
Pike County 4-H Newsletter
Aug/ Sept 2010
Dear 4-H Families, Leaders, and Volunteers,
Thank you so much to the 4-H families and volunteers who helped make the summer shows a
A big THANK YOU goes to all of the members, parents, leaders, livestock sale committee
members, superintendents, judges, judges helpers, trophy and award sponsors, sale buyers, and all
volunteers who helped make the Pike County 4-H shows a success. We appreciate all that you do
to support the 4-H program.
Now that the shows are over, it’s time to work on 4-H records. Records are a way to show you
have successfully completed your project work and a way to win awards at the 4-H Achievement
program on Saturday, November 6. Records are due into our office be 4:30 p.m. on September 8.
Check out the important information and deadlines inside this newsletter.
The new 4-H year begins on September 1, 2010 for new and continuing members. To be eligible
for 4-H membership this year, youth must be 8 years old by September 1, 2010 or entering third
grade and cannot be 19 years of age by Sept. 1. Youth between the ages of 5 and 7 may join a
Cloverbud group.
The Clover publication and enrollment forms will be available soon for you to choose your 4-H
projects for the coming year.
Have you written your thank you notes? Trophy and cash award winners and 4-H Sale participants,
PLEASE take the time to write a thank you note or make a personal visit to the donor to express
your appreciation for their support of the 4-H program. Addresses were attached to trophies and
award envelopes. Let our donors know how much they are appreciated.
4-H records are due
September 9
Please pick up
your fundraiser
Inside this issue
4-H Records Information………………………………………………..2
Achievement Night Awards…….……………………………………….3
Deadlines, 4-H Show Champions.……….............................................4-6
Contest Results, New Projects, Cloverbud News ………………………7
List of sponsors………………………………………………………….8
Leader Corner, Federation………………………………………………9
National 4-H Week, Shooting Sports, Spotlight……………….……….10
Food Demonstrations, State Fair results, Calendar of Events ………….11
Fundraiser Information………………………………………………….12
Cheri Myers
Community Worker-4-H & Youth
Kelly Pool
Youth Development Educator
4-H Records
2. One 4-H Story for each curriculum
area- Example: Suzy is enrolled in Cats,
Dogs, Sewing, 4-H Cooking 101 and
Woodworking. She needs to write one story
for Cats and Dogs (Animal Science), one for
Sewing (Personal Development), one for
Cooking (Food & Nutrition), and one for
Woodworking (Engineering & Technology).
Story examples are available upon request.
Curriculum and project areas:
Includes all project work, leadership, &
community service during the member’s
4-H career.
Animal Science
Includes Beef, Cats, Dairy, Dogs, Goats,
Horse & Pony, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep,
Small Pets, Swine, Veterinary Science.
Community Involvement & Global
Citizenship, Intercultural, Service
Engineering & Technology
Aerospace, Bicycle, Computer Science,
Electricity, Geospatial, Robotics, Safety,
Small Engines, Tractor, Welding,
Environment & Natural Resources
Conservation, Camping & Outdoor
Living, Entomology, Forestry, Geology,
Natural Resources, Sportfishing,
Wildlife projects.
Home & Family
Child Development, Consumer
Education, Entrepreneurship,
Intergenerational, Interior Design,
Sewing & Textiles, Fashion Revue.
Personal Development
Communication, Leadership,
Photography, Theater Arts, Visual Arts
Plants & Soils
Crops, Floriculture, Horticulture, Plant
& Soil Science
3. Livestock Records (these MUST be turned in
if you sold an animal in the 4-H Livestock Sale
this year and want to sell next year.) Available at:
4. State Award Recognition Members 15 and
over by September 1, 2009 may apply for state
awards at this time. A state award includes a trip
to National 4-H Congress. Call the office if you
need assistance. Application available at
Record TipsIt is important to turn in a neat, complete record.
Try to write, print, or type very carefully. Put your
records in a folder with your name clearly marked.
All members should have received a free folder
from the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Leadership involvement includes activities that
you have been in charge of, for exampleFederation programs, any type of talk or
presentation, teaching a younger 4-H member.
