MINUTES OF LAMC A.S.O. Meeting date: May 7, 2012 Call to order: A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization, was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA May 7, 2012, in the ASO Business Room. The meeting convened at 12:33, Senator Michael Griggs presiding, and Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator. Recessed 15 minutes to establish Quorum 12:33-12:45 Members in attendance: Executive Board: Daniel Campos, President Randy Gamez Executive Administrator Michael Cortez, Parliamentarian ASO Senators: Nadia Abrica Lupe Llerenas Ann Marie Cataño Cesar Gutierrez Michael Griggs Brent Rosinski, Vice-President Oscar Aguayo, Treasurer Elizabeth Johnson Sandra Rodriguez Leonardo Herrera Teresa Sanchez Advisors: Robert Crossley Excused Absences Garry Tomason, Sandra Barahona, *Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy Approval of Minutes: Oscar Aguayo: Motion to postpone approval of minutes April 16th, 2012 meeting. Motion carried Leonard: Motion to postpone approval of minutes April 30th, 2012 meeting. Motion carried. Approval and Adoption of Agenda: Michael Cortez: Motion to approve the Agenda for the May 7th, 2012 meeting. Motion carried. Open Forum: Opened at 12:51 Agenda Item Request for Soccer Gear Closed at 12:53 Officers' reports: President: Appreciative to serve a year as a President. Vice-President: No Report Executive Administrator: Attended Ontario, was very discouraged at some people’s misconduct Attended Academic Senate meeting Treasurer: There were 5 special Meetings Items approved: ◦ March in March Parliamentarian: Would like to thank election’s committee for their work Went to Ontario Senators' Reports: Nadia Abrica: Special thanks to all those who went to Ontario Congratulate all students who participated in ASO Lupe Llerenas: Women and Men’s Softball and Baseball lost in previous games Will be contributing with Soccer Coach Went to Ontario Cesar Gutierrez: Working on the Candidate Committee Thankful for being allowed to participate in ASO Michael Griggs: Special Thanks to all who supported him Ann Marie Cataño: Thanks for those who showed up on Thursday Disappointed with ASO members not participating in events Asking for members to come out to support on May 15th for event on campus Went to Academic Senate meeting and was attacked Will not be returning to ASO next year will be working on the Student Empowerment Movement Cinco de Mami event canceled by Alma Johnson. Elizabeth Johnson: Been doing website maintenance Leonard Herrera: Went to Ontario Congratulations to Michael Griggs Teresa Sanchez: No Report Advisor's Reports: Robert Crossley Make sure that any future ASO council members keep up their GPA. Business office needs all receipts for Ontario trip they will only refund food purchases ASO purchased I-pad for Welcome Week but never given out perhaps can be given out at the end of year commencement ceremony Sharp is having event in the quad on Thursday MEChA having fundraiser Anime Club putting a Japanese cartoon viewing. Board and committee reports: CASM-SF Committee: Not addressed ASO Elections committees: Went over budget for pollworkers Oscar: Motion to allocate additional $450 to pay pollworkers. Oscar: Motion to extend time for 3 minutes Motion to extend time carried Randy: Would like minutes to reflect question why pollworkers were authorized to work in counting the votes. They were pollworkers, not ballot counters. ASO did not authorize it. It is a slap in the face to this Council. Daniel: Motion to extend time 3 minutes Motion to extend time carried Daniel: Would like minutes to reflect that Mr. Crossley authorized additional 6 hours for pollworkers to count votes. Daniel: Motion to extend time 1 minute Motion carried Randy: Motion to amend original motion for ASO to give disciplinary warning to the Elections Committee for not administrating the elections properly and Advisor for overstepping his authority in authorizing paying pollworkers for counting ballots. Amendment Carries Original motion carries Tax Oil Committee: Not addressed New Business: Moment of silence for Michael Falvo Brent: Motion for ASO to approve a one minute moment of silence during commencement ceremony Motion carried Hot Dog contract District is trying to end outside food vendors Daniel: Motion for ASO to support 10 year contract with Hot Dog vendors Motion carries ASO/ICC End of the Year Event Motion to approve a budget no more than $2000 for ASO/ICC banquet Korean BBQ Pinetree Motion carried New President and VP Gavel Daniel: Motion to approve $100 to purchase gavels for new President and VP ASO Package Daniel: Motion to purchase 1000 folder packets Including folder, scantron, bluebook, pencil Motion carries ASO Graduation Sashes Mr Crossley will take full responsibility for purchasing graduation Sashes for ASO members Daniel: Motion to approve Mr Crossley to purchase Sashes with appropriate research Motion carried Standing Items: Reimbursements Daniel: Motion to approve reimbursing Ronald Montero for gas for the Ontario SSCCC trip Crossley: Ronald was already reimbursed Daniel Rescinds motion Club Charters (Inquiry of Reconsideration for the Classical Music Club) Daniel Campos would like to appeal decision of ASO to not re-charter club. Motion to extend a full 5 minutes Motion carried Daniel Campos: Motion to reconsider and approve Classical Music Club charter. Oscar: Motion to extend time for 3 minutes Motion carried Original motion carried to recharter Classical Music Club Unfinished Business: David M. Rodriguez Will be here on June 4th to speak on the 5th in the graduation ceremony. Daniel: Motion for ASO to include David Rodriguez in the End of Year banquet for ASO members only on Monday June 4th at the Odyssey Motion carried Committee created, Daniel Chair, Oscar Co-chair Hands for Africa Representative Salomon Gerber Randy Gamez: Motion for ASO to support by allowing HfA to share information in the Quad Daniel Campos: Motion to amend original motion to table discussion until next week to get more info Amendment fails. Original motion carries Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:29 pm. Next Meeting will be held May 14, 2012. ________________________________ President, Daniel Campos LAMC Associated Student Organization ___________________ Date of approval ________________________________ Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez LAMC Associated Student Organization ___________________ Date of approval