
Pike County 4-H Newsletter
August/September 2008
Dear 4-H Families, Leaders, and Volunteers,
Thank you so much to the 4-H families and volunteers who adapted so well to the unusual
circumstances of the 2008 4-H shows. This summer, the Pike County fair was cancelled, but
thanks to the outstanding people involved in the 4-H program, the shows went on with only a few
minor changes.
A big THANK YOU goes to all of the members, parents, leaders, livestock sale committee
members, superintendents, judges, judges helpers, trophy and award sponsors, sale buyers, and all
volunteers who helped make the Pike County 4-H shows a success. We appreciate all that you do
to support the 4-H program.
Now that the county fair is over, it’s time to work on 4-H records. Records are a way to show you
have successfully completed your project work and a way to win awards at the 4-H Achievement
program on November 1. Records are due into our office be 4:30 p.m. on September 3. Check out
the important information and deadlines inside this newsletter.
The new 4-H year begins on September 1, 2008 for new and continuing members. To be eligible
for 4-H membership this year, youth must be 8 years old by September 1, 2008 or entering third
grade and cannot be 19 years of age by Sept. 1. Youth between the ages of 5 and 7 may join a
Cloverbud group.
The Clover publication and enrollment forms will be available soon for you to choose your 4-H
projects for the coming year.
Have you written your thank you notes yet? Trophy and cash award winners and 4-H Sale
participants, PLEASE take the time to write a thank you note or make a personal visit to the
donor to express your appreciation for their support of the 4-H program. Addresses were
attached to trophies and award envelopes. Let our donors know how much they are
Looking forward to another great year,
Kelly Pool
Youth Development Educator
Cheri Myers
Community Worker-4-H & Youth
Inside this issue
4-H Records Information……………………………………………….2
Achievement Night Awards…….………………………………………3
4-H Spotlight, Federation……………………………………………….4
New Projects, Leader Corner…………………………………………...4
Food Demonstration Recipes, Events, Food Drive…………….……… 5
Fundraiser Information………………………………………………… 6
Calendar of Events……………………………………………………...6
4-H Records
Wondering how to win awards at the
county and state level? To be eligible for
awards, you must turn in the following by
4:30 p.m. on September 3:
1. Illinois 4-H Member Record-aka- the
permanent record
2. One 4-H Story for each curriculum areafor example:
Achievement-(Includes all project work during
the member's 4-H career)
Animal Science (Beef, Swine, Cats, Dogs, etc.)
Community Involvement (Citizenship,
Intercultural, etc.)
Environment & Natural Resources
(Entomology, Wildlife, Natural Resources, etc.)
Record TipsIt is important to turn in a neat, complete record. Try
to write, print, or type very carefully. Put your
records in a folder with your name clearly marked.
All members should have received a free folder from
the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Leadership involvement includes activities that you
have been in charge of-for example-Federation
programs, any type of talk or presentation, teaching
a younger 4-H member.
Participation includes activities and programs that
you attended. We have examples of how to fill out
the permanent record, livestock records, and 4-H
stories in the office. There is also an Award and
Recognition Guide available in the office which
gives information on all awards available in the
summer shows and Achievement program.
Powerpoint-Getting Records into Shape available
at: http://www.4-h.uiuc.edu/staff/records04.ppt
Food, Nutrition, & Health (Food, Health)
Home & Family (Child Development, Clothing,
Interior Design)
Engineering & Technology (Computers,
Woodworking, Electricity, etc)
Personal Development (Visual Arts,
Leadership, Phtography, etc.)
Plants and Soils-(Horticulture, Crops, Soils)
More information on curriculum areas are on
page 59 of the Illinois Clover.
3. Livestock Records (these MUST be turned
in if you sold an animal in the 4-H Livestock
Sale this year and want to sell next year.)
4. State Award Recognition Those members
15 and over by September 1, 2007 may apply for
state awards at this time, also. A state award
includes a trip to National 4-H Congress. Call
the office if you need assistance with your
record applications or need permanent records or
livestock records. Application available at
4-H Achievement
Night Program is
November 1
1. Club of the Year applications.
2. Standards of Excellence report-(Clubs receive
patches for their banners by filling out this simple
form that was given out at fall leader meeting.)
3. Club scrapbooks for the county scrapbook
4. Treasurers books (these are required to be
filed each year) and Secretary books.
5. Key award nominations for members who are at
least 16 and have met all of the criteria for 2 years as
listed on page 55 of the Illinois Clover.
6. Darlene Schroeder Home Economics awardbased on project achievement in the Home Ec. area,
4-H participation, and leadership. Winner receives a
silver, engraved tray
7. 4-H alumni nominations-given to a former
4-H member who is a deserving individual who
gives time and commitment to 4-H and the
Applications are available in the office.
Awards available at the 4-H Achievement program
Junior Leader pins and certificates (Leaders
submit the names of their Junior Leaders)
Project Medals and Blue awards for
curriculum areas: Achievement; Animal
Sciences; Community Involvement &
Global Awareness; Environment & Natural
Resources; Food, Nutrition, & Health;
Home & Family; Engineering &
Technology; Personal Development; Plants
& Soils.
1st and 2nd year members who turn in
records are recognized. (Outstanding
members are chosen)
Trophies for Leadership, Citizenship, Public
Speaking, Food Demonstrations, Dairy
Judging, Forestry Judging, Horse Judging,
Outstanding Conservation Project.
Club Dairy Month Promotion (cash awards).
Top Secretary and Treasurer’s awards
(submit books for judging by Oct. 15).
Fairbook cover contest winner (chosen from
entries submitted in March).
Club scrapbook award (cash award for top
scrapbook-entries due Oct. 15).
National 4-H Week club window display
contest (cash awards).
Determined Detroiters Matt Swartz
Memorial award (based on club records
turned in).
Pittsfield Producers Traveling Trophy
(based on club records turned in).
Cloverbuds who fill out records.
Darlene Schroeder award (Application in
office-due October 15).
If a donor is available: Animal Science
Award Jackets- an award for the top 4-H
members in Animal Science projects.
Member must be 14 years of age or over at
the time of Achievement night. The awards
are based on: 1. Participation in county and
state fairs, clinics, workshops, judging,
showmanship contests, attendance at club
and county-wide events. 2. Knowledge of
project. 3. Records, livestock record-keeping
(if applicable), 4-H Member record, and a
well-written 4-H story about their project.
Award winners receive a wind jacket pull
over which identifies the species in which
they won their award. Awards areas- Beef,
Swine, Sheep, Goats, Horses, Poultry,
Rabbits, Dairy, Dogs, and Cats.
Club Recognition Patches for turning the
following into the office: club program, club
officer roster, Standards of Excellence
Electricity Achievement Award; Electricity
School Patches and Certificates.
Club of the year (Forms available in the
office-due Oct. 15).
Illinois Dairy Breeders Awards (HolsteinFriesian Association)
Key award (For members 16 yrs. of age and
over who have met the nine leadership
standards listed on page 57 of the Illinois
Club Intercultural award for utilizing the
state 4-H culture kits or other intercultural
4-H Member Alumni award (presented to
members who completed their last year of
4-H Alumni award (Anyone may nominate a
deserving community individual. Forms in
4-H Spotlight
Congratulations to the 2008 Pike County 4-H
Foundation Scholarship winners:
Jenna Guthrie-Independent Member
Carrie Hill-Pittsfield Producers
Jennifer Moore-Milton Raise-Its
Danielle Baughman attended the Veterinary
Medicine Illini Summer Academy at the
University of Illinois campus in June. She was
sponsored by Two Rivers FS.
Jenna Guthrie and Carrie Hill instructed a Horse
Clinic at the Pike County Fairgrounds.
Thank you to those who came to the Fairground
Work Day on Saturday, July 12.
Jenna Guthrie placed first in the Judging phase
of the Horse Superior Young Producer Contest.
The contest was held during the Jr. Horse Show
in July.
Almost fifty 4-H members read ads at WBBA
radio station to promote 4-H shows and sale.
Andy Woods will be participating in the ADM
Master Showmanship contest at the state fair.
4-H Federation
Attention, 4-H members in 7th grade and up-join us at the fall kick-off meeting on Tuesday,
September 9 at 4:30 p.m. at the Farm Bureau
Hall in Pittsfield. Join the Feds for a good time
while participating in leadership opportunities.
New 4-H Projects
New projects for 2008-2009 are:
Computer Science Intro and Levels 1-3
Dairy Goats Levels 1-3
4-H Cooking 201 (Intermediate level)
Leader Corner
Records due September 3
Please check with your members to make sure
they have completed their 4-H records. Call the
office with any questions.
Club Awards
Has your club had an outstanding activity or
program this year? Your club can receive awards
and recognition for their accomplishments.
Applications are available at
Deadline for submission to the Pike County
Extension office is August 12, 2008.
Club Floats
The Pittsfield Fall Festival Committee is looking
for groups that would like to enter a float in their
parade which is Saturday, August 30 at 1:00.
Call Bobette Clowers at 217-370-9846 or
Morgan Hill at 217-370-2561 for more
Sew Cool in School
This is a program that offers specially priced
patterns, free classroom materials, and other
supplies that you could use for sewing project
groups. Call the office for the school code then
log on to www.sewcoolinschool.com
Recycling Center
September 6
Pittsfield Producers
October 4
Griggsville 4-H Club
November 1
Milton Raise-Its
Closed in December and re-opens in April.
National 4-H Week-October 5-11, 2008
Please promote this event in your community.
There will be a window display contest held that
week. As soon as the theme is finalized, it will
be sent to leaders.
Leader Birthdays
August 1
Lori Clendenny
September 7
Kim Motley
September 8
Lori Berquist
September 11
Robert Berquist
September 12
Cindy Prentice
September 17
Laura Reis
September 19
Jamie Kelley
September 20
Jerri Woods
September 23
Mary Lagemann
Recipes from Home Ec.
Show Food Demonstrations
Pesto Ravioli by Wilson Webel
Pesto: 3 c. Basil
3 cloves garlic
⅛ c. Chives
½ c. parmesan cheese
⅓ c. pine nuts
½ c. olive oil
Blend pesto in blender. Take a spot of pesto & a
pinch of cheese & place on wonton wrapper.
Wet edges of wrapper & fold into a triangle.
Pinch edges. Boil for 30 seconds-1 minute.
Makes 30.
Mexican Layered Dip by Aubrey DeVries
Two 15 oz. cans mashed refried beans
½ c. taco sauce
Chopped lettuce
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese Chopped tomatoes
Add to your taste: olives, onions, peppers.
In a bowl, mix together beans & taco sauce.
Spread on a platter. Top with lettuce, cheese, &
Apple Banana Wraps by Madalene Davis
1 small banana, peeled,
1 c. chopped apple
⅓ c. crunchy peanut butter, Four 7-8 in. tortillas
Put the banana in bowl & mash with a fork. Add
the peanut butter & stir with a wooden spoon.
Spread peanut butter mixture over tortillas.
Sprinkle with apple. Tightly roll up tortillas. Cut
each roll-up in half. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap
and refrigerate for 24 hrs. Make 4 servings.
Mexican Wedding Cookies by Jayme Brace
1 c unsalted butter, at room temperature
½ c. confectioners’ sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1¾ c. flour
1 c. pecans
Preheat the oven to 275 º. Line cookie sheets
with parchment paper. Using an electric mixer,
cream the butter and sugar at low speed until
smooth. Beat in vanilla. At low speed, gradually
add the flour. Mix in pecans with a spatula. With
floured hands, take out about 1 tablespoon of
dough and shape into a crescent or whatever
shape you like. Continue to dust hands with
flour as you make more cookies. Place onto
prepared cookie sheets. Bake for 40 minutes.
When cool enough to handle but still warm, roll
in additional confectioners’ sugar. Cool on wire
racks. Makes about 3 dozen.
Illinois Natural History Survey 150th
Anniversary Celebration
September 26Scientific Symposium-9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
I-Hotel in Champaign, IL.
September 27Presentation by herpetologist and TV
personality, Mark O’Shea. 10:00-noon at I-Hotel
in Champaign.
Illinois Natural History Survey Expo-noon -6:00
p.m.-Natural History Survey-1816 S. Oak St. in
All events are free but online registration is
requested for Symposium and O’Shea
presentation at
4-H CAN Make a Difference
Food Drive at the Illinois
State Fair
Help battle hunger by
contributing to the 4-H CAN
Make a Difference Food Drive.
Food collection stations will be
at all entrance gates,
information booths, and various
locations throughout the Illinois
State fairgrounds. When you
visit the state fair bring a can, box, or bag of nonperishable food. All donations go to local food
banks, pantries, and shelters. This year with families
tightening their belts due to rising energy costs, your
help is needed more than ever. Participants will
receive a discount coupon for state fair food.
Volunteers are also needed to help staff one of the
food drive stations. Call 224/688/6637 or email
kwagaho@illinois.edu if you can help.
We’re on the web
Federation Fundraiser
Starts August 29
It’s time again for the
annual Federation
fundraiser. Now more
than ever we need your help
with this important 4-H fundraiser.
We will be selling pizzas, cookie dough,
candy, gift items and more. The funds raised
will be used for 4-H educational
programming in Pike County.
Everyone buys pizza-so why not help
support the 4-H program, too?
 Top salesman receives $10.00,
first choice of four top prizes,
Clover Cash, and up to 12
additional prizes.
 The top four sellers receive their
choice of four prizes. Prizes will
be on display in the office when
you pick up your sales packet.
 The prize brochure allows you to
earn from 1 to 12 different
 Cash prizes-get Clover Cash for
every 10 items sold.
 Pizza party for top clubs.
Packets will be ready after August 15. You
can pick up your sales packets when you
bring in your records.
Products will be delivered on Saturday,
October 18 from 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. at the
Farm Bureau Hall. Please participate in this
important fundraiser.
Calendar of Events
8-17 Illinois State Fair
Pike County Judging at the State
Deadline for Club award
applications to state 4-H office
New 4-H Year Begins
4-H Records Due into the office
Recycling Center-Pittsfield
Federation 4:30
Federation serves at HCE dinner
Fundraiser forms due back in office
Recycling Center-Griggsville 4-H
5-11 National 4-H Week
Federation 4:30
Fundraiser delivery-11:00 -1:00
Achievement Night-7:00 p.m.
Recycling Center-Milton Raise-Its
Federation 4:30
Federation 4:30
4-H Foundation Craft Show
Pike County Extension Director: Jennifer Mowen
Youth Development Educator: Kelly Pool
Community Worker: Cheri Myers
Newsletter written by: Cheri Myers
If you have any questions or comments regarding this
issue of
Clover Power please contact us at:
State/County/Local Groups/United States
Department of Agriculture Cooperating.
University of Illinois Extension
provides equal opportunities in programs and
If you need a reasonable accommodation to
participate in any programs, please contact
University of Illinois Extension, Pike County at