Examples of Vocabulary Entries Brainology Vocab. 1) Remedy - What I think it means: medicine for an injury. - What it actually means: set right, solve, repair 2) Deficiency - What I think it means: amount of something - What it actually means: a lack or shortage 3) Substantially - What I think it means: a substance (drugs,alcohol,etc.) - What it actually means: to a great or significant extent 4) Perseverance - What I think it means: saving - What it actually means: not giving up 5) Modules - What I think it means: models - What it actually means: set of standardized parts BRAINOLOGY VOCAB Chapter 2 Vocab. 1) Dissidents - What I think it means: residents - What it actually means: a person who opposes official policy 2) Context - What I think it means: words together - What it actually means: the setting 3) Tedious - What I think it means: a lot of, too much - What it actually means: long 4) Explicitly - What I think it means: expertly, professionally - What it actually means: clearly and in detail 5) Essential - What I think it means: items that are needed - What it actually means: absolutely necessary, extremely important CHAPTER 2 VOCAB 1) Cultivated- MY GUESS something that’s kept safe Definition: to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention 1) Etymology (pg83)- MY GUESS keeps record of a word Definition: the study of historical linguistic change, especially as manifested in individual words 2) Transition- MY GUESS progress of a situation Definition: movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc. 2) Transition- MY GUESS the word can be used in any way (past, present, future) Definition: verbal bridges that help readers connect ideas 3) Remedy- MY GUESS switching something up Definition: something that corrects or removes an evil of any kind 4) Intuitively- MY GUESS not commonly used Definition: perceiving by intuition, as a person or the mind 5) Chronically- MY GUESS strong method Definition: continuing a long time or recurring frequently 3) Denotation- MY GUESS the meaning that the word is being used as Definition: a word that names or signifies something specific 4) Topography- MY GUESS a chart that could help you remember stuff easier Definition: the detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small areas, district, or location 5) Connotation- MY GUESS an important idea of a main story Definition: the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning Brainology Vocabulary Words Chapter 2 Vocabulary Words 1.) Collaboration- The action of working with 1.) Recognition- The action or process of recognizing someone to produce or create something. or being recognized, in particular. My guess: Being able to work with some rather well. My guess: To give someone credit for the actions. 2.) Resilient- (of a substance or object) able to recoil 2.) or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed. My guess: Being able to resist to something. 3.) 3.) Dampened- Make less strong or intense. Audacity- The willingness to take bold risks. My guess: When people are selfish with their problems. Frivolous- Not having any serious purpose or value. My guess: To put situations to the extreme. My guess: Feeling nervous or having anxiety. 4.) Opt- Make a choice from a range of possibilities. My guess: When someone is able to be motivated by something. 4.) Credulous- Having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. My guess: Taking time to believe in something. 5.) Profound- (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense. My guess: A subject or matter that is very 5.) Synchronized- Cause to occur or operate at the important. same time or rate. My guess: Being compatible with someone emotionally and physically.