Associated Student Organization Meeting Minutes Monday, May 2, 2011 at 1:00PM Campus Center Building, Lower Level, ASO Conference Room I. ASO Executive Board President: Brian Rodriguez Vice President: John Soliman Treasurer: Andrea Soqui Secretary: Guadalupe Lopez Senators Social Activities: Daniel Campos Publications: Evy Trezvant Recruitment: Marcelo Rodriguez Fundraising and Marketing: Latasha McClellan Political Affairs and Community Relations:Lionel Mares Educational Services: Angelica Galindo Vacant: Interclub Council Technology: Elizabeth Johnson Health and Security: Michael Griggs Parliamentarian: Ademir Villacorta Historian: Adriana Sanchez Athletics: Andrea Brard II. Call to order: 1:00 III. Quorum: Advisor Mr. Crossley, President Brian Rodriguez, Vice President John Soliman, Treasurer Andrea Soqui, Secretary Guadalupe Lopez, Political Affairs senator absent, Historian Adriana Sanchez, Fundraising and Marketing: excused absence, Recruitment Marcelo Rodriguez, Publications absent, Health and Security Michael Griggs, Educational Services Angelica Galindo, Inter Club Council, Sandra Barahona Parliamentarian Ademir Villacorta, Athletics, Andrea Brard. Guest(s): Eugene Hernandez, Daniel Campos, Elizabeth Johnson Andrea Brard stepped out at 1:09. IV. Approval of Agenda: Educational Services senator motions to approve the agenda and Vice president seconded. Motion passes: 9-0-0. Andrea Brard stepped in at 1:11. V. Review of Minutes: Historian motions to approve the March 3rd minutes. Motion passes 10-0-1. Approval of April 4 minutes. Parliamentarian motioned to approve the minutes and Recruitment senator seconded. Motion passes: 11-0-0. 1 VI. Open Forum: Opened at 1:16. Parliamentarian said that the date for the day of action has been changed. Publications senator stepped out at 1:18. A.S.O is still going to co-sponsor the event with S.H.A.R.P. Publication senator stepped in at 1:19. Publications senator took the floor and stated that the Homeless care bag event will take place on the 21 of May. Daniel Campos took the floor next and announced his candidacy for A.S.O president for the next school semester and he is hoping to do the best for the students. One of his main platforms is respect and he do all he can to help out the student community. Publications senator asked about the length of one term in office. Vice president clarified saying that a candidate can take office during the summer even though school will not be in session this summer because that is the start of the Fiscal year. Open forum ends at 1:22. VI. Officer’s Reports: President stated that the description for A.S.O is very vague. Update on agendas and minutes should be conducted. Will be able to attend the upcoming meeting where the student trustee will be able to make herself present. The president stated that the Fundraising and Marketing senator was not going to be able to make it to the meeting for two weeks. Vice President stated that during the April 26 ICC meeting quorum was met. Club Rush was successful. The next ICC meeting will take place May 10 at 12:30. Treasurer N/R. Secretary informed the council of the issue of high cost of food in the new cafeteria. Can something be done? VII. Senator Reports: Publication senator stated that she ordered the banners for A.S.O and that they should be coming next week, but going back to the cafeteria issue, there should be a culinary arts senator. The duties of a senator should also be expanded to include the duties to help out the secretary. This should be discussed in the bylaws committee. On other matters, right now she is working on brochures to promote the clubs. Recruitment senator N/R. Educational Services senator stated that she will do research on internships since students do not have access to that information. I.C.C senator stated that the meeting went well and that the club rush was a success. Parliamentarian stated that during a bylaws committee it should be discussed that the secretary needs an assistant. Athletics senator said that she will attending a facilities and planning meeting on Wednesday. Vice president motioned to suspend the orders of the day to move to committee reports: Facilities and Planning. Motion passes: 11-0-0. President stated that priority allotment of space for clubs and A.S.O came in third. We should schedule a meeting. A.S.O should inherit some space in the campus center. An office should be given to A.S.O. Athletics senator said that a separate task force addressing the space for clubs and A.S.O will be made. This process is moving slowly because people are taking their time and we should continue “nagging” until we get first rights to the former culinary room and A.S.O should be placed in the Facilities and Planning master plan. Crossley stated that at the most part it will take two years or more to see a change. He also stated that we as the council should solidify a plan with Facilities and planning to have something to refer to in the coming year for the next council. The president 2 entertained a motion to submit a proposal to facilities and planning. Historian moved and Recruitment seconded. Motion: Unanimous. VIII. Advisor’s Reports Mr. Crossely stated that Monte Perez is the new college president and his term started on Monday. The council should touch bases with the president as long as the duration of this semester. The college council meeting will vote on the hot dog cart. People should still be encouraged to sign the petition. This issue should be brought up to the president as well. Another issue is that sections will be cut for the fall and for the spring session, up to 70 units can be cut. Publications senator informed the council on the Hands Across California event and said that it was fun. We assembled with the L.A. Valley college there were about 100+ people. The pictures of the event are on Flicker. He also stressed the importance of the death of education and the next shared governance committee will take place on May 10. April 27 was the last day to turn in the senator applications. Six were received. Senators in office now cannot support, or endorse the event on May 16. It states in the constitution that people who violate the code shall be subject to disciplinary action. A person who is neutral on the matter should be chosen as chair. President of A.S.O should be chair of the committee. Election committee should meet to augment the rules. VP was saying that the Parliamentarian should not be the chair since he could have a large influence on the outcome. Publications senator said that this is not right since we all do have a conflict of interest. She opposes having to remove the parliamentarian from the chair position. Historian motioned to suspend the orders of the day to move to appointment of senators. Educational services and Treasurer seconded. Motion passes: Unanimous. IX. Committee Reports: X. New Business: Appointment of Senators: Elizabeth Johnson was asked if she had any experience with the technology position by the publication senator. She said she did. She has connections with others who can provide help. Educational senator asked what she was going to do to change the website. She will do all that she can to work on the website. Historian motioned to appoint Elizabeth Johnson for the technology position. Motion passes: Unanimous. Daniel Campos who applied for social activities took the floor after and stated that he worked with Ademir, A.S.O parliamentarian on the death of education and is willing to work with everyone. He is a certified tour for the Mexican government. He will create a stimulus to get students involved on campus. Historian moved to elect Daniel Campos as our new social activities senator. Michael Griggs seconded and motion passes: 9-0-0. Andrea Brard walked out at 2:24. Club Charter: Cardinal Newman society. The receipts are not available and council moved to re-charter G.L.B.T.S. Historian motions to re-charter G.L.B.T.S and Educational services senator seconded. Region VII Donation: They asked for a donation to keep advocating for students. The students are asking for advocacy money to keep the program running. Treasurer stated that they need to be more specific on what they are going to use the money for. Publication senator stated that if the money is not being used for student in Mission College the donations should not be implemented. Postpone for next meeting. Recruitment senator walked out 2:26. UCLA Buddy Days: UCLA is inviting community college students to visit classes regarding their major with the help of students with the same major as them. Deadline is May 6. Event will take place Friday May 13. 3 Recruitment senator walked in 2:28. A.S.O. Pre-Finals Week: A committee should be made. People with an A.S.O fee will have priority to obtain the scantrons, blue books and folders. Recruitment senator motions to hold a pre-finals week. A budget should be constructed and a finance meeting should be conducted. Crossely pointed out that A.S.O has stated that they were going to hold meetings before, but nothing got done. We have not made A.S.O as public as we would have wanted. Elizabeth Johnson stated that she did not know about A.S.O. Historian motions to nominate the Publications senator for chair of the A.S.O pre-finals week. The meetings will be held every Monday at 9:00 a.m. Daniel Campos stepped out at 2:50. XI. Old Business: ITAP: Will be discussed during the Day of Action projected to be on May 17 and 18 Recruitment senator entered 2:28. Publications senator said she was confused about the costs. The president said that the speaker would address the subject during day of action. The president unfortunately could not get the person from the district to speak about the ITAP. The president should contact the ITAP personnel and provide them with available dates for a meeting. Informational flyers should be made to inform the student community. Positive feedback was not obtained from the student trustees. An e-mail blast should be sent out to all students on the ITAP. The ITAP info should be locked on the school website as Recruitment senator stated. President will try to contact the president Lee Eisenberg. ICC End of the Year Banquet: 300 dollars was allocated for the event. Historian moved and three people seconded. Motion passes: Unanimous. City Planning Commission: Secretary motions that A.S.O take a stand against the Charter school building project. VP seconded. Motion passes: 6-0-5. XII. Announcements: Bone marrow donation spokesperson came and asked to be put on the next agenda so as to inform the students. XIII. Agenda Item Request: No requests XIV. Adjournment: 3:25 p.m. . 4