Participation includes activities and programs that
you attended. We have examples of permanent
records, livestock records, and 4-H stories in the
Illinois 4-H Member Record-aka- the
permanent record. This record is now
available as a type-on form and can be
emailed to you or downloaded from our
Food, Nutrition, & Health
All Foods & Nutrition projects, Health
It’s time to turn in 4-H records! In order
to be eligible for awards, you must turn in
the following by 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 8:
Awards available at the 4-H Achievement program
4-H Achievement
Award Program
is November 6
Illinois Dairy Breeders Awards (HolsteinFriesian Association)
Club Dairy Month Promotion (cash
Junior Leader pins & certificates (Leaders
submit the names of their Junior Leaders)
Top Secretary & Treasurer’s awards
(submit books for judging by Oct. 18).
Project Medals & Blue awards for
curriculum/project areas listed on page 2.
Fairbook cover contest winner (chosen
from entries submitted in Feb).
1st & 2nd year members who turn in
records are recognized. (Outstanding
members are chosen)
Club scrapbook award (cash award for top
scrapbook-entries due Oct. 18).
Animal Science Award Jackets- an award
for the top 4-H members in Animal
Science projects. Member must be 14
years of age or over at the time of
Achievement night. The awards are based
on: 1. Participation in county and state
fairs, clinics, workshops, judging,
showmanship contests, attendance at club
and county-wide events. 2. Knowledge of
project. 3. Records, livestock recordkeeping (if applicable), 4-H Member
record, & a well-written 4-H story about
their project.
Award winners receive a wind jacket pull
over which identifies the species in which
they won their award. Awards areas- Beef,
Swine, Sheep, Goats, Horses, Poultry,
Rabbits, Dairy, Dogs, and Cats.
Electricity Achievement Award;
Electricity School Patches & Certificates.
Darlene Schroeder award (Application in
office-due October 18).
Club Recognition Patches for turning the
following into the office: club program,
club officer roster, Standards of
Excellence Form.
Club Intercultural award for utilizing the
state 4-H culture kits or other intercultural
4-H Member Alumni award (presented to
members who completed their last year of
4-H Alumni award-anyone may
nominate a deserving community
Club of the year (Forms available in the
office-due Oct. 18).
Cloverbuds who fill out records receive a
small gift.
Pittsfield Producers Traveling Trophy
(based on club records turned in).
Trophies for Leadership, Citizenship,
Public Speaking, Food Demonstrations,
Dairy Judging, Forestry Judging, Horse
Judging, Outstanding Conservation
National 4-H Week club window display
contest (cash awards).
2. Standards of Excellence report-(Clubs
receive patches for their banners by filling out
this simple form that was given out at fall
leader meeting.)
3. Club scrapbooks for the county scrapbook
Pike Co. 4-H Show Champs
Grand Champions &
Reserve Grand Champion
Public Presentations
Rachel De Vries-Oral Interpretation
Cassandra Lightle-Illustrated Speech
4. Treasurer’s books (these are required to be
filed each year) and Secretary books.
Mitchell Smith-Meats & Other Proteins
Rachel De Vries-4-H Cooking 301
5. County Key award nominations for
members who are at least 16 and have meet
the project standards listed on page 49 of
Illinois Clover.
Food Demonstrations
Allyson Bingham-Grandma’s Apple Cake
Evin Main-Fruit & Cheese Kabobs
6. Darlene Schroeder Home Economics
award-based on project achievement in the
Home Ec. area, 4-H participation, and
leadership. Winner receives a silver,
engraved tray
7. 4-H alumni nominations-given to a former
4-H member who is a deserving individual
who gives time and commitment to 4-H and
the community. Call for an application.
New State 4-H Key Award
Key award-New State award for members
16 yrs. of age and over. Application at
ers/recognition_awards.cfm Deadline March
1. If you have received the county Key
award you can still apply for the State Key
State/County/Local Groups/United States
Department of Agriculture Cooperating.
University of Illinois Extension
provides equal opportunities
in programs and employment.
