
Please complete the following information as completely as possible. Type or print the information in the spaces provided.
ALL Signatures listed are required for application to be considered.
4-H Year:
Name of club/group:
Number of leaders in club/group:
Number years 4-H Club has been established: (check one) _____ 5 or fewer ______ 6-20 years ______ Over 20 years
Club/Group Membership Category:*
Number of members in club/group: (check one)
______ 15 or fewer
______ 16-30
______ Over 30
Adult Contact:
Youth Contact:
Phone: (
We have reviewed this report and believe it to be correct:
Youth Contact Signature:
Adult Contact Signature:
Extension Staff Signature:
Check the Curriculum Area described in the attached report. One curriculum area per report, please. All 4-H
projects and activities fall under one of these curriculum areas. See the listing on the back page of this report form.
Reports placed in incorrect categories will be scored, but will not be eligible for state recognition in that category.
Food, Nutrition & Health
Community Involvement & Global
Home & Family
Environment & Natural Resources
Engineering & Technology
Personal Development
*A maximum of three awards will be presented in each club membership category in all of the seven curriculum
areas. A tenth award may be presented in the club membership category that has the most applicants. Reports
MUST receive a minimum of 50% of eligible points in order to be recognized as a State 4-H Award Winner.
Completed applications are due in the State 4-H Office NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M.
ON AUGUST 15 in order to be accepted for judging.
NOTE: Local Extension Units may set earlier deadlines to ensure delivery.
Illinois 4-H Club/Group Report
These instructions are designed to help a local 4-H club or special interest group report on a group project
or activity. The final report should reflect involvement of the 4-H members and leaders working together
as a team toward the accomplishment of a common goal. Youth members of the club/group should be
involved in preparing this final report (i.e. chairman of the committee, Jr. Leader, Club officer) and
their name(s) and contact information included where requested.
Reports should cover a project or activity completed from August 1 of the previous 4-H year to August 1
of the year in which the report is being completed. Reports on continuing projects or activities that carryover from year-to-year should only include information between the dates listed. Reports are due in the
State 4-H Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 15 of each year. (If August 15 falls on a Saturday
or Sunday, reports are due no later than 5:00 p.m. of the Monday following August 15.)
To be considered for statewide competition in one of the curriculum areas, the report should follow the
standards set in relation to type size, margins, page limitations, etc.
Each report should include:
 Cover page – This page should be completed, including the required signatures and contact
Club/Group Report – A maximum of three (3) pages (single-sided) of typed responses to the
items listed below. Standard 8-1/2” by 11” paper should be used. Type size should be no
smaller than 11 point Times Roman font. (Other fonts may be used, but the Times Roman
font will be used to measure point size.) Margins should be a minimum of 1” on all four
edges of the page. The name or title of the project/activity should be included on the top of
the first page of the report. NOTE: Reports placed in protective sheets may be removed for
photocopying of information and/or ease of reading.
Support Materials – A maximum of 3 double-sided or 6 single-sided pages of support
materials (photos, news stories, letters, etc.) may be included with this report. Captions should
be included for any photographs. Standard 8-1/2” x 11” paper should be used to mount
support materials.
All reports should be stapled together and enclosed in a folder or 3-ring binder for protection. The
name of the club, county, and curriculum area should be visible on the outside of the folder/binder.
A maximum of three awards will be presented in each club membership category in all of the seven
curriculum areas. A tenth award may be presented in the club membership category that has the
most applicants. Reports MUST receive a minimum of 50% of eligible points in order to be
recognized as a State 4-H Award Winner.
NOTE: Reports will be returned to local Extension offices; however, reports from club/groups named as
state winners may be delayed a considerable amount of time.
Club/Group Report:
1) Project Background - Include information on how the project was selected; the group’s goals
for the year; and what you had hoped to accomplish.
Division of Leadership – Describe the responsibilities of the members and adult leaders for the
year. Include committees and their responsibilities, work arrangements, job descriptions and
how jobs fit into the overall picture.
Resources – List and describe outside resources that were utilized to meet your goals, including
individuals, other groups, community facilities, etc. Provide details on why and how these
resources were used. (If the resources listed include another 4-H club, the name of the club and
a contact individual should be listed.)
Activities – List programs that club members attended or presentations members made – in
relation to the project/activity being reported on. Include demonstrations, presentations, media
appearances, tours, workshops, news articles published, field trips, etc.
Educational Results for the Group – What new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes were
learned by individual members or the group as a whole? Be as specific as possible.
Program Results for the Community* – How many people were reached with the
program/activity? What actions were taken by community members as a result of this activity?
How were skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes of the community affected? (* “Community” is
used here to describe whatever group was to be the benefactor of the overall program/activity.
It could be the 4-H club/group itself, the local neighborhood, another specific group, etc.)
Evaluation and Future Plans – Does the group plan to continue this project/activity? If so,
what changes and/or additions do they expect to make to improve their results?
Scoring of the reports will be based on the following criteria:
Teamwork & Youth Leadership
Includes the ability of the group to identify and develop a plan of action; members and leaders
equally involved in the implementation; Youth taking on leadership responsibilities for major
portions of the program; Involvement of other resources in carrying out the plan of action; and
Youth involvement in the completion of this report.
Individual Member’s Experiences
Includes new knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired by members of the group; and Participation
in other activities related to the project.
Contributions to Group and Community
Includes raising awareness within the group and community; Involvement of community in
assisting and/or participating in the program/activity; Changes in community actions; and
Evaluation of program effectiveness and future plans.
Illinois 4-H Club/Group Report – Curriculum Areas
The list below includes Illinois 4-H projects and the curriculum area to which they are assigned. NOTE:
“Community service” is NOT an award category in itself. Community service activities listed should
ONLY apply to the curriculum area in which the Club/Group Report is being submitted.
Agriculture – Includes Animal Sciences (Beef, Cat, Dairy, Dog, Goat, Horse & Pony, Poultry, Rabbit,
Sheep, Small Pets, Swine, Veterinary Science and any related county projects), Plants &
Soils (Plant & Soil Science, Crops & Soils, Horticulture, and any related county projects.) AND
community service projects in either of these two curriculum areas.
Community Involvement & Global Awareness – Includes Citizenship, Intercultural, any related
county projects AND community service projects in this curriculum area.
Environment & Natural Resources – Includes Camping & Outdoor Living, Conservation, Entomology,
Forestry, Geology, Natural Resources, Sportsfishing, any related county projects AND
community service projects in this curriculum area.
Food, Nutrition & Health – Includes all Foods & Nutrition projects (and food safety), Health, any
related county projects AND community service projects in this curriculum area.
Home & Family – Includes Child Development (including safety), Intergenerational, Family Relations,
Clothing & Textiles, Consumer Education, Interior Design, any related county projects AND
community service projects in this curriculum area.
Engineering & Technology – Includes Aerospace, Bicycle, Computer Science, Electricity, Geospatial
(GIS/GPS), Robotics, Safety (mechanical-oriented safety), Small Engines, Tractor,
Woodworking, any related county projects AND community service projects in this
curriculum area.
Personal Development – Includes Communication (public presentations, newswriting), Leadership,
Photography, Visual Arts, Recreation, Theater Arts, any related county projects AND
community service projects in this curriculum area.
University of Illinois  United States Department of Agriculture  Local Extension Councils Cooperating
Urbana, Illinois
Revised May, 2007
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. Dennis Campion, Director, University of Illinois Extension at Urbana-Champaign.
The University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
The 4-H Name and Emblem are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.