ASO Minutes 9-12-11

Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Vice President: Meeting called to order at 1:10pm on Monday, September 12, 2011
Senator at Large for Region VII, Neshia Lee is on speaker (conference call)
Roll Call:
President (Daniel Campos): absent (minutes reflect 1:11pm)
Vice President (John Soliman): present
Treasurer (Marcelo Rodriguez): present
Executive Administrator (Evy Trezvant) : present
Quorum met: 3 out of 4
Advisor (Mr. Robert Crossley): present
View of Agenda: Any Adoption and or Addition to Agenda?
Executive Administrator: 2 things (1) typo -Review of Agenda, should be adoption of agenda.
Mr. Crossley: Point of information, we have to go with the one posted, which is the review of agenda.
In future we can say adoption. Questions over request to add to agenda, suggestions to move on. We are
on limited time.
Vice President: Minutes to reflect agenda is not approved yet move on to next item.
Vice President: John and Evy are working on minutes. Minutes have not been done yet. Asked Mr.
Crossley if he received any minutes from Adriana, who had offered to type minutes from summer
Mr. Crossley: Adriana was not a senator. Oscar sent over audio of minutes, but he hasn't received
minutes from John or Evy
Executive Administrator: is not responsible for previous minutes, but offered to give assistance in
typing minutes because there are so many that need to be done. Is working on minutes and also make
note that the minutes are taking longer because they are being typed verbatim due to issues in ASO.
There was someone else who has minutes to type (Adriana O)
Vice President: no minutes prepared for this meeting. Hopefully we will have minutes for next meeting.
We will go ahead to: Open Forum at 1:15pm.
Mr. Neshia Lee is recognized by Chair. Mr. Lee is a student and 1 of 3 Region VII Senators through the
Meeting Minutes 9/12/2011
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
California Community College Student Senate. Called to encourage students. Constitution is supposed
to help alleviate problems and difficult circumstances. The constitution is supposed to help direct in
difficult situations and how to resolve issues as they arise. Constitutions are not persons, so they do not
get personal. They state what is to occur in the organization. The Constitution directs the students. He is
appreciative of the assistance that advisors provide. He is an older student. And is usually older than the
advisors. There are 4 groups in California Community System; They are: Administration, Faculty, Staff
and Students.
Mr. Crossley: Time has expired for speaker. We have to move forward for the sake of the meeting. We
thank you for your time.
Mr. Neshia Lee: As a learning tool, Mr. Vice President you were suppose to remind me of the time and
the person speaking to me was suppose to ask for your permission to speak.
Vice President: Close open forum at 1:20, exactly at 5 minutes. Going back to item 3, which is review
of the agenda.
Executive Administrator: Reads Brown Act Fundamentals Government Section Code 54954.2 (b) or
54956.5 says no option or discussion that is not posted unless 2/3 of the Board determine there is a need
to take immediate action. . . . . . . .In adding items to the Agenda. Items can be added. Government Code
54956.5 Brown Act gives us a right to change the agenda.
Mr. Crossley: Asked to see agenda. Key word need to take immediate action. The action would be to
put something on the agenda. So to add something to it that is an action item. But for the future we need
to have an action item. But he has always been told that one an agenda is posted, you cannot add another
item to it. But he was told that you cannot make changes to an agenda once an agenda is posted. That is
the reason that you much post it 72 hours in advance.
Vice President: Inquires to Mr. Lee, if we can add an item to the agenda according to the Roberts Rule.
Mr. Lee: everyone in the room is correct. Due to review agenda. You can do one of 2 things. We could
either continue the business of the day and move forward or we can make the decision (the chair) and
stand to be corrected at some future day and recognize the error, strike it and put the correct word on the
Vice President: Strike review and put adoption. Can I entertain a motion?
Executive Administrator: I motion to strike review and add adoption in its place.
Treasurer: I second that
Vice President: Make note that this is the first time we've used adoption. The last board used review.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
All in favor?
Treasurer and Executive Administrator: I
Motion carries 2.0.1 to strike review and add adoption to agenda
Executive Administrator: I; Treasurer: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Executive Administrator: Entertain a motion to move certain items up, so that the Treasurer can return
to class? Because we won’t meet quorum if the treasurer leaves. Motions to suspend items of the day and
move 2 topics: the first, ASO Meeting time and Location & ASO Meeting with Welcome Week
Marcelo Rodriguez: Seconds motion.
