
Rock Island County 4-H 8-13 Award Application
I. Information:
Age:_________ Years in 4-H:__________
Years in project:___________
II. Project Area:
A. Size and Growth:
What have you done in this project area? Break it down into each year and show
the progress you have made each year. Include the increase of the skill level
and the number you have increased it by each year. For example: In 2007, I
took 100 pictures. In 2008, I took 250 pictures and 50 pictures using wide and
telephoto lenses.
What I did
Need more room? Add a page!
B. Income & Expense Report:
Record as expenses all of the items you purchased to complete your
project/exhibit. Also, record as income any money received from
the sale of services or products. (Include livestock and non-livestock
expenses and income.)
Description of
Income Amount
Expense Amount
C. Knowledge & Skills:
Record all that you have learned as a result of completing your project.
List at least 5 bits of knowledge or skills you have learned. They can be
positive or negative. Also include at least 2 ways you have used this
knowledge or skills to help others.
D. Participation in Activities:
Total number of meetings my club held_____
Number of meeting I attended_____
List any activity you participated in related to the project area of the award you
are applying for. These could include workshops, TV shows watched,
magazines and books read, classes attended or any other way you learned
about your project area. Only include activities related to your project! Include as
much information as you can.
What did you do or learn to help with
your project?
E. Leadership in Project Area:
How have you shown leadership in this project area? Have you helped
other members with this project? Given a talk or demo on this area?
Maybe you led your club on an activity about this project area.
Leadership can also take place outside of 4-H. Did you learn a new skill
while completing your project and showed someone at home how to do it?
Name of
Description of duties – what you did
F. Community Service in Project Area:
Did you participate in any community service projects related to your project
area? For example, maybe you participated in a recycling program at school and
your project area related to this.
Community Service Activity
# Hours
III. Additional 4-H/Extension Accomplishments:
A. Size and Growth of Other Projects:
List other project areas you participate in and progress you have made in
these areas.
What I did
B. Knowledge and Skills:
Record what you have learned in these other project areas. Again, they
can be positive or negative.
C. Participation in Activities:
List activities you participate in that help you learn about these project
areas. Also include the number of club meetings held and those attended.
What did you do or learn to help with
your project areas?
D. Leadership in 4-H:
List any type of leadership opportunities you taken part in. Are you a club
officer? Have you chaired a club committee? Have you led an activity for your
Description of duties – what you did
Name of
E. Community Service:
List any and all community service projects you participated in with your
Community Service Activity
# Hours
IV. Community/School/Other Accomplishments:
A. Participation in Activities:
Include any and all activities that you participate in outside of 4-H. This
would include those at church, school and sports.
Type of Activity
B. Leadership Exhibited:
Leadership Activities Outside of 4-H. How have you been a leader at
these activities? Are you captain of the team, a youth leader, or
committee chair? If you are unsure, explain the role you have and how
you feel leadership is exhibited.
Leadership Role
leadership role
C. Community Service/Citizenship:
List community service projects you have participated in outside of 4-H.
Community Service Activity
Promotional Presentations
How did you help publicize 4-H this past year? (news article, radio, TV, etc.)
# Hours
My 4-H Story
Please write an essay about your project area. Include how you decided to take this
project and the outcome of your completed project. Your story should also include the
following information:
Knowledge gained in award area.
Uses of knowledge gained in award area.
Impact of 4-H on family and personal life.
Impact of 4-H and project on future plans.
Tell what you liked or disliked about the project. Tell the reader what challenges you
faced or obstacles you overcame. Did this project involve your family? Do you have a
funny story you can share. Be creative and give as much information as possible.
Please make sure your story is organized and your ideas are communicated effectively.
Pay attention to neatness, spelling and punctuation.