Your Name:_________________________________________ Class: _________________ You are required to visit Mission College programs and services to become familiar with the support systems available to you as you pursue your education. You must collect materials and compile them into your Career Binder. Points are earned through completing the visits and GETTING SIGNATURES FROM FACULTY or STAFF MEMBERS to earn points. Scavenger Hunt – PLACES TO VISIT Collect flyers/handouts. You must show me your binder with materials to earn 10 points. Once you have compiled all of your materials. Place them in the College Resources tab of your binder. I recommend using plastic sheet protectors to keep your work well organized. Counseling Office – staff/counselor signature: _____________________________________ Collect flyers representing counseling services and any other information that is available for students. Make an appointment with a counselor for this semester to discuss your academic plan. Who is the contact person? Transfer Center – staff/counselor signature: _____________________________________ Collect brochures, flyers, and information about the program services offered. Who is the contact person? LAMC Library – librarian/staff signature: _____________________________________ Find a collection of short stories by a contemporary author, record the title, author and library reference number. Collect a flyer reflecting the services offered. Who are the librarians? Are they available to help you do research? Learning Center – secretary/tutor signature: _____________________________________ Collect flyers representing the services and tutoring that are available from the ASC (Academic Success Center/Writing Center), SSC (Science Success Center), and Math Lab. ASC tutor signature: _____________________________________ SSC tutor signature: _____________________________________ Math tutor signature: _____________________________________ Go to the INFORMATION desk in the Learning Center and view the ILO wall. Explain what the painted image represents in the space below: Disabled Students Programs and Services: staff/counselor signature: _____________________________________ What services are available to qualifying students? ________________________________ Who is the contact person? __________________________________________________ Financial Aid Office – staff/counselor signature: _____________________________________ Collect flyers and materials that describe financial aid services and procedures. What Scholarships are available for students? ____________________________________ ASO: Visit the ASO office and List 3 College Clubs and TIMES/LOCATION THEY MEET here: 1. 2. 3. EOPS – staff/counselor signature: _____________________________________ List the LAMC website information about services available through EOPS here: website URL: _________________________________________________________ Collect Flyers and information about services available through EOPS. Ask for a copy of/listing of Scholarship Applications. Who is the contact person? _____________________________________________ SSS (Student Support Services) – staff/counselor signature: __________________________ Find the SSS website information about services available through SSS. Collect Flyers and information about services available through SSS. Who is the contact person? __________________________________________________ Student Services – staff signature: _____________________________________ Where is the Student Services office located? ____________________________________. What is the name of the contact person? _______________________________________ Who is the Vice President of Student Services? ___________________________________ Collect information about services provided by Student Services. NEVHC-Student Health Center – staff/counselor signature: ____________________________ Collect a flyer with information on the services offered to students. LAMC Fitness Center – staff signature: _____________________________________ Visit the Fitness Center. What services are offered to students? ______________________ STEM Center – staff signature: _____________________________________ Find the STEM Center. Who is STEM Center Coordinator? __________________________ What services does the STEM Center offer? ______________________________________