Mission College/Carla Lubow, Instructor
In trios, create a Pilates routine that incorporates 3 mat exercises. You may also incorporate a cardio
warm-up and some flexibility work. Select and apply varied movement patterns which employ
contrasting actions and muscle groups. For example: ‘Rollups’ work the abdominals, ‘Pushups’ work the
shoulders/upper back, ‘ Inner Thigh Leg Lifts’ work the adductors muscle groups.
On the days of the final presentation, May 26th, Thursday and Tuesday, May 31, 12:30pm – 2:30pm,
your trio will be given 10 - 15 minutes to verbally/visually present your project to the class.
It must include:
1) Which sequences you selected (classical Pilates exercises, or incorporate own variations).
2) What you personally enjoy or dislike about those particular mat exercises.
3) Which actions are employed (strengthening, stretching, flexion/extension, contraction,
release, breath, centering, stabilization, etc)?
4) Which specific muscles are actively involved in initiating the movement? (Research required)
5) How we benefit from engaging in these specific exercises?
6) A demonstration of the exercises by your trio/team.
7) Leading the class in the exercises with verbal guidance as you take us through the movement.
Be sure to set an order of your three exercises that facilitates the flow of the choreography, as well as
the rotation of each of member of your trio as they move into the leadership/directorial role.
You will also be required to submit a written outline and explanation of your project. It must include:
1) Your names.
2) The exercises your trio selected and your personal appreciation/challenges executing the
3) Which actions are employed (strengthening, stretching, flexion/extension, contraction,
release, breath, centering, stabilization, etc)?
4) Which specific muscles are actively involved in initiating the movement? (Research may be
5) How we benefit from engaging in these specific exercises.
6) What you have learned most of all this semester about exercise, health, movement, your
body; and how you personally think you have improved from taking Pilates, whether it be
physical, intellectual, focus, releasing stress, losing weight, becoming stronger, more flexible,
sleeping better, less aches and pains, etc....Be specific. The final project is worth 25 points out
of 200 for the semester. You will be graded as a group as well as individually. The verbal
presentation, demonstration, verbal direction and written paper will all be an integral part of
your final project grade.