June 2nd

East Carolina University
Agenda Item I. Call to order
Dr. Gemperline called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm.
Agenda Item II. Approval of May 5th, 2009 minutes
Minutes approved as submitted.
Agenda Item III. Old Business
No old business brought forth for discussion.
Agenda Item IV. New Business
a. Revisions to standard graduate assistantship contracts
Dr. Gemperline announced the most recent budget plan estimates a 9% to 14% budget cut
from the Division of Research and Graduate Studies. This translates into $1 million to $1.5
million and may affect graduate assistantships. Dr. Gemperline asked program directors to
delay extending existing assistantship offers and avoid recruiting new students for
assistantships until more information is given regarding the state budget. Returning
graduate assistants should not be affected.
Dr. Gemperline announced he has requested funds derived from campus-based tuition
funds to be allocated to the Graduate School for in-state tuition remissions for full-time PhD
students. The request, if granted, will offset contingency funds and could help meet the
mandatory budget cuts without affecting graduate assistantships.
The University Attorney is currently examining language in the graduate contracts as it
relates to the dismissal of graduate students. Proposed revisions include:
 Assistantships are subject to the availability of funds
 Assistantships may be terminated for non-performance or poor performance of work
 Assistantships may be terminated for failure to remain in good academic standing
(reviewed at the end of each academic term
 Student may be reassigned duties as needed
Contract revisions will be presented at the next GSAB meeting (June 15, 2009) for approval.
The Graduate School is currently reviewing all existing contracts in order to examine
compliance with the existing assistantship policies and to share exemplary written
‘statements of work’ with program directors. Contracts with unclear or insufficient
‘statements of work’ will be sent back to the program from which it came for a new contract
to be submitted.
Dr. Gemperline asked the GA for recommendations on the eligibility of students with respect
to a graduate assistantship. Eligibility requirements will be reviewed at the end of each
contract term.
Dr. Laurinston King (Coastal Resources Management) suggested the language in the
contracts should be clear to students (not legal jargon).
Question posed regarding new recruits for assistantships that do not meet minimum
Dr. Gemperline suggested these students should be admitted with conditions equivalent of
being on probation for a semester. When minimum standards are met a student would be
eligible for a graduate assistantship.
Dr. Terri Woods (Geology) inquired of the possibility of being short staffed due to the
ineligibility of graduate assistants.
Dr. Gemperline stated program directors can request an exception.
Dr. Scott Eagle (School of Art and Design) and Dr. Hans Vogelsong (Recreation and Leisure
Studies) stated the contract revisions could be problematic for students taking only 3 credit
hours in their last semester. In this scenario students would have to pay for any extra
course to remain eligible for a graduate assistantship.
Dr. Bob Thompson (Political Science) suggested eligibility policies be stated as
“expectations” rather than hard and fast rules.
Dr. Gemperline announced he will address these concerns regarding graduate student
contracts and present a policy document to the GA for feedback.
b. Incomplete applications, official transcripts & provisional admission
Transcripts are required by the Graduate School for all institutions attended; however
waiting for the receipt of all official transcripts is a barrier for student’s application process.
Dr. Gemperline announced that revamping of the Graduate School’s electronic application
processes will include a mechanism to implement provisional admissions for students who
have submitted an official transcript showing an earned degree related to their proposed
program of study. Students admitted provisionally will have a hold placed on their account to
block registration in their first term of study until official transcripts from all institutions
attended. Automated warning messages will be sent at regular intervals to these students
as the beginning of the term approaches. Students who have not yet submitted final
transcripts will have registration blocked for the second semester until official final transcripts
are received. Dr. Gemperline stated he would proceed with this process if there were no
objections. No objections stated.
Dr. Gemperline announced the Graduate School is working with ITCS to accomplish the
 Develop a process in Banner that will automatically pull ECU transcripts
 Develop automation through Banner for different stages of the application
process (ex: when an application is complete the student and the program will
be automatically notified)
 Web portal development for electronic submittal of letters of recommendation
c. Responsible conduct of research training for graduate students
Congress recently passed a federal mandate for all graduate programs to provide research
ethics training to its graduate students. It is the aim of the Graduate School to create a
training curriculum that is applicable to the majority of graduate students (e.g. data sharing,
peer review, misconduct) with specialized training provided at the program level. Mr. John
Chinn and Ms. Norma Epley of the Institutional Review Board were present to discuss
research ethics training for graduate students and receive feedback from the GA.
Ms. Epley stated the training should be multifaceted with some face to face instruction (e.g.
an online training with case studies and workshops). Other options may include web-based
training (e.g. CITI), case studies, video training, monthly seminars, CD training, or requiring
a research training course.
It was suggested that the new training be incorporated with existing departmental training
and that existing research training be evaluated for strengths and weaknesses.
Dr. Gemperline announced he will send a questionnaire to all program directors to seek
feedback regarding the training.
d. Training for graduate teaching assistant
Dr. Gemperline announced he will send a questionnaire to all program directors to address
the following questions regarding training for graduate teaching assistants:
What kind of training do you currently provide?
Who should be required to receive this training?
What elements of training are common to all disciplines
How can resources be pooled?
How will those who need the training be identified?
When will the training be conducted?
Dr. Gemperline suggested composing the training as a series of workshops that
students can choose from. It was noted the training should also accommodate distance
education students.
Dr. Gemperline requested a task force form to explore what appropriate training to offer
graduate teaching assistant given the training that is currently offered departmentally.
Task force members include Dr. Terry West (Biology), Dr. Dorothy Muller (Center for
Faculty Excellence), Dr. Laura Prividera (Communication), and Dr. Debra Tavasso
(Health Education and Promotion).
Agenda VI. Announcements
a. Next meeting: Tuesday, July 7, 3:30-5:00 pm, Belk 1503
Agenda Item VI. Adjourn
Dr. Gemperline adjourned the meeting at 5:05 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp