safety matter energy guide unit 1

Name _________________________________
2013-2014 Honors
Safety and Laboratory Study Guidelines for Unit I and Test I
Safety includes: clothing, preparation, safety equipment, lab equipment and chemicals.
1. Know the location of safety equipment in the room. List 2 and their location.
2. Bring lab book with procedural drawings in preparation for lab to be done. _________________
3. Know the proper and improper clothing to wear in lab. _________________
4. Know the names of scientific equipment. List at three items.
5. Describe how to light a Bunsen Burner
6. Know basic safety rules. ____________________________
7. On the lines above, place either the textbook page number or the reference sheet you need to
Scientific Numbers and Symbols Guidelines
Scientific Numbers and Symbols include: scientific notation, significant figures, accuracy, precision and
chemical symbols
1. Know how scientific numbers relate to exponents i.e. very large and very small numbers.
Change to a real number 1.2 x102 ____________________Change 0.002 to scientific notation.
2. Know how to add, subtract, multiple and divide using scientific numbers. _________________
3. Know how to compare distances and sizes in the metric system _________________
4. Know the symbols and correct spelling for the first 20 elements and Silver, Iodine, Barium,
Gold, Mercury, Lead, and Uranium. _________________
Study Guidelines for Unit I Matter and Energy Ch. 1 & 2
(some information available in Chapters 10, 12 and 17)
Matter and Energy Unit includes: matter classification, matter separation methods, Energy transfer and
Entropy including Demos and Labs
Matter and Energy
1. Know how to classify matter _________________
2. What is homogeneous matter ________________________
3. Give one example of homogeneous matter ________________________
4. What is heterogeneous matter ____________________________
5. Give one example of heterogeneous matter. _____________
6. Know how to separate matter. Separate sand from salt
7. Know the different types of evidence indicating that a chemical reaction has occurred
specifically the ones from class demonstrations. _________________
8. What enthalpy is _________________
9. What entropy is _________________
10. Evidence of chemical reaction. List 2 ____________ _________________
11. What happens to energy in an Exothermic Reaction? _____________________
12. What happens to energy in an Endothermic Reaction? _________________
13. What is q? _________________
14. What equation is used to calculate q_________________
15. How is the equation rearranged to calculate specific heat _________________
16. What is specific heat _____________________________________
17. Phase Diagrams for CO2 and water
18. Energy Profiles and all labels: Exo and Endo
19. Heating/Cooling curves
20. Demonstrations from class, A/B indictors
21. Physical versus Chemical properties and changes
On the lines above, place either the Chapter # and textbook page number or the name of the reference
or worksheet you need to study for each line in the study guideline.