Forreston Friskies 4-H Cloverbuds, Caring for my Pet

Forreston Friskies 4-H Cloverbuds, Caring for my Pet
Reported by Cassie Smith
The Forreston Friskies 4-H Club Cloverbud had a Caring for my Pet project meeting at Forreston
Library at 4:00 PM on Monday, February 14th. Alexis Kuelling was the Mighty Cloverbud, she led us in
Pledges and in roll call.
The Cloverbud started out with a snack of popcorn, juice and Bryan Poster shared Valentine
Cupcakes with us. After their snack and with Spring around the corner, they got to meet a bunny and a
bird. They cutout and labeled different parts of a rabbit on paper and made a Cardinal Collage. They
then got to see a real bunny name “Little Boy Blue”, he is a blue Mini-Rex from Cassie Smith Hop Shop.
They learned what you need to do to take care of Little Boy Blue, watched as his nails got trimmed and
got to hold him and what he eats.
Kendal Kuelling, one of our Jr Leaders, brought pigeons in, one of which was “Eagle” (a Birmingham
Roller) to see the Cloverbuds. He taught them how to care for them, what food they eat and how to hold
them so they don’t fly away, he told them that the Birmingham Rollers are a breed that is a low flying
pigeon that flies close to home and rolls in the air as they fly and are fun to watch as they make quick
turns, dives and almost run into each other in mid-air, these birds are different than his Homers that fly
longer distance to always return to the place were they were born at and the American Giant Racers that
are used to race home at great speed and long distance. Some of his fancier birds are the White Fantail
and Oriental Rollers, which are basically for showing not good fliers.
The Cloverbuds talked about different pets they know of and what they would like to have as a pet. They
left with lots of knowledge of pets and the great care that goes along with having one.
The next Cloverbud meeting will be on March 14th 4:00 PM at Forreston Library, This is for kids ages 5-8
by Sept. 1st of the school year. Older 4-H members (ages 9-18) next meeting is on March 7th . If
anyone would like to check us out and see what 4-H is about, call Vickie Smith at 815-938-2711 or
Thelma Meeks at 815-938-2323 or more information about clubs near you call Ogle County Extension
Office at 815-732-2191.