Stand Your Ground Law

The Stand Your Ground Law
By andrew rivera
that you and your sibling are at home
by yourself both of your parents working and
won't come until later on the night you hear
glass break you take your brothers and sisters
to the safest room in the house but, before you
do you grab your dad’s handgun you start to
bunker down ,you all hear footsteps you don't
know if the robber the is armed or don't know
what he or she wants then the door opens you
become face to face with the robber what do
you do?
Inspiration to the tale
The following story was based off the real event in which a georgia mom shot a
intruder with a .38 revolver with five bullets to the neck she did provide a
warning to the man however she was taken into custody on accounts of murder
yet she was defending herself and her son from this danger
How this law can protect
This law does provide the choice for many to defend themselves from intruders
yet can this power be to much for one person even if it can be good you're
giving someone the power of judge, jury, and executor,
However many things can happen before the police arrive and would it not be
great if you had something to protect yourself with during the time the officers
come to your response
Background knowledge
The stand your ground law is active in 33 of 50 states
The laws eliminate the duty to retreat if individuals reasonably believe they are
facing an imminent threat of bodily harm, and they allow people to use force -including deadly force -- without being found criminally liable. Some states also
provide civil immunity to people who act pursuant to stand-your-ground laws.
Yet is still right to take one's life
Origin of the law in florida
While the story goes that an elderly couple protected their home from an
intruder as the true story goes that a elderly man thought the intruder was
going to hurt him however he thought wrong as the intruder only needed a
place to stay for his mobile home was taken away by the past hurricane after
This altercation a congress man created the bill for the bill
The second amendment
The second amendment allows us carry firearms however, it does not allow us
to kill anyone
“A well rounded militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right
of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”
So where does the stand your ground law come from
Homicide rates
Granting the right to citizens to be the :judge, jury, and, executor leads to higher
death rates in the cities and states as stated by texas A and M mark hoestrka
and cheng cheng “stand-your-ground law, homicides actually increased by 8
percent. "Eight percent!" said Harris. "Could you imagine if your city's homicide
rate went up by 8 percent?"even if you don't see it as a huge number think if this
number stays constant and goes on for years
Should we have this law, possible solutions
Many people argue that we should this law as it can save live how ever is it
really worth the life of someone yet what can you do to protect your own
Use rubber rounds to give hard Bruises ,Provide a warning shot
replace/edit the law that you can NOT use your gun but instead use a paintball
gun to attack
In Conclusion
The stand your ground law would be better if the law if people were trained with
firearms rather than people shooting directly in the chest. If you can protect
yourself while not killing the robber so he can be tried in court than this law
would be the benefit to this as the second amendment only protects people's
rights to own guns and nothing else well mittias thus this in a way is law in
which people's morals to pull the trigger in the certain area where it will be the
key to life and death
Works Cited
Domenech, Benjamin. "The Truth About Mass Shootings And Gun Control." Commentary 135.2
(2013): 25.MasterFILE Premier. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
Edelman, Adam. "Georgia Mom Shoots Home Intruder in the Face." NY Daily News. N.p., n.d.
Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
Johnson, Constance N., and Ralph Shortey. "Should People Be Allowed To Carry Guns
Openly?." U.S. News Digital Weekly 4.16 (2012): 16. Business Source Elite. Web. 20 Apr.
Li, Victor. "Report Links Stand-Your-Ground Laws To Higher Homicide Rates." ABA Journal
100.10 (2014): 1.Business Source Elite. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
Montgomery, Ben. "Florida's 'stand Your Ground' Law Was Born of 2004 Case, but Story Has Been Distorted." Tampa Bay Times. N.p.,
14 Apr. 2012. Web. 09 May 2016.
Taylor, Danielle. "Gun-Free Zones: Weighing The Pros And Cons." Parks & Recreation 48.4
(2013): 55.Academic Search Premier. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.