If you need a reasonable accommodation to
participate in any programs, please contact
University of Illinois Extension, Pike County at
Jacqueline Bingham-Sewing & Textiles III
Rachel De Vries- Sewing & Textiles III
General Project Show Miscellaneous
Elizabeth Henthorn-Animal Science
Beth Edgar-Animal Science
Madalene Davis –Photography 3
Dalton Heavner-Photo Editing
Mechanical Sciences
Robert De Vries-Woodworking 3
Caleb De Vries-Woodworking 2
Natural Resources
Keaton Harris-Sportfishing I
Matthew Myers- Sportfishing I
Janessa Grammer-Vegetable Market Basket
Janessa Grammer-Floriculture
Visual Arts
Angie Edgar-Glass/Plastic
Chett Pease-3-D Mixed Media
1. Club of the Year applications.
Champion Buck – Evin Main
Reserve Champion Buck – Kyle Warning
Grand Champion Dog – Angie Edgar
Reserve Grand Champion Dog – (Tie) –
Brook Smith; Kayla Sutton
Champion Doe – Evin Main
Reserve Champion Doe – Kyle Warning
Grand Champion Dog – On Leash –
Angie Edgar
Reserve Grand Champion Dog – On
Leash – Rachel Lightle
Grand Champion Market Pen – Kyle
Reserve Grand Champion Market Pen –
Erin Mowen
Grand Champion Dog – Off Leash –
Billie Henry
Reserve Grand Champion Dog – Off
Leash – Brook Smith
Best of Show – Evin Main
Reserve Best of Show – Kyle Warning
Grand Champion My Pet Rabbit –
Janessa Grammer
Senior Dog Showmanship – 14 & over –
Angie Edgar
Junior Dog Showmanship – 13 & under –
Brook Smith
Rabbit Jr. Showmanship – Evin Main
Rabbit Sr. Showmanship – Kyle Mowen
Poultry Show
Champion Chicken Market Pen – Austin
Reserve Champion Chicken Market Pen
– Christopher Burbridge
Grand Champion Poultry Market Pen –
Christopher Burbridge
Reserve Grand Champion Poultry
Market Pen – Austin Anderson
Poultry Jr. Showmanship – Elliott Fox
Poultry Sr. Showmanship – Lindsey
Cat Show
Class I Champion Cat – Emma Mann –
Class I Reserve Champion Cat – Adeline
DeVries – “Polly”
Class II Champion Cat – Rachel Lightle –
“Tinker Bell”
Class II Reserve Champion Cat – Julia
Grammer – “Princess”
Best Cat – Rachel Lightle
Reserve Best Cat – Emma Mann
Goat Show
Champion Meat Kid – Reagan Hoskin
Champion Meat Doe – Ronnie Embree
Grand Champion Market Wether – Levi
Reserve Grand Champion Market
Wether – Reagan Hoskin
Goat Jr. Showmanship – Reagan Hoskin
Goat Sr. Showmanship – Levi Cooley
Sheep Show
Grand Champion Ram Lamb – Lori
Reserve Grand Champion Ram Lamb –
Tori Woods
Grand Champion Ewe – Riley Parsons
Reserve Grand Champion Ewe – Andy
Grand Champion Market Lamb – Levi
Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb
– Riley Parsons
Sheep Jr. Showmanship – 12 & Under –
Riley Parsons
Sheep Sr. Showmanship – 13 & Over –
Andy Woods
Rabbit Show
Dog Show
More 4-H Show Champs
Dairy Show
Swine Show
Brown Swiss Champion Heifer – Michael
Brown Swiss Reserve Champion Heifer –
Michael Whitlock
Grand Champion Barrow – Duncan
Reserve Grand Champion Barrow – Tori
Grand Champion Heifer – Michael
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer –
Michael Whitlock
Grand Champion Gilt – Wyatt Bradshaw
Reserve Grand Champion Gilt – Isaac
Sr. Dairy Showmanship – Ryan Motley
Beef Show
Grand Champion Steer – Kameron
Reserve Grand Champion Steer – Isaac
Grand Champion Heifer – Dalton Heavner
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer – Isaac
Cross Champion Cow & Calf – Kayla
Grand Champion Cow & Calf – Kayla
