Sangamon-Menard Extension Unit 4-H Project Activities and Exhibit Requirements

Sangamon-Menard Extension Unit
4-H Project Activities and
Exhibit Requirements
Project: Forests of Fun 2 – Reach for the Canopy
Suggested for: Grades 6-8
Latest Starting Date: May 1
Recommended Project Activities:
• Learn how trees absorb water and nutrients.
• Learn about the various parts of a leaf.
• Learn the life cycle of a tree.
• Learn about forest habitats.
• Give a talk or demonstration related to the project.
• Complete your Project Planning Sheet.
Project Exhibit Requirements:
Exhibit any product or display illustrating an activity from your project
book Reach for the Canopy. Table-top displays should be limited to 2’
wide and 15” deep and maximum poster size is 22” x 30”.
Exhibitors age 10 and older must fill out a 1 page 4-H Exhibit Report
to include with their exhibit. The 4-H Exhibit Report can be found on
our county website at
under the printable forms section. If you do not have internet access
you can contact your 4-H leader, or call the Extension Office to
receive a copy of the report form.
EXHIBIT ELIBIBLE FOR STATE FAIR -- 4-H member must be 10
years of age by September 1 of the current 4-H year to exhibit at the
State Fair.
REVISED 3/2009