ASO minutes 1-18-2012

Meeting date: January 18, 2012
Call to order:
A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA
January 18th, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 2:00, President Daniel Campos
presiding, and Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator.
Recessed 2:55 5 minutes called to order at 3:00
Recessed 4:00 5 minutes called to order 4:05
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Daniel Campos, President;
Brent Rosinski, Vice-President
Randy Gamez Executive Administrator;
Marcelo Rodriguez, Treasurer
ASO Senators:
Leonardo Herrera,
Jennifer Lazo
Teresa Sanchez,
Guadalupe Llerenas,
Oscar Aguayo,
Sandra Rodriguez
Elizabeth Johnson,
Robert Crossley
*Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy
Unexcused Absences:
Michael Cortez, Doleatha Young, Michael Griggs, Sandra Barahona, Ann Marie Cataño
Approval of Minutes:
 Oscar: Motion to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2011 meeting.
 Motion carried.
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
 Oscar Aguayo: Motion approve the Agenda for the January 11, 2012 meeting.
 Motion carried.
Open Forum:
 Opened at 2:15, No one present wishing to address the Council. Closed at 2:16
Officers' reports:
 Went to FTLA at ELAC
 Fundraising Idea: Pictures at parties. Basketball game event with big star collect on parking. Art Gallery/Wine
tasting off campus.
 Fundraising Idea: Carwash
Executive Administrator:
 Went to FTLA at ELAC
 Went to purchased printers on the weekend.
 Fundraising idea: Car Show/Concert with big artist. Raffle gift certificate for books for any ASO. paid member
 Printer purchased, 3 standard and 1 business printer, totaled $631.41
 Finance meeting next 1/24/11,
 Welcome week committee ideas welcome
 Ad-hoc welcome week committee, Brent R. Chair, Marcelo R. Co-chair, member Leonard H.
Senators' Reports:
Leonardo Herrera, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:
 fundraiser idea: winner gets tuition paid
 Fundraising idea: Get a Redbox machine on campus
Elizabeth Johnson, TECHNOLOGY:
 Fundraising: Negative Check out. Raise fees. Welcome week have breakfast and poster showing benefits of
membership. Coupon booklet for members. Printer cartridge & cell phone recycling.
Jennifer Lazo, PUBLICATIONS:
 No Report
Guadalupe Llerenas, ATHLETICS:
 Fundraising idea: raffle LAMC gear. Pizza cards. Facebook ads
Teresa Sanchez, HISTORIAN:
 No Report
Sandra Rodriguez,EDUCATION:
 Fundraising idea: Box tops for education to help CDC. Have fundraising banquet at Mimi's
Advisor's Reports:
Robert Crossley:
 ASO eligibility: will be sending out email to inform those members no longer eligible to serve
 Will email Leonardo about the Elections Committee
 Got email about Student district trustee resigning.
Board and committee reports:
Publications AD Hoc Committee:
 Not Addressed
Constitution AD Hoc Committee:
 Gave update on possible changes
Mission College Day Committee (1st Tuesday each month):
 Not Addressed
Tribute for Deceased Students/Faculty Committee:
 Not addressed
New Business:
ASO Election Committee (Daniel Campos)
 Ad Hoc Committee formed December 5, 2011 Brent Rosinski appointed Co-chair
 need budget for poll workers
 Marcelo: Motion to extend time 3 minutes
 Motion carried
 Marcelo Motion to extend time 2 minutes
 Motion carried
 Teresa: Motion to extend time 2 minutes
 Motion carried
Presidential Contingency Account (Daniel Campos)
 Oscar: Motion to allocate an additional $200 to Presidential Contingency Account
 Motion carried unanimously
Constitution Amendment Recommendations (Daniel Campos)
 Item moved to standing items
Student Code of Conduct, (Randy Gamez)
 Discussion: address the issue to LACCD about 2 possible rules: Internet Bullying and Privacy of Students.
 Randy is to write official proposal
 Moved to standing items
Radio Blog (Oscar Aguayo)
 Sandra R.: Motion to extend time 3 minutes
 motion carried
 Oscar: Motion to create LAMC Internet Radio Blog
 Motion carried unanimously
Tax Oil to Fund Education table (Daniel Campos)
 Randy: Motion for ASO to support TOFE with table to collect signatures
 motion carried
 Ad-Hoc committee created, Jeniffer Lazo Chair,
Video games and vending machines, (Daniel Campos)
 Oscar: Motion to extend time 2 minutes
 motion carried
 Elizabeth: Motion to extend time 2 minutes
 motion carried
 Randy: ASO to update games and getting vending machines
 motion carried
 will be discussed at College Council
Unfinished Businesses
Not addressed
Standing Items:
Senator Appointment and Confirmation
 Brent Rosinski, Sandra Rodriguez, Jennifer Lazo, and Leonard Herrera sworn in.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.
Next Meeting will be held January 25th, 2012.
President, Daniel Campos
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval