ASO minutes Nov 21, 2011

Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization
Meeting Minute - November 21, 2011
In Attendance:
ASO board:
Daniel Campos
Vice President:
John Soliman
Marcelo Rodriguez
Randy Gamez
Sandra Barahona
Fundraising & Marketing:
Oscar Aguayo
Interclub Council:
Brandon Urtiz
Elizabeth Johnson
Michael Cortez
Guadalupe Llerenas
Teresa Sanchez
Health & Security Services:
Michael Griggs
ASO Advisor:
Robert Crossley
ASO Coach:
Monica Moreno
Special Guest:
ASO Meeting
14,2011: 1
Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization
Meeting Minute - November 21, 2011
Jenifer Lazo
Nadia Abrica
Ann Marie Catano
Leonardo Herrera
Agenda Items:
Call to Order:
12:32 pm
quorum was made
Review and Adoption of Agenda & Minutes:
President: took out unfinished business
Agenda approved: motion passed
Committee to obtain past minutes: 1) Sandra B.: Chair 2) Randy G.: co-chair 3) Teresa S.
Motion: approve minutes of 11-14-11:second: passed
Crossley: emailed minutes he possess : president email to everyone
Motion: suspend orders of the day: second: motion passed
New Business: Senator’s
Discussion whether to postpone appointments: look up regulations
Monica: 2/3 vote
President: filled position od executive administrator (randy) : E-Board approved
Randy appointed (executive administrator): unanimous: resignation letter at the end of the day
ASO Meeting
14,2011: 2
Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization
Meeting Minute - November 21, 2011
Ann Marie: social Activities: Jenifer Lazo: publications: Leonardo: Social Activities: Seeking Positions
VP: Bio’s from all candidates: Candidates gave speech about themselves
Questions: Leonardo: Lupe: how long?, any extracurricular?: response none
VP: Volunteer work: Ann Marie: America Cancer raise $6,000: Leonardo :none
Randy: Read duties
President Questions: Jenifer: Interest in ASO? Involvement?
Jenifer: Sharp, Christian Club, Drama Club, Poetry Club socialized: Why ASO? : Motivation: Achieve goals
E-Board: confirmed Jenifer to Publications
Motion: Confirm Jenifer to publications: second : Unanimous : after gavel hits next meeting
Motion: Confirm Ann Marie to social Activities: second: motion fails :5-5
Motion: Leonardo to Social activities: second: motion passes: 6-4
Motion: Ann Marie to Administration: second: motion passes: unanimous
Oath For New Senators
Point of Privilege: Lupe (1:09pm)
Tribute to deceased Students:
Sandra: commented on student who died: Brief details
Lupe: walked in (1:11pm)
Lupe: 11-11-11: spiritual climb: fell off a cliff: found Sunday deceased: did not belong to any clubs
Motion: add to tribute to deceased students: second: unanimous
Open Forum:
1:16pm : 11-21-11
Chris Shoels: neighborhood cleanup (Sylmar park): Dec.4,2011 ( 8:00am) Register, 10:00am official
Natasha: fundraising idea: Toy drive: agenda item next week
Closed @ 1:19pm: 11-21-11
Constitutional amendments:
Ad hoc committee: 1)Randy: chair, 2) Michael: co-chair,3) John, 4)Leo, 5) Sandra, 6) Jenifer,
7)Ann Marie
ASO Meeting
14,2011: 3
President: Part of Stipend: Facilitate: take at the end of the year
Oscar: Improve communication
Crossley: Check with board: check finance: audit
Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization
Meeting Minute - November 21, 2011
Point of info: VP: Stay with Aso
Motion: Extend time: second: motion passed
Motion: Purchase with research: second: unanimous
Made into an Agenda item
Request for Gavel:
President: meat tenderize not adequate: purchased: engraving 3 lines
Point of info: did ASO have a gavel?: Elizabeth
Motion: Extend time: second: motion passed
Monica: Association Organization, president name: standing rule: passing down the
LAMC ASO: President name:
Unfinished Business: Marketing Tools
Oscar: cheapest route: $25 all together: handed out pictures of different signs
President: posing regulations: Stamped or taken away
Michael Griggs: Stepped out (1:49pm)
Motion: extend time:second: motion passes
Michael Cortez: stepped out (1:51pm)
Jenifer Lazo: Stepped out (1:52pm)
Oscar: ASO use only : Standing item
Bill of Indictment:
Re-Stated that it was Retracted
Monica: does not need a letter to resign (executive Administrator)
Vl. Officer’s Reports
Vice President :
ASO Meeting
14,2011: 4
ICC meeting last Friday 11-18-11 did not meet quorum
Attended different club events
 AGS movie night
 AB540 Date Auction
 Bachata club Meeting
 Mecha Blood drive 11-30-11
Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization
Meeting Minute - November 21, 2011
Happy holidays
Valley invited to a parliamentary workshop
Bishop great workshop
Eliminate SSS: support it
Culinary: new event
Student trustee: rumor of stepping down
o Finance meeting: holiday lunch in
o Website not accurate in administration
Point of Privilege: Leonardo H. (2:06pm)
Vll. Senator’s Report:
Lupe: stepped out (1:58pm)
Marcelo: Stepped in (1:58pm)
Publication’s: No Report
Recruitment: No Report
Fundraising & Marketing: No report
Contacted historian: updated website
President: by laws do not reflect hard copy: update A.S.A.P
Attended the parliamentarian workshop
Thanks to Monica
Cheer club in process: keep ASO updated: advertise for softball
No report
Health & Security: No Report
Vlll. Advisor’s Report:
ICC: Attend Parliamentary
ASO Meeting
14,2011: 5
Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization
Meeting Minute - November 21, 2011
Happy Holidays and welcome to new senator’s
Robert Crossley
Jury duty over
Welcome to new senator’s and happy holidays
Agenda items due Tuesday 6:00pm due to holiday
Adjournment: 2:18pm
ASO Meeting
14,2011: 6