MINUTES OF LAMC A.S.O. Meeting date: November 4, 2013 Call to order: An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA, November 4, 2013 in the ASO Conference Room (Former Math Lab). The meeting convened at 1:37 Members in attendance: Executive Board: Carlos Lara, President (excused) Milena Calderon, Vice President; Chelsea Tang, Executive Administrator (excused) Hannah Maxfield, Treasurer Esthela Pacheco, Parliamentarian Senators: Jesus Martinez, Recruitment Nancy Pacheco, Administration Devon Antonio, Community Relations Advisor: Robert Crossley Approval and Adoption of Agenda: Milena: Motions to adopt the agenda as amended for the November 4, 2013 meeting. The agenda has been adopted as amended for the November 4, 2013 meeting. Approval of Minutes: Jesus: Motions to approve the minutes as amended from the October 28, 2013 meeting. Esthela seconds. Motion carries. Open Forum: Opened at 1:43 pm 2 people came to see council Mr. Hernandez from San Fernando green party brought by the president. Jesus motions to extend time limit for speaker. He wants to stop dumping in Sylmar because it is bad for the environment. He also wants an ASO member to go be involved and speak for our school. Can be reached at Chicanostudent@hotmail.com Kathy Wright is looking to sell some anti aging product and came to us from YEP this is a young company to work for and are looking for more people to work with them. Closed at 1:53 pm Report: -Carlos: none -Chelsea: none -Hannah: The Breast Cancer Awareness table had raised 157.86 $. 1 -Esthela: She attended the general assembly and was sick but made all the workshops and resolutions and hopefully next time more people can come. -Jesus: On a personal note the drama showcase was successful for drama club and they will be having more events. Thank you to everyone that went. -Milena: Hello to everyone she also attended fall general assembly and everyone was very productive. Unfortunately can’t speak about everything that happened but everyone discussed on how to vote to represent the general assembly. Resolutions are a proposition bills that they feel need to be resolved for community colleges. They were representing everyone on campus and got to network with other campuses. Untied with east la campus. She attended a workshop on how to write a resolution also attended a women in leadership workshop and was very interesting on how women can represent and to show how to in power women. Next ICC meeting will be some time this week possibly Thursday. To have an affective student government we need to have affective clubs. -Devon: Also attending the general assembly. Very enlightening and was good to meet other leaders to see issues and see how they resolve them. It will be good to have more people go. Sent out an email to the Boys and Girls club, was informed about a Gala event by Director- Nicole Chase. Devon wants ASO to attend however; tickets are very expensive and its invite only, Director said she can see if she can provide tickets to go. But wants to have a good relation with us and during wintertime we can do an event with them. -Nancy: none -Gabriella: wants to form a committee and make a newsletter Newsletter committee Chair Gabriella, Co-chair Jesus, Member: Devon Also is going to work with student services and hopefully we can have a technology senator because that can help to put it online but will talk about it with the committee. -Crossley: Mr. Crossley Advisor honor relations November 21. To pay for the classical music club 400$ and they are doing fundraisers but if they don’t get enough money The Music club wants a grant of 200$ to help pay the performers and it is free to attend. Start thinking about how we can help our community. Spring General Assembly- May 2-May 4, 2014 Marriott hotel LAX CCCSAA-Fall 2014 November 14-16 2014 and will be in LA. Classical music Request funds to add it to next weeks agenda. Committee Reports: ASO Constitution: Esthela hasn’t finished typing up everything but wants to send it out ad will be discussing it on Wednesday at 11 am but by Friday it will be out. Made it into an easier read. Standing Items -Appointment of E-Board and Senators / confirmation (Oath): none -Club Charter: Esthela moves to Re-charter Anime Alliance club Hannah seconds. Motion passes to Re- charter Anime club. -Update ASO Website: This is still an ongoing item. ASO will still need to find a Technology Senator for this item. Milena wants to add ASO quick link and modernize the website, we are working on getting a technology senator to work with this. We are thinking about making 2 people as technology senators. Devon motions to have two technology senators because of the heavy workload Jesus seconds it. Discussions: we need to fix the constitution to make this happen. Motion passes 2 -ASO Retreat: We are looking at making one over the winter session but also one this semester on November 22,2013 Friday 10am-12pm and food will be provided. A retreat is a social gathering and a way to inform ASO on how to become better leaders and