Champion Bucket Calf – Sarah Mowen
Beef Showmanship Jr. Division – 12 &
Under – Jess Heavner
Beef Showmanship Sr. Division – 13 &
Over – Dalton Heavner
Beef Rate of Gain-Sarah Mowen
Swine Showmanship 1st Year – John
Swine Showmanship Jr. Division – 12 &
Under – Julie Mountain
Swine Showmanship Sr. Division – 13 &
Over – Jeremy Woods
Horse Show
Grand Champion Horse – Mitchell Barton
Reserve Grand Champion Horse – Jerad
Grand Champion Pony – Beth Edgar
Grand Champion Western Pleasure –
Mitchell Barton
Reserve Grand Champion Western
Pleasure – Rachel Smith
Horsemanship – Mitchell Barton
Horse & Pony Sr. Showmanship –
Mitchell Barton
Fun Class Winners:
Egg Race – Angie Edgar
Barrel Race – Beth Edgar
Dizzy Cowboy – Beth Edgar
Key Hole – Beth Edgar
Potato Race – Beth Edgar
Stick Horse Race – Beth Edgar
Grand Champion Dairy Cow – Michael
Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Cow –
Ryan Motley
Grand Champion Breeding/Feeding
Litter – Riley Bradshaw
Reserve Grand Champion
Breeding/Feeding Litter – Wesley
Brown Swiss Champion Dairy Cow –
Michael Whitlock
Brown Swiss Reserve Champion Dairy
Cow – Ryan Motley
Grand Champion Boar – Wyatt Bradshaw
Reserve Grand Champion Boar – Wesley
Senior Grand Champion-Andy Woods
Junior Reserve Grand Champion-Levi
Animal Science Skill-a-thon
Pee Wee Division (ages 8-9)
1st - Erin Mowen, 2nd (3-way tie) – Will
Heavner, Jordan Walston, Iva Welbourne
Junior Division (ages 10-14)
1st - Lori Woods, 2nd – Tori Woods,
3rd – Julie Mountain, 4th – Jess Heavner
Senior Division (ages 15 and over)
1st - Andy Woods, 2nd - Jeremy Woods,
3rd – Dalton Heavner, 4th – Molly Woods
4-H Show Evaluation
We would like your input on this year’s 4-H
shows. Let us know what went well, what
could be improved. We also welcome
suggestions and positive feedback on how
improvements could be made. Email
Project Information for
New Projects for 2010-2011:
4-H Cooking 401, Robotics 1(online),
Robotics 2 (new manual) and Robotics 3
New manuals for Interior Design and
Leadership 2.
The first ever Pike County 4-H
CloverBud Salute was held on Tuesday,
August 3 at the Farm Bureau Building in
Pittsfield with over 60 people attending.
CloverBud groups who displayed the things
that have been made throughout the year
include the Barry Winners, Clover Crew,
Griggsville 4-H Club, Independence
Hustlers, Milton Raise-Its and Pittsfield
Hands-on activities were available for
the members to do with their parents,
siblings and friends, as well as some fun
outdoor parachute games led by teen 4-H
members. Members and their families made
Zoo Snack mix, Beanbag Balls, Straw
Rockets, Tissue Paper flowers and Flubber.
All CloverBuds who participated were
recognized for their participation and hard
work with a special ribbon and certificate.
Seven year olds received a special gift to
commemorate their last year as a CloverBud
before they move on as a 4-H member.
CloverBuds attending were Robbie Main
and Stephen Reis from the Barry Winners;
Erick Hively from the Clover Crew; Jenna
Kelley and Jennifer Bingham-Griggsville
4-H Club; Marco Cooper, Natalie Hobbs,
Roam Hoskin, Ronan Hoskin, Braden
Musgrave, Cody Bradshaw and Bailey
Mowen-Independence Hustlers; Nic Niebur,
Nathan Scranton and Mason Davis-Milton
Raise Its; Gauge Gratton and Rilee
Harshman-Pittsfield Producers.
