
Illinois 4-H Projects for 2011-2012
Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan & Scott
Participant’s Name _______________________ Club Name_______________________________
I have enrolled in _____ projects this year (as noted below.) The Cass, Calhoun, Greene, Morgan & Scott
Unit will cover the cost of 10 project manuals per 4-H member. After the maximum number is met the cost
is the responsibility of the 4-H member. Manuals range in cost from $2.50 to $10.00.
Fill in the square  if you wish to enroll in the project. Fill in both the square and circle  if you need the
project manual. The GRADE notations are SUGGESTED grades.
Aerospace-select 1
 Aerospace 2 (grds 3-5)
 Aerospace 3 (grds 6-8)
 Aerospace 4 (grds 9-12)
Beef-select 1
 Beef 1 (beginner)
 Beef 2 (intermediate)
 Beef 3 (advanced)
Bicycles-select 1
 Bicycle 2 (grds 4-6)
 Bicycle 2 (grds 4-6)
 Bicycle 3 (grds 7-9)
Camping-select 1
 Outdoor Adventures 1 (beginner)
 Outdoor Adventures 2 (intermediate)
 Outdoor Adventures 3 (advanced)
Cats-select 1
 Cat 1 (beginner)
 Cat 2 (intermediate)
 Cat 3 (advanced)
Child Development-select 1
 Child Dev. 1 (grds 3-4)
 Child Dev. 2 (grds 5-6)
 Child Dev. 3 (ages grds 7-10)
Citizenship-may select 1 Citizenship &
1 Service Learning
Citizenship 1 (grds 3-5)
Citizenship 2 (grds 6-8)
Citizenship 3 (grds 9-12)
Service Learning I (grds 5-8)
Service Learning II (grds 9-12)
Clothing & Textiles-may select 1Sewing &
Textiles & 1 Clothing Decisions
 Sewing & Textiles 1 (beginner)
 Sewing & Textiles 2 (intermediate)
 Sewing & Textiles 3 (advanced)
 Clothing Decisions 1 (intermediate)
 Clothing Decisions 2 (advanced)
Communications-may select
1 Communications & Journalism & Public
Communications 1 (grds 3-5)
Communications 2 (grds 6-8)
Communications 3 (grds 9-12)
Journalism (grds 7-12)
Public Presentations (all ages)
Computers-select 1
 Computer Science Intro (beginning)
 Computer Science I (intermediate)
 Computer Science 2 (advanced)
 Computer Science 3 (advanced)
Consumer Ed-may select 1 Consumer
Savvy, 1 Financial Champs, &
 Consumer Savvy I (grds 4-5)
 Consumer Savvy 2 (grds 6-8)
 Consumer Savvy 3 (grds 9-12)
 Financial Champions 1 (grds 7-8)
 Financial Champions 2 (grds 9-10)
 Entrepreneurship (grds 7-12)
Crops and Soils
 Corn (all grds)
 Small Grains (all grds)
 Soybeans (all grds)
Dogs-select 1
 Dog 1 (beginner)
 Dog 2 (intermediate)
 Dog 3 (advanced)
Electricity-select 1
 Electricity I (ages 8-10)
 Electricity II (ages 11-12)
 Electricity III (ages 12-13)
 Electricity IV-Electronics (ages 14+)
Entomology-select 1
 Entomology 1 (grds 3-5)
 Entomology 2 (grds 6-8)
 Entomology 3 (grds 9-12)
Floriculture-may select 2
 Floriculture A (grds 3-4)
 Floriculture B (grds 5-6)
 Floriculture C (grds 7-9)
 Floriculture D (grds 10-12)
Food and Nutrition-may select all
 4-H Cooking 101(beginner)
 4-H Cooking 201(intermediate)
 4-H Cooking 301(intermediate)
 4-H Cooking 401(advanced)
 Food Preservation (ages 13+)
 Meat & Other Protein (ages 13+)
 Microwave Magic A (beginner)
 Microwave Magic B (intermediate)
 Microwave Magic C (intermediate)
 Microwave Magic D (advanced)
 Outdoor Meals I (beginner)
 Sports Nutrition (grds 4-6)
Forestry-select 1
 Forests of Fun 1 (grds 3-5)
 Forests of Fun 2 (grds 6-8)
 Forests of Fun 3 (grds 9-12)
 Geology (all grds)
Geospatial-select 1
 Explrg Spaces, Going Places 1
 Explrg Spaces, Going Places 2
 Explrg Spaces, Going Places 3
Goats-may select 1 Dairy Goat and 1 Meat
Goat (Pygmy Goats are included in Meat Goat
project area)
Dairy Goats I (beginner)
Dairy Goats 2 (intermediate)
Dairy Goats 3 (advanced)
Meat Goats 1 (beginner)
Meat Goats 2 (intermediate)
Meat Goats 3 (advanced)
Health-select 1
 Health 1 (beginner)
 Health 2 (beginner)
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dennis
Campion, Director, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities
in programs and employment. The 4-H Name and Emblem are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.
 Health 3 (intermediate)
 Poultry 3 (advanced)
Horse and Pony-select 1
 Horse 1 (beginner)
 Horse 2 (intermediate)
 Horse 3 (intermediate to advanced)
 Horse 4 (advanced)
 Horse 5 (advanced)
Rabbits-select 1
 Rabbit 1 (beginner)
 Rabbit 2 (intermediate)
 Rabbit 3 (advanced)
Horticulture-select 1
 Vegetable Gardening A
 Vegetable Gardening B
 Vegetable Gardening C
 Vegetable Gardening D
Robotics-(grds4-12) select 1
Virtual Robotics Level 1
Junk Drawer Robotics Level 1
Junk Drawer Robotics Level 2
Junk Drawer Robotics Level 3
Intercultural Must order NEW book
 Passport to the World (all ages)
 Walk In My Shoes (all ages)
Interior Design
 Interior Design (grds 5-12)
 Llamas (Scott County Only)
Leadership-select 1
 Leadership I (grds 3-6)
 Leadership 2 (grds 7-9)
 Leadership 3 (grds 10-12)
Natural Resources-may select 1 Exploring
Your Environment, 1 Natural Resources, 1
Sportsfishing & 1 Wildlife
 Explmg Your Envmmnt 1 (grds 6-8)
 Explmg Your Envmmnt 2 (grds 6-8)
 Natural Resources 1 (beginner)
 Natural Resources 2 (intermediate)
 Natural Resources 3 (advanced)
 Sportfishing 1 (grds 3-5)
 Sportfishing 2 (grds 6-8)
 Sportfishing 3 (grds 9-12)
 Wildlife A (grds 3-4)
 Wildlife B (grds 5-6)
Performing Arts-select 1
 Theater Arts I (all grds)
 Theater Arts 2 (all grds)
 Theater Arts 3 (all grds)
Photography-select 1
 Photography 1 (beginner)
 Photography 2 (intermediate)
 Photography 3 (advanced)
Plant & Soil-select 1
 Plants & Soils 1 (beginner)
 Plants & Soils 2 (intermediate)
 Plants & Soils 3 (advanced)
Poultry-select 1
 Poultry 1 (beginner)
 Poultry 2 (intermediate)
 Woodworking 2 (intrmed)
 Woodworking 3 (intrmed to advd)
 Woodworking 4 (advanced)
 Video/Filmmaking
Sheep-select 1
 Sheep 1 (beginner)
 Sheep 2 (intermediate)
 Sheep 3 (advanced)
Shooting Sports-Morgan, Scott
Cass only-there is no exhibit opportunity;
participants meet as a group for instruction
and competition. Enrollment number is
limited. May select all 3.
 Shotgun
 Rifle
 Archery
Small Engines-select 1
 Small Engines 1 (beginner)
 Small Engines 2 (intermediate)
 Small Engines 3 (advanced)
Small Pets-select 1
 Small Pets 1 (grds 3-4)
 Small Pets 2 (grds 5-7)
 Small Pets 3 (8-12)
Swine-select 1
 Swine 1 (beginner)
 Swine 2 (intermediate)
 Swine 3 (advanced)
Tractor-select 1
 Tractor A (beginner)
 Tractor B (intermediate)
 Tractor C (intermediate)
 Tractor D (advanced)
Veterinary Science-select 1
 Vet Science 1 (grds 7-12)
 Vet Science 2 (grds 7-12)
 Vet Science 3 (grds 10-12)
Visual Arts
 Visual Arts (all grds)
 Welding I (grds 7 and up)
Woodworking-select 1
 Woodworking 1 (beginner)
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dennis Campion,
Director, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and
employment. The 4-H Name and Emblem are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.