
CHILD DEVELOPMENT - Two entries may be selected for State Fair.
All Exhibitors are required to include a 1-page typed report with their exhibit. All Child
Development II exhibits must fit into a space no larger than 15” x 15” x 15”. (Plan on the exhibit
to be viewed from the front only!) All Child Development III exhibits are limited to a 2’ wide x
15” deep space.
Child Development II
Exhibit one of the following options development by the member from the Level 2
project book, Growing with Others:
A. Include the following three items that would be appropriate for a child of a
specific age selected by the 4-H’er:
1. A toy made by the 4-H’er
2. A song or game
3. A story or storybook that would be appropriate for a child of a specific age
On the written report, indicate the age of the child and how the items fit into the
interests, abilities and safety considerations of that age child. The 4-H’er should be
prepared to discuss this at the time of conference judging.
Prepare a display of 6 toys/or activities (at least one being made by the 4-H’er). Include
two items for each of the following three age groups:
1. Infant/Toddler
2. Pre-School
3. School Age
On the written report, for each toy and activity indicate the age of the child and how
that item fits into their interests, abilities and safety considerations.
Child Development III
Exhibit one or more of the following items developed by the member from the Level 3
project book, Growing in Communities: a child care career game; a display representing a
community service activity; a teaching plan for use in a child care setting (2-4 hour time
span); OR a plan for neighborhood “Olympics” activity. Display must fit into a 2’ wide x
15” deep space.
Clover Challenge: Child Development
This class is limited to 15-18 year olds who are enrolled in Clover Challenge for this
project area. Exhibit a display illustrating the Clover Challenge area explored. This could
include anything NOT covered in the project books, including but not limited to career
exploration, a daycare building design, developing or leading a county/community
children’s activity or event, etc. The completed Illinois 4-H Clover Challenge Agreement
must be presented with the exhibit.
Revised February, 2007
INTERGENERATIONAL – One entry is eligible for State Fair
All exhibitors are required to include a 1-page, typed report with their exhibit.
Club/Group exhibits are exempt from the 1-Page report requirement.
NOTE: There is no longer a club/group display opportunity in this project.
WALK IN MY SHOES – Individual Present a display relating to an activity
completed in the project.
This class is limited to 15-18 year olds who are enrolled in Clover Challenge for this
project area. Exhibit a display illustrating the Clover Challenge area explored. This could
include anything NOT covered in the project books, including but not limited to career
exploration, a weekly activity plan for elder care, giving leadership to a major
intergenerational activity or event, etc. The completed Illinois 4-H Clover Challenge
Agreement must be presented with the exhibit.
CLOTHING & TEXTILESThree entries eligible for State Fair, including two entries from Clothing and
Textiles and one from Clothing Decisions.
 Anyone enrolled in Sewing and Textiles Book I for three years is no longer
eligible to enroll in the Book I project.
 Anyone enrolled in Sewing and Textiles Book II for three years is no longer
eligible to enroll in the Book II project.
 There is no limit to the number of years a 4-H Member can be enrolled in Sewing
and Textiles Book III.
 Knitting has been moved from Clothing & Textiles to Visuals Arts/Fiber
(original) or Visual Arts Heritage Arts (pattern).
 For State Fair if a delegate is selected in both Clothing and Textiles AND
Fashion Revue, the delegate must have TWO different outfits – the same garment
may not be used for both Classes.
 All Clothing and Textiles Projects Members (except Fashion Revue) are required
to include a 1-page, typed report with their exhibit.
 Purchased Clothing is ONLY allowed in Fashion Review and Clothing Decisions
I and II
Exhibit any of the following:
1. Non clothing, constructed article (sew and/or serge) - One of the following items
made by the member:
 9-patch pillow or square pillow
 a tote bag
Revised February, 2007
shopping bag
2. Constructed garment – A simple article of clothing.
Note: Purchased Garment subclass was deleted.
Exhibit either of the following:
Non clothing – Any non-wearable item made by member
Constructed garment – Any garment with facings or curves.
Exhibit either of the following:
Construction – Garment constructed by the member which is appropriate for age
and experience of member. (Possible examples are: wool garment, polar fleece
garment, dress or jacket with set in sleeves and zipper or buttons and button holes,
suits, evening wear or sport outfit.)
Recycled Garment – A modified/redesigned/recycled garment you purchased in
the past and “salvaged” by significantly altering the original design.
Exhibit a display of one completed activity from the project book. Inclusion of an
actual purchased item is optional. If purchased garment /item is exhibited, it will
need to be worn for the judge. Judging score will not be affected if item/garment
is not brought for exhibit at the Will County Show.
Exhibit a display of one completed activity from the project book. Inclusion of an
actual purchased item is optional. If purchased garment/item is exhibited, it will
need to be worn for the judge. Judging score will not be affected if item/garment
is not brought for exhibit. If a purchased item is exhibited for State Fair, a photo
of the exhibitor wearing the garment should be included in the exhibit.
This class is limited to 15-18 year olds who are enrolled in Clover Challenge for
this project area. Exhibit a display illustrating the Clover Challenge area explored.
This could include anything NOT covered in the project books, including but not
limited to career exploration, pattern making, textile manufacturing, fashion
design, etc. The completed Illinois 4-H Clover Challenge Agreement must be
presented with the exhibit. A 1-Page typed report must be submitted with this
Revised February, 2007
FASHION REVIEW - Three entries are eligible for State Fair
All Sewing and Textiles project participants must participate in the Style Show to
be considered for State Fair Fashion Review. Construction, Restyled, and
Purchased Garments will be considered for State Fair Fashion Revue. Exhibitors
in this class may be enrolled in Clover Challenge: Clothing and Textiles; Sewing
and Textiles; Clothing Decisions; and Knitting. Modeled items must be
garments constructed or purchased by the exhibitor (Pillows or other nongarment items are not appropriate for Fashion Revue. (Note that Knitted
exhibits generally fall under Visual Arts; knitted garments may still be considered
for Fashion Revue.) At State Fair Fashion Review will now be considered for
Superior ribbon consideration. Exhibitors will be responsible for writing their
FOODS- NUTRITION & HEALTH – Ten Food and Nutrition entries are eligible for
State Fair (including six Four Skillathon Classes. Two Entries for Food Demonstration
1. All food products should be covered with self sealing plastic bag. No photographs of
food projects will be accepted.
2. Food products that have been frozen should be marked so.
3. Members MUST provide their own disposable plates.
4. Entry tags MUST BE SECURELY ATTACHED to plate.
5. The following classes have become Skill-a-thon rather than Product-based classes at
State Fair: Dairy Food, S’Mores and More, Let’s Start Cooking, You Learn to Bake,
Food Preservation, Meats and Other Protein Sources, Sports Nutrition, and Fruits
and Vegetables. Food Products or displays will be exhibited at the Will County Summer
Show in these Classes. There will be an assigned Regional Day at State Fair for Food
Skill-a-thon and Food Demonstration participants. All other food exhibit classes at State
Fair are considered static exhibit displays and must arrive and be judged prior to the State
Fair as explained in the revised State Fair Rules. At State Fair exhibitors should be aware
that food items and containers will not be returned at the end of the State Fair for food
safety reasons. Food items will be removed from State Fair display as they start to
deteriorate. Exhibitors will receive their ribbon, menu, and written report at the end of the
State Fair.
6. Members exhibiting in any foods classes may exhibit the food item listed for that class,
OR prepare a Nutrition Education Display, OR participate in a Food Demonstration in
February during the Will County 4-H Public Presentations Contests.
7. All educational Nutritional Displays and Food Demonstration should relate to the
project area in which the member is enrolled.
8. Nutrition Education Displays must fit into an area not larger than 2’ wide x 15” deep.
Perishable foods may not be included in the display. 4-H’ers may use food models
(commercially purchased or made by the individual) pictures from magazines, etc. Non4
Revised February, 2007
perishable items such as sealed canned products may be used. A typed, 1-page report on
the Exhibit must be included. All items in the display must be labeled with Exhibitor
name for the display and an inventory sheet included on the 1-page report.
9. Skillathon training will be scheduled for Winners after the Summer Show on a date to
be determined.
State Fair Skillathon Classes – At State Fair these classes are judged on
skills only; skills considered are those in each Manual. Will County Show rules
require food product or displays.
LET'S START COOKING (County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare a nutrition education display, OR exhibit 3 cereal marshmallow bars,
including a copy of the recipe used, and a menu for one meal. The menu should
include the cereal marshmallow bars. The recipe and menu may be written or
typed on note cards or a piece of paper. Bars should be presented on a disposable
plate placed in a self sealing plastic bag.
YOU LEARN TO BAKE (County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare a nutrition education display, OR exhibit 3 Oatmeal cookies, including a
copy of the recipe used, AND a menu for one meal. The menu should include
the cookies. The recipe and menu may be written or typed out on note cards or a
piece of paper. Cookies should be presented on a disposable plate placed in a self
sealing plastic bag.
DAIRY FOODS (County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare a nutrition education display OR exhibit three bran muffins OR exhibit
three bran bars. Both muffins and bars must be made using non-fat dry milk in
the recipe. Include a copy of the recipe used and a menu for one day that
includes the muffins or bars in one of the meals. The recipe must be written or
typed on note cards or a piece of paper. Items should be presented on a disposable
plate placed in a self sealing plastic bag.
SPORTS NUTRITION(County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare a nutrition education display, OR 3 no-bake cookies, including a copy of
the recipe used, AND a menu for one meal. The menu should include the
cookies. The recipe and menu may be written or typed on note cards or a piece of
paper. Cookies should be presented on a disposable plate placed in a self sealing
plastic bag.
(County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare a nutrition educational display relating to a topic covered in the project
book. There is NOT a food exhibit option for this class.
(County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Revised February, 2007
Prepare a nutrition education display OR exhibit loaf of fruit or vegetable quick
bread, including a copy of the recipe used, and menus for one day. The menus
should include the bread. The recipe and menus may be written or typed on note
cards or a piece of paper. Bread should be presented on a disposable plate placed
in a self sealing plastic.
FOOD PRESERVATION (County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare a nutrition education display OR exhibit a moisture-proof package of
approximately 5 ounces of dehydrated jerky (meat), vegetables, herbs, fruit, or
fruit leather, OR exhibit 2 jars of food processed in standard canning cars. The
jars MUST contain two different canned foods (i.e. green beans AND tomatoes;
corn and grape jelly; pickles and Jam, etc.) Baby food jars, etc. are NOT
acceptable. Mayonnaise jars are NO LONGER acceptable for Hot Water Bath
Processing. Low acid vegetables must be processed in a pressure canner. For
jellies, jams, and/or preserves, jars must be sealed with standard canning lids, not
paraffin. Include a copy of the recipe and directions for processing used. Also,
include a menu for one DAY. The menus should include one of the products
exhibited. Recipe, processing instructions, and menu may be written or typed on
note cards or a piece of paper. Exhibitors should follow USDA accepted canning
procedures. Contact the Extension Office for access to USDA canning
procedures. Canning procedures provided with the exhibitors’ canning equipment
will not be accepted in lieu of USDA procedures.
MEAT&OTHER PROTEIN SOURCES (County Rule only; Skill-a-thon at State Fair)
Prepare an education nutrition display. There is no food exhibit for this class.
Fair, these Exhibits will be sent to State Fair, rather than have a Conference
Prepare a nutrition education display, OR exhibit one cup of zoo snack mix (or
snack mix recipe of exhibitor’s choice), including a copy of the recipe used and a
menu for one meal. The menu should include the snack mix. The recipe and
menu may be written or typed on note cards or a piece of paper. Mix should be
displayed in a self sealing plastic bag.
Prepare a nutrition education display OR exhibit 3 oatmeal muffins, including a
copy of the recipe used, and a menu for one day. The menu should include the
muffins. The recipe and menu may be written or typed on note cards or a piece of
paper. Muffins should be presented on a disposable plate placed in a self sealing
plastic bag.
Revised February, 2007
Prepare a nutrition education display OR three cookies from some ethnic recipe,
including a copy of the recipe used and a menu for one meal. The specific ethnic
group or culture should be identified with the recipe. Cookies should be displayed
on a disposable plate placed in a self sealing plastic bag.
Microwave Magic A, Bag of Tricks – Prepare a food & nutrition education display.
There is NOT a food exhibit option for this class.
Microwave Magic B, Micro Magicians -- Prepare a food & nutrition education display.
There is NOT a food exhibit option for this class.
Microwave Magic C, Amazing Rays -- Prepare a food & nutrition education display.
There is NOT a food exhibit option for this class.
Microwave Magic D, Presto Meals -- Prepare a food & nutrition education display.
There is NOT a food exhibit option for this class.
