travel justification examples

Travel Justification Examples
Note: If needed, additional documentation may be attached to the Travel Authorization
Request form.
Following are questions to help develop clear and concise travel justifications:
What is the purpose of the trip (eg. conference, scientific collaborations, proposal planning, etc.)?
Are you attending a conference? If so, what is the name of the conference and the title of the talk
being given?
How does this trip benefit CSU, the COE or the research project (eg. possible future revenue for
the University, promotion of a specific scientific project, collaborations with international partners,
and University exposure of a specific research area)?
Justification and Benefit samples:
Collaborative research initiative with (collaborator) located in (city, state, country); Plan
collaborative project with (collaborator).
Start (type of work) project for the (project name).
Attend the (name of conference) in (location) to disseminate results of research; attend
meetings with collaborators (identify).
Research results presented in meetings for project outreach as required.
Dr. (name), (position and project), will be traveling to (location) to present a host student
workshop for (identify). This workshop will include (description). After the workshop, Dr.
(name) will present a keynote address on student/scientific research at a conference
hosted by (identify).
By attending this conference, Dr. (name) benefits CSU and the (project) mission by
reaching his/her target audience and promoting (project) and its mission ties to CSU.
He/She is also able to encourage further participation in the (workshop) which is a
requirement of (project) as well.
Professor (name) will be traveling to (location) to attend an (identify meeting or
conference) at (location) on (dates). This meeting will involve (participants) and is a
planning meeting to evaluate the impacts of upcoming changes to the (project).
As the scientific lead of the (project), and since (project) is (describe activity),
Professor(name) is expected to participate in this important planning activity.
Prof. (name) will be attending the (conference) at the (location) from (dates) as an invited
key note speaker. His presentation is on "(title)."
This conference is one of the major (type) conferences of the calendar year and invited
talks are limited, thus his invitation reflects strongly on the (identify) program here at
CSU. Prof. (name) also plans to use his time in (location) to continue his collaboration on
(project) related projects at (identify collaborators), which is a continuation of his work
from his recent sabbatical. The development of these broader activities is part of Prof.
(name)’s defined duties as the (project) lead scientist under his (funding source) project
which is to be extended indefinitely.