Motion carries 2.0.1 to suspend items of the day and move the 2 items: Executive Administrator: I;
Treasurer: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Executive Administrator: Motions to move our regular ASO Meetings from 1pm to 2pm on Mondays.
In the ASO Conference Room
Marcelo Rodriguez: Seconds motion
Motion carries: 2.0.1 to move ASO meetings to 2pm on Mondays in the ASO Conference Room:
Treasurer: I; Executive Administrator: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Mr. Crossley: Point of Information: Please Note: that John Soliman is present, and his vote is
abstained as he is chairing meeting. So vote carries with Treasurer and Executive Administrator.
Vice President: Move to end of meeting with ASO and Welcome Week
Executive Administrator: Point of Information: I had a meeting this morning with Mr. Ramirez and
Mr. Crossley. We discussed moving meeting to next Monday, September 19, 2011 instead at the end of
the month. Mr. Crossley will be working on the meeting for Monday but not sure of time. Can we make
a motion to ensure that this meeting will be set for next Monday.
Vice President: Do you have a time yet or are you still working on it?
Mr. Crossley: Where is the item? We just got out of the meeting at quarter to 12, so I am still working
on this meeting, but I am available to meet next Monday, but I cannot yet confirm until I get a chance to
see if everyone is available to facilitate this meeting. I must make sure that everyone is available.
Vice President: Can I entertain a motion to set this meeting on Monday
Executive Administrator: would like to put it one record that there will be a meeting next Monday.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Vice President: Can I get a motion to move this meeting to Monday, September 19, 2011
Executive Administrator: Motions to move meeting to Monday, September 19, 2011, time to be
Treasurer: Seconds Motion
Motion carries 2.0.1 to set meeting on Monday, September 19, 2011
Treasurer: I; Executive Administrator: I; Vice President abstained; none opposed.
Meeting called to recess at 1:32pm and to resume again at 2:00pm
Vice President: Meeting called to order at 2:10pm
Minutes to reflect that meeting is being recorded
Back to Officer’s Report:
President’s Report: NONE
(Daniel Campos): is not currently in attendance. No one has heard from Daniel regarding is absence.
Absence is considered unexcused.
Vice President’s Report (John Soliman): Read letter regarding waiver. Congratulated the committee on
Welcome Week success.
Treasurer’s Report (Marcelo Rodriguez): All the money had been accounted for regarding Welcome
Week. Currently as it stands actually numbers were left in another folder. He believes that $280 dollars
from food and $36 dollars made from Raffle tickets. He will have the exact numbers at a later date.
Executive Administrator’s Report (Evy Trezvant): Currently working on previous meetings. Would like
to suggest an action during the report.
Vice President: Reads: Roberts Rules page 14. (Officer’s Report). Recommendation can be done during
Executive Administrator: stated that I have mixed feelings about this, because this is not where I wanted it
to go, but I feel like this is where it needs to go. I really thought things could be worked out, but I have
concerns that the ASO President is not making efforts to resolve issues and the ASO President did not
show up for an earlier meeting, nor did he show up for today’s ASO meeting. Out of the 5 meetings that
have been scheduled the ASO President has only shown up to one. Also upon reading the Preamble from
the Constitution, “It is our duty to not lie, cheat , steal or otherwise compromise the integrity of the
organization” in which I feel the integrity of the organization has been compromised.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Vice President: Let minutes reflect, Mr. Neshia Lee is on conference. Senator at large Region VII, go
ahead Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: I feel the integrity has been compromised by all the drama going on and all the
dishonesty and also it has prevented us from having a cohesive environment and has produced a lot of
stress, so with that said, I’d like to request a Bill of Indictment, which I will be working on. A Bill of
Indictment for our ASO President, Mr. Daniel Campos. I’m requesting that we bring him up on
Vice President: What page is that Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: it doesn’t say the page
Mr. Crossley: Impeachment is under Article iX, under impeachment of your Consitution Section 2. I’d
like to read what is says: Any council member A. The Bill of Indictment must be discussed on the
closed section. So in this case we have to wait until one has actually been presented to the council, so
we’ll have to wait until one is presented to the Board.
Executive Administrator: May I make note, there was one presented. There was one presented to Mr.