Prepare a nutrition education display. There is NOT a food exhibit option for this
Prepare a nutrition education display. There is NOT a food exhibit option for this
Prepare a nutrition education display OR exhibit 3 cookies or a loaf of bread
typical of another country, including a copy of the recipe used, country of origin,
and menus for one day. The menus should include the cookies or bread. The
recipe and menus may be written or typed on note cards or a piece of paper.
Cookies or bread should be presented on a disposable plate placed in a self sealing
plastic bag.
Prepare a nutrition education display OR exhibit 3 dinner rolls OR a loaf of yeast
bread OR pastry pie shell (empty). The loaf of bread may be prepared in a breadmaking machine; however prepared mixes are not allowed. Include a copy of the
recipe used for exhibited item, and menus for one day. The menus should include
the exhibited item. The recipe and menus may be written or typed on note cards
or a piece of paper. Rolls, bread, or pie shells should be presented on a disposable
plate placed in a self sealing plastic bag.
Revised February, 2007
FOOD DEMONSTRATION (Conducted in February during Public Presentations
Contest. Two are eligible for State Fair)
Food demonstrations should be 8 - 10 minutes in length. Demonstrations may be
done by an individual or team of two members. Exhibitors are responsible for
furnishing all equipment and supplies. A stove, refrigerator and demonstration
table will be available for demonstrator’s use. The food demonstration must relate
to the project area in which the member is enrolled.
CLOVER CHALLENGE-FOOD AND NUTRITION This class is limited to 15-18 year
olds who are enrolled in Clover Challenge for this project area. Exhibit a display illustrating
the Clover Challenge area explored. This could include anything NOT covered in the
project books, including but not limited to career exploration, dietary plan for special
audiences (diabetic, low cholesterol, elderly, etc.), an experiment related to foods, such as
comparing leavening agents, etc. The completed Illinois 4-H Clover Challenge Agreement
must be presented with the exhibit.
Cake Decorating
Exhibit one decorated cake (Any flavor, size and theme; Cake must be baked.) on a
disposable or non-disposable plate. Decorated cakes must be edible; the majority of the
components cakes must be edible. Exhibitor must include a 1 page typed report
including tips used, icing and recipe, techniques used, what your learned and what would
you do differently.
Cake Decorating Beginning: 1-2 years in project. Exhibitor may use decorative candies
and 1-2 different tips may be used in the class.
Cake Decorating Intermediate: 2-3 years in project. Exhibitor uses 2-3 different tips in
this class.
Cake Decorating Advanced: 4 years and up in project. Exhibitor must use 4 or more
different tips in this class.
Decorated Cookie
Exhibitor must provide a 1 page typed report on the exhibit including what tips were
used, techniques, recipe for icing/cookie and insight of what you learned or would do
differently next time. A theme cookie should include the cookie’s pattern design. The
majority of the cookie’s components should be edible. Use a disposable or non disposable
plate for display.
Decorated Cookie Beginning: This project is 1 year. Decorate one cookie, use 2 tips
minimum, typed 1-page explanation, and be creative. Use a disposable plate or board for
Revised February, 2007
display. Cookie size should not be more then 12 inches with frosting. Include recipe for
Decorated Cookie Intermediate: This is 2-3 years in project. Total cookie size cannot
be larger then 12 inches with the icing. Be creative, use 3 tips minimum, cover the base
of the cookie and type a 1-page explanation including the recipe.
Decorated Cookie Advanced: This is 4 or more years in project. Decorate one or more
cookies. Total cookie size cannot be larger then 12 inches with the icing. Examples
include: gingerbread house, cookie bouquet or cookies in various themes. These can be 3
dimensional. Be creative. Include a typed 1-page explanation.
Exhibitor must make the candy. Create a one-page typed report including the recipe,
techniques, what you learned and what you would do differently next time. Exhibit
should include four (4) uniform pieces of candy on a clean disposable plate with a plastic
wrap or a bag.
Candymaking Beginning: Exhibit four (4) uniform pieces of one kind of candy on a
disposable plate. Include the recipe and /or techniques used on a one-page typed report.
No thermometer is used in this category. Examples include: bark, mints or other
commercial products made in a mold or poured.
Candymaking Intermediate: Exhibit four (4) uniform pieces of one kind of candy on a
disposable plate. Include the recipe and /or techniques used on a one-page typed report.
No thermometer is used in this category. Examples include items cooked on the stove or
in the microwave: chocolate covered fruits, fudge and turtles.
Candymaking Advanced: Exhibit 4 uniform pieces of one kind of candy on a
disposable plate. Include the recipe and /or techniques used on a one-page typed report.
At this level they show cooking candy at high heat using a candy thermometer.
Examples include: caramels, hard candies, divinity, English toffee and peanut brittles.
HEALTH - Two entries may be selected for State Fair
All exhibitors are required to include a 1-page typed report with their exhibit.
First Aid in Action – Exhibit a family First Aid Kit and cards prepared by the exhibitor.
Staying Healthy – Exhibit a “smarts” project as explained in the project manual. Project
should be designed/prepared by the exhibitor.
Keeping Fit – Exhibit a Fitness File OR make a display on credible information about
supplements and performance enhancers.
Revised February, 2007
INTERIOR DESIGN – Two Entries may be selected for State Fair
Furniture or items meant to be displayed on the floor must be able to fit through the doors
of the show building. All Exhibitors are required to include a 1-page typed report with
their exhibit.
(Recommended for members with 1-3 years in project.) Entry can be from any one of the
following groupings:
1. Wall Treatment-Poster showing the application of a decorative treatment for a wall
(stenciling, rag rolling, etc.) Used by exhibitor. Treatment should cover
approximately ½ of the board. Remaining area of the board should include
before /after photos, a picture story of the application, cost comparison etc.
2. Three-dimensional surface accessory that will set on a table, dresser, or floor. Item
must be made by the exhibitor. Include photo of the item as used in the room.
3. An item that has been recycled (significantly altered) by the member. Include photo
of the item as used in the room.
4. Wall hanging (2 or 3-dimensional) made by exhibitor. Include photo of the item as
used in the room.
(Recommended for members with 3-5 years in project.) Entry can be from any one of the
following groupings:
1. Comparison shopping study of at least two items showing wants and needs, cost,
use in overall design plan, quality comparison, etc. and final selection made. May
be displayed via poster or notebook.
2. Bedcover-May include a quilt, comforter, bedspread, dust ruffle, pillow sham,
canopy, etc. made by exhibitor. Include photo of the item as used in the room.
3. Window Treatment-May include curtains, draperies, shades, shutters, etc. made by
exhibitor. Include photo of the item as used in the room.
(Recommended for members with over 5 years in project.) Entry can be from one of the
following groups:
1. Select one problem such as storage, unusual or odd-shaped window, need for
better lighting, privacy, or an invention or idea that solves an energy or water
problem. Show the steps used to solve the problem and the final product. Use
pictures, samples, drawings, etc. to tell the story. Display in a notebook or on poster
board. If an item was made by the exhibitor to solve the problem, include that item
in the display. Include before and after photos in display. Displays illustrating a
general “redecorating” of a room are NOT appropriate for this exhibit.
2. Exhibit one item of refinished furniture. Include a color photograph showing item
in place in a room setting. Photo should be mounted. Include a description of the
steps taken to refinish the item.
Revised February, 2007
This class is limited to 15-18 year olds who are enrolled in Clover Challenge for this project
area. Exhibit a display illustrating the Clover Challenge area explored. This could include
anything NOT covered in the project book, including, but not limited to career
exploration, a major “before and after” room redecorating project, drafting skills, interior
design models, etc. The completed Illinois 4-H Clover Challenge Agreement must be
presented with the exhibit.
CONSUMER EDUCATION – Two entries may be selected for State Fair
ALL items in the display (including the project book) must be attached to the
display board – NO additional items should be included.
All Exhibitors are required to include a 1-page typed report with their exhibit.
Financial Champions I and II
Exhibit any product or display made to illustrate a completed activity from the project
book. Activity should relate to the member’s age and experience. Photocopies of the
completed activities from the book (or the actual book) should be included in the display.
Consumer Savvy I – The Consumer in Me – Exhibit a poster or display based on a
purchase made this year. Incorporate at least two activities form the project manual that
illustrate that your purchase was well planned and researched.
Consumer Savvy II – Consumer Wise – Exhibit a poster or display illustrating use of
the six-step decision-making process in making a wise purchase. Incorporate at least two
other learning activities from the project manual used to help you make a wise decision.
Consumer Savvy III – Consumer Roadmap – Exhibit a poster or display based on what
you learned from at least one activity from the project manual.
Be the E! – Exhibit a binder portfolio that includes the results of at least two completed
activities from each year exhibitor has been enrolled in the project. Completed activities
from previous years should be included. Use of page protectors is recommended.
Revised February, 2007