Los Angeles Mission College Developmental Communications 22B Syllabus

Los Angeles Mission College
Developmental Communications 22B
John McMullen
DC 22B
LRC 217
email: mcmulljg@lamission.edu
Office Hours:
M W 2-3PM
Developmental Communications 22 is an individualized course which is used to develop specific
skills; students may work on grammar, spelling, reading, writing, study skills, and English as a second
language, including English conversation. Students study either independently, in small groups, or
with the instructor.
Student Learning Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to accomplish the goal(s) set for
him/herself at the onset of this independent/individualized course.
For each unit of Developmental Communications 22 in which you enroll, you are required to complete
a total of 31 hours of class work and 10 hours of homework by the end of the semester. If students
enroll and receive orientation in the first week of classes, students can expect to attend class at the
Learning Center a minimum of slightly over two hours per week. If students enroll later in the
semester, their class hours per week will increase. If students enroll in two sections if Developmental
Communications 22, then their required hours per week will double.
Developmental Communications 22 allows flexible scheduling of class time in the Learning Center.
Your instructor and you together will decide on your optimum schedule for completing the class hours.
Students are required to maintain their own attendance records. I will let you know how this will be
done soon. Most likely you will sign in on a computer at the circular information desk in the Library
to record your hours.
During orientation you will complete assessments for reading and writing. Then your instructor and
you will decide on your course of study. All work completed will be turned in to the instructor to be
evaluated and recorded. Students cannot work on homework from their other courses during their
Dev. Com. 22 class time. However, work which supports and helps facilitate the understanding and
completion of homework from other disciplines can be addressed.