MINUTES OF LAMC A.S.O. Meeting date: October 15, 2012 Call to order: A meeting of the Associated Student Organization, was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA, October 15, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 1:31pm. Members in attendance: Executive Board: Michael J. Griggs, President; Michael Cortez, Vice President Randy Gamez, Treasurer Pavan Basra, Executive Administrator Carlos Lara, Parliamentarian Advisor: Robert Crossley Senators: Kimberly Calito Chelsea Tang Esteban Hernandez Angel Melgarez (tardy 1:55pm) Doleatha Young (left early 2:41 pm) Lilly Cabrera (point of privilege 3:10pm) Approval and Adoption of Agenda: Carlos Lara: Motion to approve the Agenda for the October 15, 2012 meeting. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes: Michael Cortez: Motion to approve minutes as amended for Oct. 8 th Motion carried Reports: -President: This past weekend, attended Obesity Prevention Day. Very good events and got many compliments towards ASO. Remember to spread word about ASO. -Vice President: Attended LAMC Foundation, went well. -Treasurer: Attended Noche De Ciencias, very successful. Bought $600 worth of pizza, will be giving receipts to business office to close out that account. Check requests have gone in, waiting so we can use money towards ASO necessities. -Executive Administrator: No report. -Parliamentarian: Council member was supposed to come Wednesday to discuss Ballot Prop. 30, but cannot come due to a meeting. -Technology: Met with Eric from IT Thursday, learned how to upload fliers & images. Training was successful. -Education: No report. -Community: Met up with 2 council candidates regarding Ballot Petition & Shuttle Petition. -Administration: Working on minutes from last week's ICC Meeting. -Advisor: Commended Angel and Michael for attending Obesity Prevention Day, well received event with many people. Thanked Randy for taking over for food & such. -Health: Attended Obesity Prevention Day and it went wonderful. Committee Reports: -ASO Unity Luncheon: Got most confirmations for date, majority said Nov. 9th. Should be about $14 for buffet. -Halloween Horror Nights: Wants to drop the zombie part of this event. ASO Movie Night with basic snacks. Classical Music Club requests about $50-$80 LA Film Harmonics gift card, candy, goodie bags to students of scavenger hunt. Doleatha Young: Motion to approve the purchase of goodie bags during Halloween Horror Nights. Pavan Basra: Motion to amend Doleatha Young motion to approve $50 towards Classical Music Club for goodie bags during Halloween Horror Nights. Motion carried as amended. -Ballot Proposition: Held Wednesday 12pm-1:30pm, to inform students about the propositions with a few guest 1 speakers. -ASO Teacher Appreciation: No report. Open Forum: Opened at 1:38pm -Wants ASO to oppose the new Charter School being built by LAMC, it will cause major traffic. Requests it to be on next week’s agenda. Closed at 1:41pm. Standing Items: -Appointment of E-Board and Senators/Confirmation: Executive: Randy Gamez, Motion to approve Lilly Cabrera as Historian. Motion carried. Senators: Esteban Hernandez, Motion to approve Lilly Cabrera as Historian. Motion carried. -Club Charter: Doleatha Young: Motion to approve the new charter for Gay/Straight Alliance. Motion carried. Michael Cortez: Motion to re-charter campus events. Motion carried. New Business: -Deferred Action Workshop: Crossley spoke to an organizer to do some type of workshop on deferred action. Request to have support on this by promoting it. Committee was created, with chair Lily Cabrera. -Debate Party: To get people more involved in political process by promoting debate parties. Kim Calito will be in charge of putting this together. Esteban Hernandez: Motion to have a viewing party at LAMC for the last and final presidential debate and to not exceed $75. Motion carried. -NALEO Online Voter Registration: Will be here on campus Oct. 17 & 18, 8am-6pm. Email Robert Crossley with hours of operation and information. -SHARP Donations: Trying to get people to vote and reward the ones who have voted, will be during the whole week of voting week. Asking for donations to reward students who have voted. Michael Cortez: Motion to give SHARP an iPod to students for voting. Randy Gamez: Motion to approve amended motion, to give a $25 gift card instead of iPod shuffle. Motion carried as amended. Old Business: -Constitutional Amendments: Move to next week -Metro Presentation: Move to next week Announcements: -Leadership workshops: President Moreno wants to have more classes and workshops of leadership around Nov. or Dec. Has a business Professor Boardbar interested to help do so. Open to everyone, but mainly focused on ASO. Tomorrow at 5pm grand opening of Center for Math & Sciences. -Robert Crossley: Only students that can assist student organization are 2 ASO members, will ask other club members to help. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:13pm. Next Meeting will be held on October 22, 2012. ________________________________ President, Michael Griggs LAMC Associated Student Organization ___________________ Date of approval ________________________________ Executive Administrator, Pavan Basra LAMC Associated Student Organization ___________________ Date of approval 2 3