get to know everyone on our team. -Unity Events: Milena states that she believes they just came to us so we can sponsor them but they haven’t been back but Milena is trying to get ahold of DeeDee. Esthela motions to remove the unity event and Jesus 2nd it. Discussion: Advisor says we should try and talk with them so they are aware that this item has been removed from the ASO agenda. Milena says that we can try and talk with them but feels that we were being used so they can use the campus center but they haven’t been proactive about informing us. Motion passes the unity event is off the agenda indefinitely. New Business: Toys for tots: There is councilmen??? that will give toys for under privilege children and also and are looking to just working with our community. Devon says that it is good keep our relations here. Advisor says we should collect toys and we can spread it out so we can give everyone toys. Devon motion to change the name to holiday service committee and Gabriella 2nds and the motion passes. Remove from agenda and now will be called holiday committee Chair Devon Co chair Nancy Member Jesus, Esthela, and Gabriella ASO gratitude items: Devon said we should maintain a good relationship with people that helped us with our events. Milena replies that we can speak with Hannah so we can get a check to purchase thank you cards. Devon Motion to purchase supplies Jesus 2nd and the motion passes so we can purchase the thank you cards. Fall general assembly: spoken in reports Environmental project impact: Could not attend because he was ill. Old Business: -BEC Letter of Intent: Devon motions to deny the letter that they submitted Esthela 2nd it. The motion passes. ASO is denying the original letter. -School Bus Tour: Dr. Dorsey presented this event. 300$ because they performed last week on Monday. They were supposed to perform during welcome week but didn’t happen. Put information up but we were not informed on what was happening but still want ASO to pay the money. Didn’t give us any information. Milena wants to see the invoice so we can all see and discuss and make a decision next week. Prometheus development group-ASO app Milena says that we don’t have enough information about it. Devon is charring the committee, so he is giving information. There was a committee already made. Gabby says that we should do a survey to see if students would even use this. Remove from old business Prometheus had already created a committee and call under committee reports. -Focus on careers: It was an event for high school students they had over 400 students come and didn’t have any information because he didn’t have a key to get in but Chelsea came to help out and got out some info and they presented information on ASO and there was a lot of students that want to come but the classes that they want to take aren’t provided here. Our president’s responsibility hasn’t been doing anything to help us out because they need to make more classes instead of ??? 3 We need to be going to a shared governments meeting. Only 6% of students graduate. Item can be removed from old business. -Classroom Presentations: Jesus is currently working with Milena on classroom presentations. He is suggesting if ASO could divide into different departments. He has emailed 10 professors, and only one professor has responded classroom availability for the next month. -ASO Pamphlet: This item is still ongoing. Don’t have one yet but has sent it all out and advisor says we can use the ASO computers to open it and make changes. -Student Survey for Shuttle Service: Milena and advisor are going to work together to make a survey to put more things on the survey. -Mission back to basics: none -Shared governance committee assignment: we are going around to see when we can all go to a meeting. Technology meeting: Devon 12:30-1:30 Advisor will send all the dates out. Announcements: Milena: We need to purchase sweaters or shirts for our council and also we need to increase the benefits for ASO members like harbor college gives free hot chocolate tea and coffee to ASO members. (Everyone that has paid ASO fees) Advisor: On next weeks agenda we need to purchase the toner for printers Public: Glen Self and Cynthia Rincon shares that this Thursday the 7th at 10am-11am will be having an event for the veterans at Mission College. Carla has a question for ASO are we licensed to show a movie here on campus? Child development wants to do a movie night. They just need to fill out an ASO application event. But we are not allowed to show Disney films. Esthela: We should make signs because this is a hard room to find for those that want to attend our meeting. Also really appreciates that we are all involved. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:34 pm ________________________________ ___________________ President, Carlos Lara Date of approval LAMC Associated Student Organization ________________________________ ___________________ Executive Administrator, Chelsea Tang Date of approval LAMC Associated Student Organization 4