ASO minutes 4-16-2012

Meeting date: April 16, 2012
Call to order:
A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA
April 16, 2012, in the ASO Business Room. The meeting convened at 12:30, Executive Administrator Randy
Gamez presiding, and Ann Marie Cantano, Administrator.
10 Minutes to establish quórum (12:30 call to order at 12:40)
10 Minutes to gather information (1:03pm call to order 1:17pm)
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Brent Rosinski, Vice-President
Oscar Aguayo, Treasurer
Randy Gámez, Executive Administrador
Michael Cortez, Parlamentarían
ASO Senators:
Leonardo Herrera
Sandra Barahona
Elizabeth Johnson
Ann Marie Cataño
Lupe Lleneras
Garry Tomason
Robert Crossley
Michael Griggs
Sandra Rodríguez
Nadia Abrica
Ronald Montero
Cesar Gutiérrez
Daniel Campos, President (Excused)
Nadia Abrica, (Excused)
Eduardo Martin, (Not Excused)
Garry Tomason (excused @ 2:23pm)
Historian 12:39 pm, Ronald: 1:17pm, Sandra B.: 1:31pm
*Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy
Approval of Minutes:
 Amend misspelling in name (Rosinski), Include Treasurer’s attendance.
 Michael Cortez: Motion to approve minutes as amended for March 26th, 2012
 Motion carried
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
 Brent Rosinski: Motion to approve the Agenda for the April 16, 2012 meeting.
 Motion carried
Open Forum:
 Opened at 12:50
 Mark Pursley: ASO approved partial funding for AGS conference but AGS has not received it:
 Janet Romero: Would like to know how they can get the money to AGS account;
 Open Forum closed at 12:53
Officers' reports:
Daniel Campos, PRESIDENT
 Absent, No Report
Brent Rosinsky, VICE-PRESIDENT
 Upset due to the fund to be allocated to AGS has not happened
Oscar Aguayo, Treasurer
 Oscar Aguayo: Motion to approve treasurer’s report as reflected in the finance meeting minutes and
amended to remove the extra 5 off a given number
 Motion carried
Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator
 Attended Child Development Rally
 Working on a student empowerment movement
 Attended Santa Monica Protest and was pepper sprayed
 Attended Board of Trustees meeting
Michael Cortez, Parliamentarian
 No Report
Senators' Reports:
 Leonardo Herrera: Attended board of Trustees ( gave Speech )
 Elizabeth Johnson: Attended Board of Trustees, made changes to reflect board position and regulations.
Computer given has not worked at all
 Ann Marie Cataño: Attended Cesar Chavez March
 Lupe Llerenas: Attended Board of trustees meeting, and will be fundraising for Soccer team.
 Michael Griggs: No report
 Sandra Rodriguez: Attended Child Development Rally, March of Dimes contact would like to work with ASO
 Ronald Montero: No report
 Teresa Sanchez: No Report
 Garry Thompson: No report
 Cesar Gutierrez: No Report
Advisor's Reports:
Robert Crossley:
 Students have not receive packets (needs urgent attention)
Board and committee reports:
Tax Oil Committee:
 Not Addressed
ASO Elections Committee:
 Advisor: Met with Candidates (went over regulations and policies )
 Leo: will schedule a date to meet
Constitution Amendment committee
 Shall be email to all board member
CASM-SFV Committee:
 Not Addressed
New Business:
DC Attire reimbursement
 Motion: up to 40 dollars reimbursement – motion carried
Cesar Chavez Building
 Proposal to have ASO support Naming Cesar Chavez building
 Motion: ASO Supporting in naming A building Cesar Chavez – Motion Carried
29th Congressional District
 Proposal: Debate at Mission College
 Motion to extend time (3 minutes)
 Motion Carried
 Motion to support to have a 29th and 30th Congressional district debate @ mission college
 Motion Carried
 Committee: Cesar will chair, and Sandra Barahona will co-chair
Soda Delivery Reimbursement:
 Need to have appropriate paper work (letter)
Hands for Africa:
 Sent to Unfinished business
Denim Day/ sexual assault
 Clothes line project April 23, 2012
 Motion to support Denim day – Motion Carried
 Ad hoc committee: Lupe chair, Sandra Rodriguez Co-Chair
Relay for Life
 Proposal: Meet and greet with survivors (shall be giving Ice cream)
 Motion to have the relay for life April 26, 2012 @ the quad – Motion carried
Academic Senate
 Randy gamez: mention the confrontation happening with staff/faculty (vote of no confidence on President
Monte Perez)
 Motion to form a letter to support president Monty Perez
 Amendment to also pass out flyers and awareness to student about the subject
 Amendment and original Motion carried
Printers & computers for ASO Executive Office
 Advisor: Need to sent a request
Obesity Prevention Day
 May 3rd, 2012 proposal: to have volunteers and support from ASO ( brought by Business club)
 Motion to have ASO support OBD – Motion Carried
Vending Machines
 Location for vending machines
 Motion to put vending machine campus center lower level
 Motion Carried
 Motion to have food vending machine, and another to have drinks (energy drinks, water)
 Motion Carried
Unfinished Businesses
 Not received: Michael, Leo, Oscar, Lupe, Ann Marie (paper work)
 Double tree Booked: Staying at other Hotel across the Street
 Vans: waiting to be register
Standing Items:
 Club Charters
Advisor: Stepped out 1:00pm
 Motion: To charter Sharp – Motion carried
 Motion: To Charter AB540 – Motion carried
 Motion: To Charter Drama Club – Motion carried
 Motion: To Charter Robotecas - Motion carried
 Motion: To Charter MECHA - Motion carried
The meeting was adjourned at 3:11 pm.
Next Meeting will be held April 23rd, 2012.
President, Daniel Campos
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval