2011 Sangamon County Luke J. Gaule Memorial 4-H Livestock Sale

2011 Sangamon County Luke J. Gaule Memorial 4-H Livestock Sale
Rules & Regulations
1) A 4-H member must attend a minimum of three local 4-H club meetings to be eligible to sell
an animal in the Sangamon County 4-H Livestock Sale. Club meeting attendance will be
verified by club minutes taken by the secretary. A report from the club leader will need to be
submitted stating who qualifies to sell in the Livestock Sale to the 4-H office prior to the 4-H
2) A member must be present at the 4-H Show to care for and exhibit his/her livestock to be
eligible to participate in the sale. Advanced written permission from the Youth Development
Action Group must be obtained to retain sale rights if the member will be unable to exhibit.
3) A member must receive a Blue or Red rating with his/her animal to be eligible to sell that
animal in the sale. Any animal receiving a White rating by the judge is ineligible to sell.
4) A member must be at the sale and be the person handling the animal in the sale ring to allow
the animal to be sold. Advanced written permission from the Youth Development Action
Group must be obtained to retain sale rights if the member will be unable to be present at the
5) Sign-up for the sale will be held when the animals are weighed. The 4-H member, at that
time, informs the weighing committee whether or not the animals will be sold with
cancellation later possible. Live animal exhibitors have two hours after the conclusion of the
last class.
6) A 4-H member may sell one of the following: steer, market heifer, barrow, market gilt,
market lamb, dairy/meat goat wether, one rabbit from market pen of three, one poultry
animal from market pen of three, or a turkey. ALL animals will sell by the head/pen.
7) If a member has multiple Grand Champions (Grand Champion Steer Overall, Grand
Champion Barrow Overall, Champion Market Lamb, Champion Dairy/Meat Goat Wether,
Champion Pen of Poultry, Champion Rabbit Meat Pen and/or Champion Turkey), he or she
may sell any or all.
8) The Sale weight for live swine is 230 to 285 pounds. Swine not meeting the minimum sale
weight may be sold when the 4-H member agrees to purchase the animal back from the buyer
at market price for a 230 pound animal. Swine over 285 pounds will sell at 285 pounds.
Animal weights will be determined by weighing at the County 4-H Show.
9) The minimum sale weight for Cattle is 1000 pounds. Cattle not meeting the minimum sale
weight may be sold when the 4-H member agrees to purchase the animal back from the buyer
at market price for a 1000 pound animal. Animal weights will be determined by weighing at
the County 4-H Show.
10) The minimum sale weight for Market Lambs is 69 pounds. Market Lambs not meeting the
minimum sale weight may be sold when the 4-H member agrees to purchase the animal back
from the buyer at market price for a 69 pound lamb. Animal weights will be determined by
weighing at the 4-H County Show.
11) Rabbit and Poultry members may sell one animal from their market pen of three. Minimum
weights will be 3.5 pounds on large rabbit breeds and 2.5 pounds on small rabbit breeds.
12) Sellers need to recognize the buyers of their animal in an appropriate manner of their choice.
Buyer recognition plaques (approximately $6.50-7.25 each) will still be an option, with the
cost being withheld from the member’s sale check. The member should inform sale clerks at
the conclusion of the sale as to the number of recognition plaques required.{Herrin Ltd.
wishes only to receive the name plates, no plaque}
13) Ten percent (10%) of the sale premium (sale premium = sale price - $6.00 – market value of
animal) will be withheld from each member’s check and donated to the Sangamon County 4H Foundation to support 4-H scholarships. The ten- percent withholding for scholarships
will only apply to animals that bring at least ten percent above current market price.
14) A 4-H'er who wishes to sell their animal but still take the animal home for future showing
must write a check for the market price of that animal the night of the sale. Contact the clerks
by 6:00 p.m. The buyer must write a check for the auction price of the animal if he/she takes
the animal.
15) If a member will have multiple buyers purchasing his/her animal, he/she MUST inform the
sale clerk the night of the sale with the exact breakdown of buyers. The Extension office will
bill all buyers with total sale purchases of $25 or higher. 4-H members will receive an
itemized bill and will be responsible for collecting and submitting contributions from their
buyers with total sale purchases of less than $25.
16) The buyers name, contact name (if different than the buyers name), phone number, and
billing address must be provided during buyer registration prior to the sale. Buyers will be
asked to pay within 30 days after receiving their bill. A 2 % interest charge will be made for
each month the bill is outstanding. *Each 4-H'er will be paid only after all of their buyer's
money has been collected.
17) Buyer options – NOTE: Many animals are reserved for future shows by the 4-H members. If
the animal is not reserved then: 1) the buyer may keep the animal or 2) Resale - Hogs and
steers may be resold to a sight selected by the committee. Slaughter – is no longer an option.
18) 4-H members must help load their animal onto trucks following the sale.
19) The sale will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the U of I Extension Bldg.