Lab on Single replacaement reactions

Single replacement reaction Lab Instructions and clean up information.
I. Place a very small amount of metal into the appropriate spot on the large grid, then add 2-4 drops of the appropriate solution to just cover
the metals – do not touch the metals with the eye dropper with salt solution, wait 2-3 minutes to see if a reaction occurs. If so in your
data table, write the reaction that occurs or No Reaction.
II. Place the Cu wire onto a Microscope slide, add 2-4 drops of Silver Nitrate- do not touch the metal with the eye dropper, let sit for at least 5
min. After observing the reaction, wipe slide clean into the trash can with a paper towel and rinse and dry slides.
III. Use well plates for the same metals as used with the large grid but only 3.0 Molar Hydrochloric Acid (3.0 M HCl). Neutralize with baking
soda – use small spatula to add a little of baking soda and then a little tap water from a beaker - and turn upside down and wipe the solid
metals and neutralized acid into the trash can; then rinse the well plates and leave to dry up side down on a paper towel.
IV. To clean up the other reactions with the large grid, wipe off the metals and solutions with a damp paper towel into the trash can, then clean
with wet paper towel and leave the station as you found it.
Note: Separately, Wipe up Pb(NO3)2 solutions with a paper towel and throw the paper towel away.
Af ter the Pb(NO3)2 solutions are wiped up, take the transparency to the back of the room and dump all of the other metals and solutions into the recovery beaker.
V. Finish writing all reactions and state if they occurred or not. You may need to use the Activity Series.
Solutions and Metals
See instructions.
Questions and Problems:
If the reaction is allowed to sit long enough, you will get a blue color when silver nitrate reacts with copper metal. What causes this change (what chemical is
responsible for the color)?
How are the physical properties of silver ions different from those of silver atoms produced in the reaction between copper and silver nitrate?
Write a balanced chemical equation, including phases, for each reaction observed.
List all the metals that were able to replace copper(II) ions in the copper solution.
List all metals that were able to replace silver ions, but could not replace iron(II) ions.
List all of the metals in order of activity. (Hint: A more active metal can replace a less active metal in solution.)
Based on the results of this lab, why do you suppose the Statue of Liberty was made from copper instead of magnesium or zinc?
Based on your observations, which of the above metals is most likely to be found in its "free"or elemental state in nature?