ASO minutes 3-12-2012



Meeting date: March 12, 2012

Call to order:

A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA

March 12, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 12:34, Vice-President Brent Rosinsky presiding, and Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator.


7 minute recess 2:08-2:15

Members in attendance:

Executive Board:

Daniel Campos, President;

Brent Rosinski, Vice-President

Randy Gamez Executive Administrator;

Michael Cortez, Parliamentarian


Leonardo Herrera

Sandra Barahona

Elizabeth Johnson

Oscar Aguayo

Ann Marie Cataño


Robert Crossley

Lupe Llerenas

Garry Tomason

Michael Griggs

Sandra Rodriguez


Eduardo Martin (Excused, sent email)


Teresa Sanchez (20 minutes)

*Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy

Approval of Minutes:

 Lupe Llerenas: correction says Men’s soccer, should say “men’s baseball” for the February 13, 2012 meeting.

 Motion carried

 Sandra Barahona: correction title should say Community relations not Education

 Michael Cortez: Motion to approve the Minutes as amended for February 27, 2012

 Motion carried

Approval and Adoption of Agenda:

 Lupe Llerenas: Motion to approve the Agenda for the March 12, 2012 meeting.

 Motion carried

Open Forum:

 Opened at 1:03

 Eugene Hernandez, painting buildings and renaming one of them to “Cesar Chavez”, Felipe Fuentes forum

 Nadia Abrica, Fundraiser at Caruso’s Restaurant for the CDC

 Open Forum closed at 1:07

Officers' reports:

Daniel Campos, PRESIDENT

 Not Addressed

Brent Rosinski, VICE-PRESIDENT

 Not Addressed


Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator

 Not Addressed

Michael Cortez, Parliamentarian

 Not Addressed

Senators' Reports:

 Not Addressed

Advisor's Reports:

Robert Crossley:

 What activities are being planned for month of March/April?

 Student trustee applications due Thursday, March 15 th

 ASO Applications due March 29 th

 Financial aid scholarship applications due 3/16/12

 March 15 th Hispanics in Education Forum Campus Center Main 12pm

 ASACC info handed out to travelers

Board and committee reports:

Tax Oil Committee:

 Has already started getting signatures

Mission College Day Committee (1st Tuesday each month):

 Not Addressed

ASO Elections Committee:

 Haven’t met recently

 Have a new flier to hire student workers

CASM-SFV Committee:

 No Report

New Business:

Faculty and Staff Development Representative

 Doleatha Young: Would like to continue serving as Faculty and Staff Development Representative

 Randy Gamez: Motion to extend time by 3 minutes

 Motion carried

 Randy Gamez: Motion to extend time by 2 minutes

 Motion carried

ASO hats for fundraising

 Discussion: Ivan presenting on his hat business for fundraiser.

 Ann Marie: Motion to extend time for 3 minutes

 Motion carried

 Leonard: Motion to for ASO to use hats for fundraising

 Motion carried

AGS Trip & Fund Issues

 Issues regarding validity of Club’s charter have been raised by a statement made by John Soliman saying that AGS constitution has not been confirmed by National AGS board. Different AGS members are complaining that AGS E-board is mismanaging scholarship applicants. President John Soliman accused of violating constitution. Mr. Crossley/Mark Pursley will investigate

National Society of Collegiate Scholars Charter

 Garry: Motion to re-charter NSCS Club

 Motion carried

Cesar Chavez March

 Ann Marie: Motion for ASO to support the march on March 25 th by attending and posting up the fliers

 Motion carried

Selection of two commencement songs

 Don’t Stop Believing by Journey, 8 votes, September by Earth Wind and Fire, 7 votes

Fundraiser for commencement to buy 2 speakers

 IT department asking for ASO to conduct a fundraiser to buy them 2 speakers valued at $1700 each

 Randy: Motion for ASO to seek ways of getting Speakers donated.

 Motion carried


 Creation of Task Force, Randy appointed to follow up.

Graduation Petition Deadline

 Deadline is March 29th

Commencement Volunteers

 Trying to get club members to volunteer. ASO members might need to serve as back-up

CDC March in March

 Ann Marie: California is planning to cut Child Development Center funding it will be closing in September.

There will be a march in Sacramento to protest cuts.

 Garry: Motion to sponsor ASO members to go protest CDC cuts in Sacramento

 Randy: Motion to amend original motion to allocate $500 from Student Rep fee for trip.

 Motion with its amendment carried

 ASO members donated cash to CDC for trip.

LAMC Student Email

 All other schools get .edu email accounts. We should have a email account.

 Randy: Motion for ASO to take issue of email accounts to College Council

 Motion carried

Telescope for science building

Garry: Take issue of Telescope for the Science Building to the College Council

Motion Carried

Unfinished Businesses

Constitution Amendment Recommendations

 Discussion create position Senator of Accessibility

 Randy: Motion to create a position Senator of Accessibility

 Motion carried with 2/3 vote

Shirts/Welcome Week Packages

 A lot of students need the folders

 We are currently hemorrhaging money with the packages. We need to try to break even.

 Leonard: Motion to approve $1000 for folder packets

ASACC Conference

 Would like to get letters from College, Foundation, and ASO President to go to the White House.


 Deadline March 26 th for logistics to register.

 Brent and Michael C. will take on task to gather logistics.

Smart Tablet for Council

 Sandra B.: Motion to remove this item from agenda.

 Motion carried

Standing Items:

Roboteca/ASO Space in former bookstore

 Joe Ramirez, for ASO in either old bookstore (temporary 3 months, faculty bungalows long term)

 Motion Carried

Senator Appointments and confirmations

 Oscar Aguayo for Treasurer

 E-board voted confirmed by Unanimous vote to appoint Oscar Aguayo to Treasurer

 Senate vote: Garry Tomason, motion to confirm Oscar Aguayo to Treasurer

 Motion carried

 Ronald Montero for Marketing

 E-board voted confirmed by Unanimous vote to appoint Ronald Montero to Marketing Senator

 Senate vote: Sandra Barahona, motion to confirm Ronald Montero to Marketing Senator

 Motion carried

 Nadia Abrica for Fundraising

 E-board voted confirmed by Unanimous vote to appoint Nadia Abrica to Fundraising Senator

 Senate vote: Sandra Barahona, motion to confirm Nadia Abrica to Fundraising Senator

 Motion carried

Fundraising Idea

 Give-away two Ipod shuffles at David Rodriguez fundraiser event and two Ipod shuffles at the Cesar


Chavez event

 Brent: Motion to give away two Ipod shuffles at David Rodriguez fundraiser event and two Ipod shuffles at the Cesar Chavez event

 Motion carried

Adjournment :

The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 pm.

Next Meeting will be held March 26th, 2012.


President, Daniel Campos

LAMC Associated Student Organization


Date of approval


Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez

LAMC Associated Student Organization


Date of approval

