
Cloverbud Kits
Designed for kids, ages 5 to 7, the 4-H Cloverbud program uses hands-on learning
activities in a group setting to promote personal development, healthy life-styles, and a
sense of citizenship. The following kits were compiled through an Illinois 4-H
Foundation grant and contain difficult to find or time consuming to collect materials for
each of the lessons. There is no charge to utilize the materials. The only
requirements are that you complete a simple enrollment form (listing number of
students) for our office’s reporting purposes. The curricula will provide you with
educational, hands-on materials and kits that can enhance a lesson plan and give
children a fun, hands-on way to learn.
EXPERIMENTING WITH THE FIVE SENSES: This lesson will help the children discover
how incredible our five senses are. These activities and games will develop an
appreciation for our ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.
MAKING AIR WORK: This kit helps children become more aware of what a wonderful
resource air is. It encourages youth to discover for themselves the many different jobs
air can do-not only to make our lives easier, but to help us have fun, too!
WEATHER FUN: The importance of weather and seasonal changes are discovered
within this kit. The games, activities and hands-on experiences are designed to teach
basic weather concepts and to help develop respect for weather safety.
CLOVERBUD DISPLAY: This kit will help you plan and organize a Cloverbud display at
your local library, church or school. It generates enthusiasm and pride with your group
while educating the public about the purpose of 4-H Cloverbuds.
MAKING HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES: Helps children discover the importance of
making healthy food choices. Use the food pyramid to illustrate the kinds of food our
bodies need every day.
FITNESS IS FUN: Encourages children to become excited about physical fitness! Share
these games and activities to promote a better understanding of exercise and how it
keeps us healthy.
SAFE AT HOME: Children must make choices that affect their safety and well being
everyday. Help them learn to make wise decisions and follow safe practices at home.
Stresses the importance of knowing their names, addresses and telephone numbers.
NATURE FUN: This kit allows children to become better acquainted with the great
outdoors! Gives them an opportunity to get involved in hands on nature experiences,
making things from natural items, and playing games outside.
THE PROBLEM OF POLLUTION: Air and water pollution are serious problems. Children
will understand what pollution is, what causes it, and what they can do about it.
HELPING OUR ENVIRONMENT, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Helps children discover how
precious our environment is. Encourage a sense of responsibility by letting the
children know that they can make a difference.
HEART TO HEART: Encourages children to learn the value of community service by
planning a Valentine’s Day party for residents of a local nursing home. Gives ideas on
activities, crafts, and songs.
FOOD DRIVE: This activity helps develop a sense of responsibility and an attitude of
caring by sponsoring a Jumping-Jack-athon to collect canned goods for a local food
OUR FLAG: Children will learn about our country’s most important symbol, the
American flag. Helps develop respect for our flag by teaching customs associated with it
and proper flag etiquette.
MANAGING TIME: Children will learn and understand basic concepts, such as the ways
in which people spend time, relative values of time (hours, days, etc.) the idea of
procrastination, and the importance of using time wisely.
BE SMART WITH MONEY: This kit will help children develop an appreciation of where
money comes from, how to know the difference between wanting and needing
something, making good spending choices, and the importance of saving money.
TELEVISION: MAKING A CHOICE: Helps children discover the positive and negative
effects television can have on our lives. Encourages them to make wise choices and
develop good habits regarding the television.
EXPERIENCING DISABILITIES: Every day children encounter people with various
disabilities. This activity will help them develop a positive attitude towards these
conditions by temporarily experiencing them for themselves.
I AM SPECIAL: The group games, teamwork and songs will help develop social skills.
Opportunities for decision making will be provided through games and discussions.
PETS: Helps develop a fascination for animals into an attitude of responsibility and
caring for their pets. Through the games and activities children will learn about
different kinds of pets and the care they require.
OUR FEATHERED FRIENDS: Familiarizes children with local birds and develops an
attitude of caring toward them. Encourages an interest in feeding habits by making bird
SUPER SEED FUN: This kit will guide the children through activities and will help them
discover about seeds: what kinds of things grow from them, what they need to grow,
how they travel, and the kinds of seeds we can eat.
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