Pike County Extension Director: Jennifer Mowen
Youth Development Educator: Kelly Pool
Community Worker: Cheri Myers
Newsletter written by: Cheri Myers
If you have any questions or comments
regarding this issue of
Clover Power please contact us at:
Junior Grand Champion- Jess Heavner
Junior Reserve Grand Champion-Brook
Salute to the CloverBuds!
Master Showmanship
Thank you to our generous sponsors!!!
Kinderhook State Bank
Lohnes Veterinary Service
Lowry Pony Farm
Martin & Kroencke Implement Co.
The Maschhoffs Inc
Milton Raise-Its 4-H Club
Neal Tire & Auto
Don Kirk-Northwestern Mutual Financial
Pike County Beef Association
Pike County 4-H/Extension Foundation
Peters Heating & Air Conditioning
Pike County Soil & Water Conservation
Pike Feeds
Pittsfield Veterinary Clinic
Reel Net & Twine
Rennecker Equipment
Richard and Paula Myers
Ron and Corinna Mountain
Shari Borrowman
Tom and Sue Barger
Tom Sheppard
Two Rivers Lamb & Wool Association,
Harold Ellerbrock
UPI/Parks Livestock, LLC
Western Illinois Dairy Committee – Beth
Weas Cash
Western Illinois Lamb Team-CCR
Wright Place Auto Body
Farmers National Bank
First National Bank of Barry
Pittsfield Banking Center
Lillian McAllister
Dr. Korhan Raif and Dr. Ayca Raif
Delford & Portia Richter
Rodney & Lesley Parsons
Pike County Real Estate-John Borrowman
Western Illinois Pork Producers
Pike County Farm Bureau
Two Rivers FS
1st Farm Credit Services
Radio Ad Sponsors:
Arends Awe, Inc.-Perry and Riggston
Ghrist Veterinary Clinic, Pittsfield
Central State Bank
Illini Community Hospital, Pittsfield
Consolidated Grain & Barge
JBS United, Feed Division, Griggsville
Country Financial-Rick Rodhouse
Midstate Insurance, Pittsfield
Crop Production Services, Pleasant Hill
Pike County Sheriff Paul Petty
Gene Webel, Country Financial, Pittsfield
Quincy Medical Group
Griggsville & Pittsfield Veterinary Clinic
Wheels Unlimited
Angie’s Critter Corral
Arends-Awe, Inc.
Bob and Carol Prater
Bob and Marilyn Hyde
Casteel Color Wheel
Central State Bank
Consolidated Grain & Barge
Crop Production Services
Crystal Prater
Country Insurance and Financial
Darlene Schroeder Memorial
DJ Two Rivers Radio, Inc.
1st Farm Credit Services
Farmers Bank of Liberty
Farmers State Bank
4-H Federation
First Bank
First National Bank of Barry
Ghrist Veterinary Clinic
Griggsville/Pittsfield Veterinary Clinic
Harry Miller
Heartland Lodge
Hull Fertilizer/Leon Kenady
Illinois Electrification Council
Kirby & Jane Guthrie Family
JBS United
John Borrowman
Pike County Real Estate
John Sheppard
Jones Poultry
K-9 Cleaners
Plaques and Cash Awards:
The Pike County 4-H Foundation will
provide a $10.00 scholarship for each Pike
County 4-H member for the 2010-2011 4-H
year. This scholarship is possible because of
a memorial for Karolyn Sheppard as well as
Foundation events such as the Christmas
craft show, Golf Tournament and Taters to
No individual will be denied participation in
4-H due to inability to pay, and scholarships
will be awarded on a case by case basis.
Members must inform their club leaders of
their request for scholarship funds when
enrolling for the 4-H program year and
leaders will contact the Extension Office.
Please call Jennifer Mowen at the Extension
Office if you have questions.
4-H Federation
Attention-4-H members in 7th grade and upjoin us at the next Federation meeting on
Tuesday, September 7 at 4:30 p.m. at the
Farm Bureau Hall in Pittsfield. Join the Feds
for a good time while participating in
leadership opportunities. This is a great way
to make new friends from all over the
Federation will be having a foodstand
fundraiser at Pittsfield Farm & Home on
Sunday, August 22 from 11:00-2:00. Hope
you can stop by!
The award is open to any 4-H member who has
been enrolled (and is currently enrolled) in the
4-H Veterinary Medicine project for a minimum
of 3 years and falls between the ages of 15 to 18
years of age. The deadline for this award has
been extended to September 15. Call for an
Leader Corner
Records due September 8
Please check with your members to make
sure they have completed their 4-H records.
Call the office with any questions.
Recycling Center
September 11 Club needed
October 2
Griggsville 4-H Club
Closed in November and re-opens in April.
Leader Birthdays
September 6 Dorothy Welbourne
September 7 Kim Motley
September 8 Lori Berquist
September 11 Robert Berquist
September 17 Laura Reis
September 19 Jamie Kelley
September 20 Jerri Woods
September 23 Mary Lagemann
Congratulations to The Milton Raise-Its club
who were awarded a 4-H Health & Safety
Improvement Grant from the Illinois 4-H
Email Addresses Requested
Don’t miss out on important email
updates!!Please update your email
addresses by sending a message to
The state 4-H Program Fee for 2010 is $20.
$6 of that fee will be forwarded to the State
4-H program to help 4-H support costs. The
out of pocket expense for each member will
be $10 and this can be covered by the
individual or through club fundraising. New
this year-if a member sells at least $50 in the
fundraiser, their program fee is paid!!
Vet Science Award
Program Fee for 2001-11
Window Display Contest-Please promote
this event in your community through the
window display contest and other
promotional ideas below. The 2010 National
4-H Week kit will be available soon at
Other ideas for National 4-H Week:
Give away 4-H balloons at a local store or
Put up promotional table tents or placemats
at a local restaurant.
Give out Clover stickers or tattoos.
Have your school advertise 4-H week in
Wear green during National 4-H week.
Ask local businesses to put Celebrate
4-H! Join Today! on their marquee during
that week.
Make clover shaped cookies for the nursing
Pike County Board Visit for
National 4-H Week
We will be visiting the Pike County Board at
their meeting on Tuesday, September 28 at
the Pike County Courthouse at 7:00 for
National 4-H Week.
Members and adults – please let us know if
you would like to participate by making a
presentation or handing out items to the
county board in appreciation for their
support of the 4-H program in Pike County.
Please call 285-5543 or email
We are looking for local
adults interested in
learning more about 4-H
Shooting Sports and are
willing to be involved in
sponsoring or assisting
with forming a club.
Please call the extension office if you have
an interest in volunteering to help with
archery, shotgun or rifle (air and .22).
The next scheduled Illinois 4-H Shooting
Sports Adult Certified training program will
be held September 17, 18, and 19 at White
Eagle Camp, Leaf River, IL. For general
camp information and directions go to:
4-H Spotlight
who exhibited the Grand Champion Market
Wether Goat at the Illinois State Fair Jr.
Jeremy Woods was the skillathon winner in
the sheep division of the Superior Young
Producer Award held at the Illinois State
Fair last week.
Tori Woods was the reserve champion
showmanship winner in the Montadale
class at the Jr. Show at the State Fair.
Illinois State Fair Livestock exhibitors:
Horses -Mitchell Barton, Poultry- Austin
Anderson, Christopher Burbridge, GoatsLevi Cooley, Sheep, Beef-Dalton Heaver,
Jess Heavner, Isaac Smithers, Sheep-Levi
Cooley, Cole Hall Riley Parsons, Andy
Woods, Jeremy Woods, Lori Woods, Molly
Woods, Tori Woods, SwineBradshaw/Whitaker, Dairy-Michael
Whitlock, Rachel Reis Whitlock.
Dogs: Billie Henry, Brook Smith.
Illinois State Fair Results at
Theme-“Meet the Future
4-H Shooting Sports
National 4-H WeekOctober 3-9, 2010
Billie Henry demonstrated Frog’s Eye Salad.
