
Meeting Date: February 17, 2015
Call to order: An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar,
CA, on February 17, 2015 in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 3:19 pm.
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:Raymond Gosen, President
Sara Sanchez, Treasurer
Angelica Venegas, Social Activities (Excused)
Margot Waithe, Recruitment
Lorena Aguilar, Fundraising
Anthony Trejo, Health
Juan Ramirez, Political Affairs
Yasaman Shayseteh, Community Relations (3:22pm)
Diana Cohen-Herrera, Publications
Advisor:Robert Crossley
Approval and Adoption of Agenda: No objections.
Approval of Minutes: Approval of 2/6/2015 minutes.
Open Forum: Opened at 3:22PM Closed at 3:23PM
Officer Report:
Yasaman Shayesteh: No report.
Margot Waithe: No Report.
Lorena Aguilar: No Report.
Anthony Trejo: No report
Diana Cohen-Herrera: Emailed Leonard Baptiste the publication for March in March Rally. She has not heard a response.
She will follow up.
Juan Ramirez: No Report.
Sara Sanchez: Attended Budget and Planning committee. Main topic was discussed regarding lower student enrollment.
Direct effect of student services lack of customer service to students. Dr. Perez would like to initiate a faculty and staff
training. Finance committee met regarding Welcome Week, March in March, Black History Month. Welcome week
debrief is as follows; overall successful, sold nachos, movie night was not as successful due to interfering with student’s
class time. Leftover supplies are available for use later this semester.
Raymond Gosen: District wide ASO audit will take place Feb. 18th-23rd. New marketing tool tool will be used the digital
marquee on the corner of Hubbard and Eldridge. Discussed National Campus Leadership -topic is business/Student round
table discussions on 3/4/15 at 11:30am. Will attend College Council on Feb 18th and San meeting.
Mr. Crossley: T-shirts and folders have arrived-ordered 300 blue shirtsASO needs to organize. Council needs office hours
posted. Email blast completed and uptodate. Same flyers have been posted on the TV marquee. Advise flyers for TV
marquee are best in landscape form. Will discuss about Calcards needed for ASO activities.
Committee Reports:
ASO Elections: Flyer is completed. Request to Mr. Crossley to embedd photo in email blast along with future flyers.
Appointment of E-board/Senators:
Sara acknowledges Yasaman as appointed VP from previous unofficial meeting.
Lorena officially resigns as Senator of Fundraising.
Sara motions to appoint Lorena Aguilar as Executive Administrator. Margot seconds. Motion carries with a unanimous
Standing Items
New Business:
March in March: Scheduled to fly early Monday morning, 3/2/15, and returning after 6pm. Appointment with Sonia
Lopez is set at 3 pm to discuss bullet train project and bachelor's degree at Mission College. Discuss in regarding
students and ASO members. Ray and Sara and confirmed. Patty Lopez biography info has been created and needs to
reviewed by all attendees. A cap of 8 individuals including Mr. Crossley to meet budget of $2500 was carried with a
unanimous vote.
Advertisement of Community Discount cards and price change: Mr. Crossley verified earlier 187 of the 250 free
cards have been disbursed.
Sara motions to dissolve. Lorena seconds. Motion carries with unanimous vote.
Blood Drive: Sheryl Gonzalez, American Red Cross. Pitch blood drive and incentives for students. Looking for ASO to
host the blood drive. $50 gift certificate per blood drive. Donors receive all incentives offered during blood drive
timeframe as well as Cesar Chavez campaign incentives. ARC will also provide letter of recommendation to ASO
members per request.
Sara motions to hos ARC blood drive tentative date 4/27/15-4/28/15 in campus center main.
Margot seconds. Motion carries with unanimous vote.
Old Business:
Parking Meters to raise money: Memorandum was left by Ray Gosen with Danny Villanueva, VP Administrative
ASO Recruitment: Three students interested in joining council.
ASO Faculty & Staff: Acknowledgment: ASO needs to set budget cap. ASO would like to recognize faculty & staff at
the end of year ceremony. ASO votes a cap of 10 combined with no objections.
ASO Outstanding Leader Award: Lorena will find out plaque price with a trophy company. Ray appoints committee
Lorena-chair, Yasaman- cochair, Diana-standing member.
Leadership and Fundraising Training: Per Ray, Professor Bortbar and Professor Shonefield have volunteered to lead
BSU Recruitment: Bernadette Ortega, LGBTS club member, will set up Black History month expo in campus center
main on 2/25/15. Diana will publicize for Black History Month.
Kangen Water: Postponed.
High School Senior Days: confirmed dates 2/25, 3/11, 3/25
Volunteers: Lorena, Yasaman, Margot, Diana
eScrip Funds: Funds will be invested back into student activities and student body. Student related
services/resources. ASO votes with no objections.
Bookstore Price Posting: Discussion regarding bookstore not posted in timely manner compared to other LACCD
schools. Best place to include discussion is next Academic Senate. Email Leslie Milke-chair.
Complaint Boxes: Student Services offices currently do not have locked complaint access. Allowing anyone access to
complaints. ASO proposes to bring in shared governance committee, Student Support Services, appointee Juan
Margot: Created new email for recruitment purposes, Recruitment committee has access to it.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 4:55pm
President, Raymond Gosen
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of Approval
Executive Administrator, Lorena Aguilar
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of Approval