junior year that shows outstanding qualities in leadership and character. You must be nominated by your club leader. Club leaders can nominate a maximum of two club members.
Outstanding 1 st Year Member Award - This is for all new members that have completed their first year in 4-H.
Standards of Excellence for Clubs and Groups- Clubs and groups that meet 11 of the 14 criteria will be recognized for achieving these standards.
You should be recognized!! Share your club’s success this year by completing an Illinois 4-H
Club/Group Report and submitting it for statewide judging. Many 4-H clubs set goals at the beginning of the 4-H year and have a planned program for their monthly meetings focusing on specific topics and activities for the year. Why not apply to be recognized for your work and success?!? Your club can apply simply by completing an Illinois 4-H Club/Group Report Form and submitting it to the State 4-H
Office! Clubs can submit in one or more of the seven curriculum areas, but each areas submission should be on its own form. Clubs may submit in the following areas:
Agriculture (includes Animal Sciences & Plant & Soils)
Community Involvement & Global Awareness
Engineering & Technology, Environment & Natural Resources
Food Nutrition & Health, Home & Family, and Personal Development
Forms are available at the Extension Office or by downloading it from the 4-H website and are due
August 12, 2011.
All club secretary and treasurers books for the 2010-2011 year are to be turned in to the Extension
Office by September 15, 2011. The 4-H guidelines indicate that these must be turned in before a club is granted authorization to begin a new year. Each club is required to turn these in annually and compliance is not optional.
County Show Set-Up and Tear-Down
Show Set-Up – Wednesday, August 3 at 6:00 pm
Show Tear-Down – Monday, August 8 at 8:00 am
4-H members are needed to set up Show-a-Rama tables and chairs, animal pens, horse arena, and livestock arena. It is also equally important that 4-H members help with show tear-down which will include tearing down pens and arenas. (All Show-a-Rama clean-up will be done on Sunday afternoon.) If you are showing livestock, including horse, please plan to help at one or both times.
Call 236-4172 and RSVP for the time you are available to help.
Club Work Schedule for watching projects at the 4-H Show:
This will also include working at the concession stand inside the Ag Building at the same time as watching the projects . Each club will need to provide enough members and parents to cover both areas.
Friday, August 6 th
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Shooting Stars
Saturday, August 7 th
10:00 am – 1:30 pm New Ideal (including Cloverbuds)
– 5:00pm Turkey Hill Busy Bees (including Cloverbuds)
5:00pm – 6:30pm Closed for Parade
6:30pm – 9:00pm Belleville 4-H Club
Sunday, August 8 th
10:00am – 2:00pm Farmers & Friends (including Cloverbuds)
2:00pm – 4:00pm All projects dismissed
Please contact the office and let us know who from your club is scheduled to watch the projects and work the concession stand.
Work Night at the Fairgrounds
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. is the set-up night at the fairgrounds. All 4-
H’ers showing livestock are expected to help. Please bring wire, rakes, hammers, brooms etc. .
Poultry, Rabbit and Cat Set Up —Wednesday Also
On Wednesday, July 20 at 6:00 p.m. we will also be setting up for the cat, rabbit and poultry shows.
All 4-
H’ers exhibiting in these projects are expected to help. If we have plenty of help, it will only take an hour.
General Project Judging
General Project Judging in the Dance Hall is SUNDAY, July 24, at 2:30 p.m.
Check in is from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. with judging starting at 2:30.
Parking Pass for the Fair —Be sure to cut out and use your parking pass for the Madison County
2011 Dance Hall Work Schedule
Sunday, July 24
7-9 p.m. G. C. Novas
Monday, July 25
10:00-12:00 p.m. Cloverleaf Ag
12-2 p.m. Alhambra Morning Glories
2-4 p.m. Prairie Youth
4-6 p.m. Good Producers
6-7 p.m. Marine Stars Cloverbuds
7-9 p.m. Pin Oak Cloverbuds
Tuesday, July 26
10-12 p.m. Town & Country
12-2 p.m. Prairie Youth Cloverbuds
2-4 p.m. Grant Prairie
4-6 p.m. Pin Oak Progressors
6-7 p.m. Marine Stars/Jr. Ag 8-11 group
7-9 p.m. Hooves, Paws, & Claws
Wednesday, July 27
10-12 a.m. Sunshine
12-3 p.m. Marine Stars/Jr. Ag older group
3-6 p.m. Check out Quercus Grove, Fosterburg Ag
July 1
Livestock state entries and fees due
St. Clair 4-H Booster Scholarship application deadline
Madison County Food, Clothing & Public
Speaking Day
Madison County Fair work night
Madison County Horse Show
Madison County General Project Judging
Madison County Goat Show
Madison County Dog Show
Madison County Swine Show
Madison County Beef Cattle Show
Madison County Super Showmanship
25 Madison County Cat Show
26-31 State Jr. Horse Show
26 Madison County Sheep Show
Madison County Rabbit Show
Madison County Fashion Review
Madison County Poultry Show
Madison County Dairy Show
28 Madison County Livestock Auction
Aug. 1 Dog state entries and fees due
3 St. Clair County Show Set Up
All offices
St. Clair County
Extension Office
9:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Madison County Farm Bureau
Madison Co. Fairgrounds
10:00 a.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
2:30 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
4:00 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
6:00 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
8:00 a.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
9:00 a.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
4:00 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
6:00 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
IL State Fairgrounds, Springfield
9:00 a.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
7:00 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
7:30 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
9:00 a.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
10:00 a.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
7:30 p.m. Madison Co. Fairgrounds, Highland
All offices
6:00 p.m. Ag Building, Scheve Park,
6:30 p.m. Scheve Park, Mascoutah
Scheve Park, Mascoutah
St. Clair County Show-a-Rama Judging
St. Clair County 4-H Events
11:00 a.m. – Poultry , 1:00 p.m. Rabbit,
5:15 p.m. – Fashion Revue,
5:30 p.m. – Public Speaking, 6:00 p.m. –
State Fair Winners Award Ceremony,
6:00 p.m. – Swine Show
St. Clair County Livestock Shows
7:30 a.m. Beef Show followed by Dairy,
Sheep, Goat Shows
7:30 p.m. Livestock Auction
St. Clair County Super Showmanship
Deadline to post IL State Fair Online
Club Secretary & Treasurer Books Due
Madison & St. Clair State Fair Judging Dates
31 Award Applications Forms Due
Oct. 8-10 Southern Illinois Leadership Convention
Discover Chicago Trip
Haunted Hayride Event at Mills Apple Farm
11:00 a.m.
Scheve Park, Mascoutah
Scheve Park, Mascoutah
Both Offices
IL State Fair, Springfield
Both Offices
SIU Touch of Nature
Environmental Center, Carbondale
Chicago Area