DC34 RQs start f12.doc

DC34 RQs “Getting Started” and Ryan’s story
1. Why should you organize your time? Why is it important?
2. What are the three steps to organizing your time?
3. Why do you need a large monthly calendar? Pg 8
4. Do you plan and allow for enough time to study and write papers?
5. How many hours of TV do you watch every day?
6. What does “No pain, no gain” mean to you? Pg 4
7. “If you never have a dream, you’ll never have a dream come true.” Apply it to you.
8. What is a “study method?” How could having one help you?
9. What are the four key study skills? Pg 5 - 8
10. What are the four steps to reading and learning? Pg 7
11. What IS reading comprehension? Pg 29
12. What is the most important step you can take to succeed in school? Pg. 3
13. What is the most important step that you should use in every class?
14. What are some of your strengths?
15. What are the three key ways to use a book?
16. What three areas does reading help to empower?
17. What are some ways to find an appealing book to read?
18. Why do we need to take notes?
19. Why is it important to learn to read the instructor?
20. What is a bibliography? Pg 25
21. What is an appendix of a book, and where is it located?
22. What is at the end of each chapter or our textbook?
23. How much class material do people forget (unless they really study) in two weeks?
24. What’s a “sliding scale”?
25. Define: con- , col -, co26. What’s the definition of biology?
27. What is an acronym? What are synonyms? What are antonyms? Give examples of each.
28. What is the best way to remember more of what you have learned?
29. What do you think “getting off to a strong start” mean?
30. Why is attitude about learning important?
31. Do you think school makes you dislike reading rather than enjoy it?
32. Do you feel you feel you don’t need a reading course because you “know” how to read?
33. What ARE the ten steps to building college reading skills?
34. What tips do you use when it comes to learning or studying?
35. Dow you know how to write out an essay?
36. What are four important tips that can help make you a better student?
37. How do side notes (marginalia) helpful?
38. What are the four main parts of how the textbook is organized? Pg 26-30
39. Who is the author of our textbook?
40. The goals of the textbook are to help you become a better ___ and stronger ____.
41. What is the best way to become a better reader?
42. What is the only way to become better at a skill?
43. What will strengthen your ability to think clearly and logically?
44. What are three reasons why Reading is seen as the very heart of education?
45. Are you willing to read at least one outside book during the semester?
46. What are “guidewords?”
47. What does “In a nutshell” mean?
48. Why didn’t anybody help Ryan? Why didn’t he seek help?
49. What was the low point in Ryan’s life?
50. What made Ryan realize that he needed to change? What methods did he use to change?
51. How did Ryan overcome his obstacles and ultimately use his obstacles to advantage?
52. Why did Ryan read books? What were his two favorites, and why did he like them?
53. What does “lifeline” mean?
54. What prize did Ryan win for the school reading contest?
55. What was Ryan’s dream?
56. Who got kicked in the face by Larry?
57. How old was Ryan when his dad passed away?
58. How did Ryan’s childhood affect him as an adult?
59. Why did Ryan keep moving schools?
60. Why did Ryan’s mother allow domestic violence to happen in her household?
61. Why did Ryan decide to be a history teacher?
62. Have you ever helped anyone with any kind of drug addiction?
63. Why is it important to learn from the past in order to build your future?