The April meeting of the Pine Creek Valley 4-H Club... St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. Dillon Bushman led the 4-H...

The April meeting of the Pine Creek Valley 4-H Club was held April 11, 2011 at
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. Dillon Bushman led the 4-H pledge and Kayla Blum led
the American pledge. “Spell your favorite color” was this month’s roll call. The
secretary’s report and the treasurer’s report were read.
Stephanie Merlak moved to give the profits from the Penny Carnival to 4-H
Federation, and Molly Duncan seconded it. A report on the Hazelhurst popcorn sales was
also given during the old business.
For new business, Pine Creek Valley’s fairground clean up days are April 16th ,
May 21st , June 18th , and July 16th . Saturday, July 9th is the 4-H softball tournament. A
club trip to the Niabi Zoo in the Quad Cities and then to the Putnam Museum was
tentatively set for June 4th.
There is no May meeting! The next club meeting will be Monday, June 13th.
Sarah Duncan moved to adjourn the meeting, Stephanie Merlak seconded the motion.
The Poole family gave a Summer Safety Presentation with the help of Linda Poole.
Cassie Bushman, Sammi Bushman, Stephanie Merlak, and Alison Byrd gave talks.
Sarah Duncan, Reporter