Crossley and Mr. Ramirez about 2 weeks ago in a private meeting, which I will print up. It is a 4 page
letter in regards to my feelings of why Mr. Campos was incapable of fulfilling his position. And then I
offered to try to work things out but its apparent that Mr. Campos is unwilling to fulfill his duties, bottom
line. Not only did I give them a 4 page letter, but I also highlighted the Code of Conduct that was
violated. (I’m going to print the letter)
Mr. Crossley: There was documentation presented to us in a previous meeting. But it was not a Bill of
Indictment. I’d like to express to Ms. Trezvant that the Bill of Indictment will be discussed in a closed
session. The Executive Board has 2 weeks to discuss the Bill of Indictment, so if we receive one today,
then we have 2 weeks to make a decision. Because it says number 1. See Constitution. If it is not
presented by the President, then it can be presented by The Vice President, or Secretary. Then we can
move forward. We are on officer’s report and we do have a certain amount of time and we do need to get
through this agenda. Are you finished with your officer’s report.
Executive Administrator: no, I have one thing to say, let the records reflect that I will be using the letters
and emails as the Bill of Indictment. The Bill Indictment will be dated today, September 12, 2011
Mr. Crossley: I would say everyone needs to get a copy of it, including the President.
Vice President: Can you repeat that Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: yes, I will be submitting the emails and documents today as the Bill of
Mr. Crossley: Please make sure that you send it to everyone via email as well as their mailboxes.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Executive Administrator: I prefer to do hard copies because emails can be changed, I will them ad pdfs to
ensure that they cannot be altered as well as hardcopies. Let the records show that I will use Mr. Crossley
as a witness that I did put the Bill of Indictment under Mr. Campos door.
Vice President: And the mailbox
Executive Administrator: because of the confidential nature, I’d rather not put it in his mailbox. I’d
rather put it under his door in a confidential envelope. He doesn’t have a private mail box, so I will slide
under his door at the end of this meeting.
Vice President: We’re gonna go head and move on. We do not have appointed Senators. We did do about
4 interviews, we’re going to go head and wait for the deadline to appoint ASO Senators. We’re gonna
move on to item 8. Mr. Crossley I’d like to get the Advisor’s Report.
Advisor’s Report: I just want to congratulate everyone on a good job. For the club week. The chair of
the club committee, the team and the volunteers did a really good job. I think we have a lot of people that
really want to be apart of ASO. So the next thing we need to do is move forward and try appoint Senators
and move on. With that in mind the ASO membership has been increasing, currently I know of about 80
students that have come to me receiving ASO club packets for ASO memberships. I’m having one of my
student workers compile a list. A spreadsheet for students which he is in the process of doing right now,
and we are moving forward. We have a lot of interesting clubs. My main interest right now is adding
more space because right now we have 23 clubs. And we don’t have the space to accommodate
everybody. Any club that wants to request room space or room availability needs to submit an ASO
application and then I need to be in correspondence with the clubs, since I am the ASO Advisor. So I can
update the website and the meeting times and locations. And also the Robotecas, this Wednesday they
will having an ice cream social in the quad area, so that is the end of my report.
Moving on to Committee and Governance Reports:
Mr. Crossley: The only person that has been appointed on the Governance for Report is Daniel Campos
who sits on the College Council Committee.
Vice President: And also the Foundation
Mr. Crossley: That not shared governance. That’s separate, but he does sit on the Foundation, but that’s
the only one. We do have other shared governance committees, but once we get more students in ASO
we will let them know which committees they will sit on.
Vice President: Since Daniel Campos is absent today, we do not have a shared governance report for
college Council. Or for the other reps that he sits on including Student Affairs and the Foundation, since
he is not here. Now we move on to committee reports.
Welcome Week Ms. Evy Trezvant, chairperson of the Welcome Week.
Welcome Week Committee Chair (Evy Trezvant): It was really successful. I’d like to thank everyone
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
involved. I really appreciate everyone hard work. They did an outstanding job, especially the committee
members: for their roles I’d like to thank Marcelo for his role with Pink Berrys and Jamba Juice. their
hard work: John Soliman Co-Chair who worked diligently in helping to get Faculty and Administration to
come out. Freddy for getting the bagels, Angie and Soqui for getting the balloons and Mr. Crossley for
getting the helium tanks and push-ups and everything for us. And Oscar for being organized with the
volunteers. I think that this event is one of the most successful events the campus has ever had. They did
a really good job.
Records reflect that some faculty and staff came out and helped with the event. We are very grateful for
New Business:
Appointment and Oath of Executive Administrator:
Vice President: I’d like to call for a motion to strike Executive Administrator. We do have the Executive
Board filled. So we need to strike that out. Can I entertain a motion to strike out the appointment of the
Executive Administrator.
Treasurer: So moved
Executive Administrator: I second
Motion carries 2.0.1 to strike out appointment of Executive Administrator.
Treasurer: I; Executive Administrator: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed.
We will go ahead with the Oath.
Vice President, Treasurer & Executive Administrator: read and affirmed Oath under ASO BYLAWS for
Mission College: Under Section 6 Article I.
Next Item on Agenda: appointment of Senators
Vice President. We moved the appointment of Senators, we did interview applicants and will work on
making appointments.
Mr. Crossley: received one application on Friday. Hopefully we can appoint Senators by next Monday.
Please let applicants know the status of their applications. He sent Mr. Campos an email. He doesn’t
know if he has responded to it. There needs to be communication and follow through, so we have the best
ASO possible.
Vice President: I can look up on that and Ms. Evy if you can assist me in contacting the applicants y
letting them know we will be contacting them after September 15th.
Executive Administrator: yes, I can do that.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Next item: Supplies
Vice President: Mr.Crossley, is there an update on printers
Mr. Crossley: We don’t have one right now. I was telling Marcelo that we need to have a finance
meeting> We need printers. Because Marcelo is the Treasurer, he can request. At the next Finance
Meeting he can establish how much we have in the Student Rep Account. How much we have in our
General Ops. And how much we have in our Regular Ledgers. So he can request it from the Business
Office and its Public knowledge. You can request the ASO Ledger. The ASO Ledger lists all the money
that’s coming through ASO and through our ASO Reserves, we can buy equipment. So I’m requesting
that we can buy printers, copiers and furniture, if you guys so desire. We can get 3 quotes and we can
submit them. I’d like to have those quotes by our finance meeting. You can order business cards through
Vista for free.
Vice President: Please note: supplies should be a standing item on the agenda
Executive Administrator: I have a request for files and administrative supplies in order to better organize
Next Item: DJ donations for Welcome Week
Treasurer: I, Marcelo Rodriguez, ASO Treasurer, Did you ever have a discussion with DJ as to how
much he wanted to charge.
Vice President: Yes, I was the one who orginally contacted the DJ, when I spoke to him, he told me his
fee was $70/hour. I spoke to the Committee Chair, Ms.Evy Trezvant and referred him to her. Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: Yes, I spoke to the DJ, Ricardo. He said he originally does it for $70/hr. I had
informed him that the advisor for the Drama Club had told me before in the past that if we ever needed a
DJ, they had one for free. I told him that we really don’t have a budget, but we would try. I told the DJ
that we may be able to give him something, but if so, it wouldn’t e that much money. I told him that I
needed to bring it to the board and I would get back to him.
Treasurer: Seeing as we haven’t had a Finance meeting yet. And we would have to discuss where the
funds would come out of. And he did come out for 3 days and bring his own equipment. I was thinking
of a donation of $100 maybe.
Executive Administrator: I was thinking of a suggestion of $50. I had already told him that if we did
pay him, that it wouldn’t be that much. We really didn’t make a profit.
Treasurer: Would the ASO fee be included in our budget? Is there Revenue from that?
Vice President: No, not to my recollection
Mr. Crossley: I know the way we market ASO from Welcome Week. We generate money a couple
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
different ways. We market ASO through Welcome Week and the Wellness Center, and We also market
through the book store, The money generated from welcome week is generally put back into our general
ops account. This way it will go into our operating budget for the semester. The way it works is that it
wasn’t really a fundraiser per say. It was more or less we were giving out the kindness of our heart. In
the future we have to be really careful of giving money away because the Board wills stipulate we can’t
just give money away. If we do want to compensate him he has to fill out a personal service contract.
Then we would have to cut him a check. So if we ever get audited it will show where the funds went.
Vice President: do we have a consensus of $50
Treasurer: That’s fine
Vice President: Can I entertain a motion to pay the DJ from welcome week $50 for his services. Mr.
