
Sangamon-Menard Extension Unit
4-H Project Activities and
Exhibit Requirements
Project: Computer Science 2, Peer to Peer
Suggested for: Advanced skill level
Latest Starting Date: May 1
Recommended Project Activities:
Discover how to create and manage networks.
Explore the issues of responsible computer use.
Make decisions about network management, security issues, and trouble
Give a talk or demonstration related to the project.
Complete your Project Planning Sheet.
Project Exhibit Requirements:
Exhibitors may bring computer equipment for demonstration purposes.
Computers will not be furnished. The State Fair and 4-H staff are not
responsible for the safety or security of any computer equipment. Internet
connections are not available for use by exhibitors. Any member found to be
using computer software in a manner that infringes on copyright laws will be
Exhibits are limited to the maximum size of 2’ wide x 15” deep for display or
22” x 30” for a hanging poster. Exhibitors age 10 and older must fill out a 1
page 4-H Exhibit Report to include with their exhibit. The 4-H Exhibit Report
can be found on our county website at
http://web.extension.uiuc.edu/sangamonmenard/4hyouth1157.html under
the printable forms section. If you do not have internet access you can
contact your 4-H leader, or call the Extension Office to receive a copy of the
report form.
Project members can choose one of the following options, ALL OF WHICH ARE
ELIGIBLE FOR STATE FAIR – 4-H member must be 10 years of age by
September 1 of the current 4-H year to exhibit at the State Fair.
Option 1 – Peer to Peer - Create a computer slideshow to share what
you have learned about creating and using computer networks or using
networks for online collaborations. Bring a science board display or a
laptop computer to share your work.
Option 2 - Beginning Computer Programming – Exhibit a
flowchart or alternative visual representation of a program that
exhibitor has written, not copied from another source. Exhibitor also
may choose to demonstrate the actual program. (NOTE: Neither
computers nor internet connections are provided to exhibitors.)
Choice of programming language is optional. Programs exhibited in
this class require the use of one or more of each of the following kinds
of commands:
Comments to the reader of the program (e.g., "Now subtract
Taxes from GrossPay to get NetPay").
Instructions to the user of the program (e.g., "Press Q at any
time to quit this program").
Assignment of data into variables (e.g., "NetPay = GrossPay Taxes;").
Choosing between alternatives based on the current value of a
variable (e.g., "IF NetPay >= 100000 THEN PRINT ‘THANK
Looping, that is, repeating a group of instructions more than
once, using a looping structure (“FOR”, “DO”, etc.). The ending
of the loop must be controlled, not just left to loop forever (e.g.,
"10 GOTO 10"). Controlling the end of the looping may be done
using an "IF" statement from item 4.
Input from, and output to a user.
Option 3 – Advanced Projects - An advanced project which
demonstrates high levels of knowledge, skill and experience, and involve
either (a) programming beyond the scope and sophistication of the
beginning programming class, OR (b) an integrated project or product
which does not readily fit into any of the other class descriptions (for
example designing animation programs; describing a computer-based
business which the member operates).
If exhibitor is chosen as a State Fair Delegate, they need to indicate to the
Extension Office which of the above three categories their exhibit fits into so
that it will get entered correctly for State Fair.
NEW – National 4-H Engineering Challenge – State Fair will be selecting two
4-H members exhibiting superior computer projects to represent Illinois at the
2011 National 4-H Engineering Challenge. To be eligible for this national
event, exhibitors must be 14 years of age as of 1/1/2011 and be willing to
participate fully in the national event scheduled for September 25-27 at Purdue
REVISED 1/2011