Evin Main-Fruit & Cheese Kabobs
4-H Cooking 101- page 37
Reagan Hoskin
Broccoli Salad Squares
1 pkg. refrigerated crescent rolls
¾ c. mayo
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp vinegar
1 ½ cups broccoli florets, chopped
4 slices bacon, crisply cooked and chopped
2 T. red onion, thinly sliced and quartered
¼ cup golden raisins (optional)
1 T. sunflower seed kernels
Preheat oven to 350 . Unroll crescent dough; do
not separate. Using lightly floured pizza roller,
roll out dough on 12 x 15 baking sheet. Bake 1215 minutes or until golden brown. Cool
completely. Mix mayo, sugar and vinegar. Chop
broccoli and bacon. Cut thin slice of onion into
quarters; separate pieces. Spread mayo mixture
over top of crust. Sprinkle with broccoli, bacon,
onion, raisins, and sunflower seed kernels. Serve
immediately or refrigerate. Makes 12 servings.
Julie Mountain-Cereal Marshmallow Bars
4-H Cooking 101-page 34
Colton Main-Orange Julius
1 c. milk
1 c. water
6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1/4 c. sugar 1 T. vanilla 8 ice cubes
Put all ingredients except ice cubes in a
blender; blend well. Carefully add ice cubes
one at a time. Blend until smooth. Serve
Nicole Browning-Peanut Butter Cookies
4-H Cooking 101-page 69
Award of Excellence:
Allyson Bingham-Food Demonstration
Daniel Bingham-Electricity
Jacqueline Bingham-Clothing & Textiles
Nicole Browning- Food & Nutrition
Samantha Clostermery-Fashion Revue
Rachel De Vries-Public Presentations
Beth Edgar-Visual Arts
Brady Foster- Food & Nutrition
Julia Grammar-Visual Arts
Dalton Heavner-Photography
Billie Henry- Food & Nutrition
Aleck Hively-Aerospace
Ryan Kelley-Electricity
Cassandra Lightle-Public Presentations
Jessica Main-Child Development
Julie Mountain-Fashion Revue
Chett Pease-Photography
Elizabeth Reis- Food & Nutrition
Beth Scott- Food & Nutrition
Hope Scott- Food & Nutrition
Wilson Webel-Visual Arts
13-22 Illinois State Fair
Pike Co. Judging at the State Fair
State Fair 4-H Dog Show
New 4-H Year Begins
Federation 4:30
4-H Records Due into the office
Recycling Center-Club needed
Recycling Center-Griggsville 4-H
National 4-H Week
Federation 4:30
Fall 4-H Leader Meeting-7:00 p.m.
Federation 4:30
Achievement Night-7:00 p.m.
4-H Foundation Craft Show
Allyson Bingham demonstrated Grandma’s
Apple Cake at the county show and the state
State Fair General Show Exhibit Results:
Caleb De Vries-Woodworking
Robert De Vries-Woodworking
Angie Edgar-Visual Arts
Cody Hayden-Photography
Jared Mountain-Tractor
Mitchell Smith-Food & Nutrition
Food Demonstrations
NEW--Sell $50 worth of product and your 4-H program fee is paid!!
“Best of Club’s Choice” brochure
Gourmet Cookie Dough, breads, pies, dippers, pizzas,
cheese cakes, and other tasty items
and “A Season of Giving” brochure
Order forms due by:
Monday, Sept. 27
Delivery Date:
Saturday, Oct. 30th
11:00am – 1:00pm
Please pick up your fundraiser packets when you bring 4-H records in
Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!
 The “PRIZE ZONE” brochure allows you to earn from
1 to 12 different prizes!
 Top Seller - A Hyper Dash Race Course Game"
 2nd highest - A Groovy Stardust Lamp
 3rd highest - A Moto Yo-Yo
 4th highest - Table Top hover disk game
 $10.00 to the top sales person
 Cash prizes-get an envelope of Clover Cash for every 10
items sold
 Pizza party for top clubs
 Sell at least $50 worth of product and your 4-H
program fee is paid!!
The funds raised will be used for 4-H educational programming in Pike
County. Everyone buys pizza-so why not help support the 4-H program, too?