Ricardo Mier
Treasurer: so moved
Executive Administrator: I second
Motion carries: 2.0.1 for paying DJ, Ricardo Mier (not sure of spelling)
Treasurer: I; Executive Administrator: I; Vice President: Abstained; none opposed
Next Item: Events
Vice President: September is International Independence Month. Chair recognizes Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator events starts today. There are posters around campus. Today we celebrating
the Independence of Mexico with an emphasis on Afro Mexicans in History. This will be an all week
event through Thursday. Lasoinchi is out there today along with BSU. AB540 and Mecha will be out
there later this week.
Vice President: Moving on to Constitution Day
Mr. Crossley: Asked to put Constitution Day on the Agenda, because we are a federally funded school.
Constitution Day actually falls on September 17, which is a weekend. Maybe we can have a table in the
quad area to pass out Constitution brochures.
Treasurer: It would be amazing to have a play and I would like to volunteer. Unable to do that this
semester, but we could put out a table. Will also ask AGS for volunteers
Council agreed to set a table out on Thursday in the quad area and pass out Constitution brochures.
Vice President: please entertain a motion to have this event
Treasurer: Motions for event
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Executive Administrator: Seconds
Motion carries 2.0.1 to have Constitution Day on Thursday, September 15, 2011 in the quad area. Time
Treasurer: 1; Executive Administrator: 1; Vice President: abstained; none opposed.
Co-op Ed for E-Board
Suggested by President, Daniel Campos. Mr. Raskin would grade us.
Mr. Crossley: Is work experience. You can get credit for work experience.
Executive Administrator: when Daniel Campos first brought this idea to me. He stated the Mr. Crossley
would be evaluating him and Daniel would be evaluating us. I don’t think a student should be evaluating
other students. Secondly, after doing research, we would no longer be free to advocate for students
because we would become a class and under the faculty’s discrestion.
Vice President: Can I have a motion to decline the co-op Ed for ASO
Treasurer: So moved
Executive I second
Motion carries 2.0.1 to decline the Co-op Ed credits for ASO.
Next Item: LACCD Leadership Institute:
Mr. Crossley: every year all the ASO advisors put together this event. It teaches you how to be effective
in your roles. The event will be on Fridays. In the past the fee has been about $75/per person. We can
take this out of our Rep Account. They will provide sandwiches and lunch. The following Friday on
October there will be a Parliamentary procedure, which requires a whole day. To help you run your
meeting effectively. We need to allocate $75/per person, per event. The dates are: September 30, 2011
and the following Friday is October 7, 2011 from 9am – 3pm.
Vice President: who will be attending these workshops.
Treasurer: I don’t know if you guys agree, but from the information that Mr. Crossley provided. I think
the second workshop will be the most important for us. Maybe we can all try to attend that one.
Executive Administrator: I agree, but I have class on Fridays from 9am -12 Noon.
Mr. Crossley: Not to negate one. Both of them are important. Because the first one deals with leadership
and team building. The Chancellor will be there. We do have a program that is devoted to this. Both of
them are important.
Vice President: Asked for a Budget Report.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Treasurer: that funs is not on the regular financial board. Its separate from the other funds dealing with
Mr. Crossley: We do have the funds because it’s the $1 rep fee that the students pay. We probably have
about $30,000-$50,000 in that account and we can afford it.
Treasurer: I do want to go , but I cant affirm that I can go to the September 30th event.
Mr. Crossley: Can we put a cap on this. We can also offer this out to clubs as well. So we want to put a
cap on it and discuss it later on.
Executive Administrator: I’d like to go ahead and move a motion for 20 students at $80/each.
Treasurer: I second that motion
Motion carries 2.0.1 to approve 20 students for the LACCD Leadership Institute: 10 students for
September 30 and 10 students for Octoer 7th, 2011.
Treasurer: 1, Executive Administrator: 1; Vice President: abstained; none opposed.
Halloween Ball:
Executive Administrators: Students have been asking for a Halloween Dance this semester. Can we
move to next week.
Vice President: this item Halloween Ball will be tabled for next week’s agenda
Next item: ASO t-shirts
Vice President: Any information Mr. Crossley
Mr. Crossley: has a vendor from last year. We need to order t-shirts because we’ve been telling students
we don’t have them and they are apart of the ASO packets. I think we can order 500 t-shirts and they are
like $3 or $4 a piece. I want to say maybe we could order like $1,500 worth of t-shirts.
Vice President: Point of clarification: These t-shirts are going to be the ones given out with the ASO
Mr. Crossley: yes. These are the ones that will be given out with ASO memberships. This vendor
already has the logo and the silkscreen and he’s pretty inexpensive.
Vice President: They usually come right away
Mr. Crossley: yeah, we just have to do a check request. The minutes need to reflect what we are
Executive Administrator: if we do 500 t-shirts, that’s $1,500 bucks.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Vice President: We are going to go ahead and entertain a motion for 500 t-shirts for ASO memberhsips,
plus tax.
Executive Administrator: I motion to purchase $1,500 worth of t-shirts plus tax for ASO memberships
Treasurer: second motion
Motion carries: 2.0.1 to purchase $1,500 worth of t-shirts plus tax for ASO memberships
Treasurer: 1; Executive Administrator: 1; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Next Item: SSCCC and CCSAA
Mr. Crossley: SSCCC and CCSAA,, these are two conferences. The last time we had a meeting I asked
everyone to look at the website and see what these two conferences are about. The deadlines are
approaching soon. The CCSAA is in San Jose on October 22 and 23rd. Then the one in SSCCC is in
San Jose as well and that is November 4,5,6th. They are both overnight. The CCSAA is a general
assembly. They both are really good leadership conferences. We need to establish a budget for it.
Executive Administrator: Can we do a special meeting later this week.
Mr. Neshia Lee: asked to move items until meeting next Monday, and he will be able to provide more
information concerning the SSCCC conference.
Treasurers says we should approve both of them
Vice President really enjoyed the conferences from previous experiences.
Executive Administrator says we all agree, we’d like to go, just suggested a special meeting to budget for
Vice President: Entertains a motion to approve the conferences
Treasurer: Calls for motion to approve attendance to the two conferences SSCCC and CCSAA
Executive Administrator: Seconds
Motion carries 2.0.1 to approve attendance to two conferences SSCCC and CCSAA
Next item: Robeteca space
Vice President did not get a chance to talk to Wally or to attend the facilities meeting
Mr. Crossley: we need to let facilities know that we need space.
Vice President: they are meeting with the President to try to get some space. Suggest it as a standing
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Next item: Saving the Hot Dog Cart
Vice President: suggest a committee for Hot Dog cart
Treasurer: did the petitions not go through. What occurred to the last efforts of the last council on this
Vice President: As far as I know the last ASO President went to the meeting and this item was suspended
Mr. Crossley: this is our main source of revenue. Usually at night they are more busy than the cafeteria.
If school gets rid of cart them they have to find ASO another source of revenue $24K. At this point
havent heard anything and no news is good news.
Vice President spoke to Kevin at hot dog cart and he would like permanent space on campus.
Treasurer: is the task force that was put together was it faculty from our school. They do have more sales
in the evening especially since the cafeteria closes as 7:30pm.
Vice President: Would like this to be a committee
Vice President will chair Hotdog committee and Marcelo Rodriguez will be the co-chair. Evy Trezvant
will be a member of the chair.
Vice President inquired, who would be the Treasurer’s student rep for the finance meeting.
Treasurer nominated Evy Trezvant as student rep.
Evy Trezvant accepted role.
Treasurer: entertained a motion to appoint Evy Trezvant as student rep for Finance Meetings
Executive Administrator: Second
Motion carries 2.0.1 for Evy Trezvant to be the student rep for Finance Meetings
Treasurer: 1; Executive Administrator: 1; Vice President: abstained; none opposed.
Let minutes reflect that this is our 3rd week of school. We are not allowed to meet during the first week,
but a meeting was suppose to be called during the second week of school. Our ASO President was
responsible for organizing that meeting and he did not. So we are officially meeting on the 3rd week of
school. We are behind and some has a duty to organize these meetings.
Treasurer announces the Transfer Center’s College Fair needs volunteer for the fair. They are looking for
ASO to sponsor with volunteers. October 10th from 10am to 1pm and there will be a lunch served from
12:30 to 1:30pm.
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Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Mr. Crossley’s only concern is that ASO already donates $350 to Transfer Center for the College Fair,
which is a line item. Not sure why we also have to supply volunteers.
Treasurer will ask AGS about volunteering and get back to ASO
If we supply volunteers maybe ASO will lower donation amount to College Fair
Vice President adjourned meeting at 3:32pm
Meeting Minutes 9/12/2011
Page 14
Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Meeting Minutes 9/12/2011
Page 15