1 Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting September 7 2006 Voting Members Present: (Senators) Donna Ayers, Charles Dirks, Said Pazirandeh, Janice Silver, Joyce Woodmanse, Voting Members Absent Ruthie (Parthenia) Grant, Paul Kubicki, Stan Levine, Rick Scuderi, Clive Gordon Terri English, John Orozco, Ralph La Rosa, Robert Smazenka Exec, Members: Louise Barbato Eloise Cantrell, Angela Echeverri, Gary Prostak, Mark Pursley, Gwen Walker Executive Members Absent: Vickie Oddino, Leslie Milke Faculty Present: Cindy Cooper, Chinru Cecilia Chan, Lilamani DeSilva, Pat Flood, Harlan Goldberg, David Jordan, Margie Long, John Klitsner, Lorraine Manoogian, Myriam Mekelburg, Jose Luis Ramirez, Ed Raskin, Geri Shapiro, Sonia Soto-Bair, Ludi Villegas Visitors/Guests: President Ernest Moreno; Dean Alma J. Hawkins I. Gwen Walker called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the 6-1-06 and special meeting 6-29-06 were reviewed but no Motion To Approve due to due lack of quorum. III. Officers’ Reports A. President (Angela Echeverri) L.A. MISSION COLLEGE ACADEMIC SENATE PRESIDENT’S REPORT September 7, 2006 Submitted by Angela C. Echeverri 1. Departmental Changes Effective July 1st, 2006: Chicano Studies discipline moved Foreign Languages department. New department will be called Chicano Studies and Foreign Languages. Speech discipline moved to Social Sciences department. 2. Administrative Update The selection process for a permanent college president was cancelled by Chancellor Young in June. At the June 21st Board of Trustees meeting the Chancellor announced the appointment of President Ernest Moreno as a one-year interim president. President Moreno started his tenure on July 20th. Dr. Mark Rocha, former interim Vice President of Academic Affairs from March through July has left and is currently the president of West Los Angeles College. Dr. Kathleen Burke-Kelly is the new Vice President of Academic Affairs and Accreditation Liaison Officer. Alma Johnson-Hawkins, a former Mission College faculty member, is a new Dean of Academic Affairs. 2 3. LAMC Enrollment and Budget Update Our enrollment for 2005-06 fell short of our base allocation of 5,555 FTES by approximately 834. Part of the reason for the decline is because there was a very small second summer session in 2005 and enrollment in the spring of 2006 was down by approximately 4%. When it became evident we were not going to meet our base allocation targets, the administration made the decision to apply all 2006 summer enrollment (sessions I and II) to the 2006-07 academic year. As a result, LAMC ended the 2005-06 fiscal year with a budget deficit of approximately $1.5 Million. Table 1: Enrollment Data for Five Most Recent Academic Years Census Non Credit Credit Total Unduplicated FTES FTES FTES Enrollment 2001/02 7,875 1,737 5,201 6,938 2002/03 8,966 1,476 5,337 6,813 2003/04 7,749 926 4,913 5,839 2004/05 7,328 267 5,289 5,555 2005/06 7,525 237 4,484 4,721 Total FTES for the Fall of 2006 on the first day of the semester (09/06/06) was 3.6% below that of the Fall 2005 and credit headcount was down by 4.5% (LACCD down by 0.7%). 4. Accreditation Update John Glavan the former accreditation self study chair obtained a full time position at Trade Tech College. In mid June President Leyba and Vice President Rocha appointed me as the new faculty chair pro-tem. I agreed provided a selection process would take place after the new administration came on board. An announcement for the position of Accreditation Self Study Chair has been posted and the application period will close next Wednesday, September 13th. The accreditation steering committee is made up of all standard co-chairs (faculty and classified), and most administrators. The steering committee has been meeting every week throughout the summer and will continue to do so throughout the fall. Meetings are open to the public. During the summer we have been working very hard on various components of the self study and responding to the ten recommendations made after the 2001 site visit. Recent drafts of each standard are posted at: http://www.lamission.edu/accreditation/ The mission statement that was in the Educational Master Plan approved by the Senate and then by the College Council was submitted to the Board for approval on 7/26/06. The next steering committee meeting will be Tuesday September 12, from 1 to 3 PM in Campus Center 4, and we will be meeting every Tuesday thereafter at the same time unless otherwise indicated. Open forums will be held for the next few Tuesdays for each of the standards to give the college community the opportunity to meet with the committee members and provide specific input. The open forum schedule is as follows: Date Standard Co-Chairs September 12th Standard I Pursley & Zayas Tuesday 3-4 PM Standard IIIA (Human Resources) Gluck & Moreno/Hoefel September 19th Standard IIIB (Physical Resources) Mekelburg/Bortman/Hoefel Tuesday 3-4 PM Standard IIIC (Technology Resources) Tran/Hoefel Standard IIID (Financial Resources) Guerrero/Echeverri/Hoefel th September 26 Standard IIA Flood/Ramirez Tuesday 3-4 PM October 3rd Standard IIB Hernandez/Ramirez Tuesday 3-4 PM Standard IIC Casson/Ramirez 3 th October 10 Standard IV Tuesday 3-4 PM Prostak/Pearl 5. LAMC Construction Update Student parking lot construction began in January of 2006, expected completion date is mid February 2007. Structure is about 50% complete at this time. Land acquisition with El Cariso Park did not materialize. Negotiations are in progress to acquire land at Eldridge and Harding. If successful, this would be the site of new Health and PE building. In order to maintain state funds, construction must begin on this building by summer of 2007. Child Development Center building is going out to bid in next month or two. Start of construction currently estimated for November-December of 2006. Negotiations are underway with the City of Los Angeles to stripe Eldridge Avenue to provide diagonal parking for students. 6. DAS Fall Summit: Will be held on Friday, September 29th at Marina del Rey Hotel B. Treasurer (Mark Pursley) 1. Report on account at the First American Bank: Faculty Senate Checking Account Carla Bowman Scholarship David Lee Moss Scholarship $1,507.87 $3,243.78 $655.11 2. Faculty Dues of $25 are due now. 37 faculty paid their dues for 2005-2006. Please pay your 2006-07 dues as soon as possible. . IV. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings A. Curriculum (Said Pazirandeh) Inventory of approved course outlines are posted online for all departments, and can be accessed through a link at the bottom of the curriculum website. Please note the following time changes: 1. The deadline for submissions is now 4:00 p.m. on the date posted online. 2. The curriculum committee meets at 1:00 on the first Tuesday of the month, except for September when it meets on 12th of the month. You or your representative must be present at the meeting when your course is being presented. B. District Academic Senate (Angela Echeverri) DAS Fall summit: Will be held on Friday, September 29th at Marina del Rey Hotel. EPAC (Sonia Soto-Bair) – No report. - has not met. V. Public Address: comments on matters on the agenda for the current meeting Ed Raskin addressed the Senate to state publicly that he will remain at Los Angeles Mission as a faculty member. 4 VI. Old Business A. Accreditation update – (Echeverri) B. Block grant – (Pazirandeh) New money expected in October. C. Program Viability- (Barbato) Plan was approved. D. Shared Governance Schemata – (Barbato) Discussion and approval of proposed structure: An Ad-HOC committee is needed to define membership, roles, sub-committees and structure for the LAMC Shared Governance Structure. Leslie Milke, Louise Barbato, Angela Echeverri, and Gwen Walker will head up the process. Faculty input and participation is welcome. E. Mediation – (Echeverri) The entire process is on hold and no action will be taken at this time. VII. New Business A. Distance learning (DDL) (David Jordan) Training and faculty certification must be completed prior too offering on-line classes. Harlan inquired about the new on-line classes and the process. The process and procedure is online under the DDL. There is a policy in place for teaching Etudes. Notices will be sent via email to all faculty so check your cc: mail for up coming training. Training is required prior to teaching on-line. Contact David Jordan about training and assistance. B. Travel and tuition funds (Gwen Walker) As of now, no funds have been received. There is a process in place to request funds. Get signatures from your department chairs Make sure you have filled-it out correctly and it is signed. Forward forms to Gwen Walker and she will assign you a TM number and get the appropriate VP signature. $250 is the amount for travel that has been customary. C. New Mission Statement motion (Gary Prostak) A motion to revise the LAMC Mission Statement was presented and passed out by Gary Prostak. The notice motion reads as follows: The mission of Los Angeles Mission College is the success of our students. To facilitate their success, Los Angeles Mission College promotes and supports student learning by providing accessible, affordable and high quality educational opportunities for all who can benefit from instruction in a culturally and intellectually supportive environment and by: Encouraging students to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners; 5 Ensuring that students successfully transfer to four-year institutions, find meaningful employment, improve their basic skills, and enrich their lives through continuing community education; Providing services and programs that improve the life of its immediate community. Discussion followed: Cindy Cooper expressed her concern that the Mission Statement needs to be revised – but that for accreditation, we need to have more campus in put before it is voted upon. It was suggested by Pat Flood that Gary Prostak hold a meeting very soon to air the issues and concerns so that a revised LAMC Mission Statement can be quickly approved and presented to the BOT. ..Announcements: Chuck Dirks spoke about the 20th anniversary of the approval for the current site and construction of the campus of \Los Angeles Mission College. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Submitted by Eloise Cantrell –secretary