Coles County 4-H Member Record This record is a summary of all activities, honors, etc. you have done while in 4-H. It will be used in evaluating your progress and planning future work. It will also be the basis for award selection. Read all instructions at the beginning of each section carefully. One line or column is provided for each year. Please use pencil or type to fill in. Name Birth date Address Route or Street Town/Zip 4-H Club Year Joined 4-H I. Participation in Local 4-H Club Number of Meetings Year Total Held after joining Attended after joining Club offices held Club committees worked on. (Indicate committee chair with “CH”). (Do not include community service.) Put totals in pencil. II. 4-H Projects — Enrollment, Exhibits and Skills Learned Year Project Activities in project area Example: Foods Workshops or events attended or presented: Tricks for Treats 1999/2 000 Skills learned: 6 recipes 2 meals prepared 2 relish trays for holidays Project exhibited: Club project tour yes County fair √ yes State fair √ yes √ no no no Number of people reached or served ________ Project area club talk/demo: √ yes no Let’s Start Cooking 2000/0 1 Recognition in project area: Blue ribbon – county fair, superior at state fair Workshops attended/Leadership: Skills learned: 10 recipes 5 meals planned snacks for 8 person slumber party 2 experiments Project exhibited: Club project tour County fair State fair yes √ yes yes √ no no √ no Number of people reached or served _______ Project area club talk/demo: √ yes no Recognition in project area: blue ribbon, reserve champion – county fair Workshops attended/Leadership: Skills learned: Project exhibited: Club project tour County fair State fair yes yes yes no no no Number of people reached or served ________ Project area club talk/demo: yes no Recognition in project area: II. 4-H Projects — Enrollment, Exhibits and Skills Learned Year Projects Activities in project area Project: ____________________________________ Workshops attended/Leadership: Project exhibited: Club project tour County fair State fair Skills learned: yes yes yes no no no Number of people reached or served ________ Recognition in project area: Project area club talk/demo: yes no Project: ___________________________________ Workshops attended/Leadership: Project exhibited: Club project tour County fair State fair Skills learned: yes yes yes no no no Number of people reached or served ________ Recognition in project area: Project area club talk/demo: yes no Project: ___________________________________ Workshops attended/Leadership: Project exhibited: Club project tour County fair State fair Skills learned: yes yes yes no no no Number of people reached or served ________ Recognition in project area: Project area club talk/demo: yes no III. Participation in 4-H Programs Put month and year of program/activity. Indicate level with appropriate letter: club (L); county (C), regional (R); state (S). Program Achievement program Action Board Camps (4-H Camp, Space Camp, Fishing Camp, etc.) Clinics (Livestock, Sewing, Horse, Photography, etc.) Clothing Revue Conferences (Jr. Leadership, E.D.G.E., CWF, Legislative Connection, Dairy, etc.) 4-H Equine Challenge 4-H Week Activity (Cookie Baking, 4-H promotion, etc.) 20__ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ III. Participation in 4-H Programs – continued Program 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ Helped with: Pork Chop BBQ 4-H Show Clean Up 4-H Show Pop Stand Jr. Superintendent Judging (Livestock, Horse, Meats, Poultry, Dairy, Forestry, Horticulture, Wildlife, etc.) Officer Training Youth Exchange Other Programs Not Listed # Of People Reached or Served IV. 4-H Leadership 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ Indicate major responsibilities with appropriate letter: club (L); county (C); multi-county (M); regional (R); state (S). (Such as jr. leader, project leader, jr. superintendent, etc) Year Offices Committees worked on Indicate committee chaired with (CH) 2002 List specific responsibilities Club (L); county (C); multi-county (M); regional (R); state (S) Example: Taught project workshop on visual arts. V. 4-H Awards (Do not put awards already listed in Section II.) Year Award(s) 1999/ Example: Key Club, I Dare You 2000 # Reached or Served 15 VI. 4-H Community Service/Citizenship Indicate major responsibilities with appropriate letter: club (L); county (C); multi-county (M); regional (R); state (S). Year 2002 Community Service/Citizenship Activity Indicate committee chaired with (CH) Food Basket for Homeless Shelter (CH) List specific responsibilities Club (L); county (C); multi-county (M); regional (R); state (S) Example: Collected donations for food basket, delivered food basket to homeless shelter # Reached or Served 5 VII. Public Presentations or Demonstrations (Do not put talks/demonstrations already listed in Section II.) Date Club, County or State Talk Title Demonstration Title # Reached or Served VII. Promotions and Appearances in Support of 4-H (Interviews or articles written by you.) Year Topic Group Addressed Paper Radio TV VIII. Non-4-H Related Activities, Workshops and Shows Date 2002 Event Example: attended horse workshop and show in Bloomington IX. Non-4-H Related Community Service Indicate committees chaired (CH) Year Group/Organizations Offices held and committees chaired Other participation Honors and recognitions Example 2002 Boy Scouts Car wash, CH Awards Committee Badge X. Miscellaneous This section is for items you feel are important; but did not fit into another section. Year XI. 4-H Story This story needs to be one paragraph in length. A new paragraph will be written for each year you are involved in the 4-H program. The story should consist of personal feelings of your 4-H year. Be sure to include success, failures, learning experiences, a humorous experience or any experience that is not already listed in your records. Year XII. Approval We have reviewed this record: Year Member Parent/Guardian Leader Implemented 04-05 Revised 4/05