EARTH-SUN RELATIONSHIPS Insolation, Day-Night and Seasons 1. Cosmic Connections: Earth, Solar System and Beyond 2. The Sun and Solar Radiation: Insolation, Solar Energy and Atmospheric Dynamics 3. Earth’s Geometry and Movements: Day-Night, Length of Day, Seasons, Latitudinal Zones 1. COSMIC CONNECTIONS: EARTH, SOLAR SYSTEM AND BEYOND Physical Geographers examine Earth’s relationships with the Sun and other heavenly bodies to explain such earthly phenomena as: 1) day and night, 2) seasonal variations, 3) climatic variations, and 4) certain atmospheric anomalies. • Earth is almost entirely dependent on the Sun for its existence! • Earth, together with seven other planets, form our Sun’s Solar System A Solar System comprises all celestial bodies surrounding and orbiting a particular star due to the star’s dominant mass and gravitational attraction. Earth and the Solar System • All the planets revolve around the Sun in the same direction • All the planets lie in a common plane – the Plane of the Ecliptic, and the orbits of the planets are nearly circular The Sun has a relatively slow rotation [What happened to Pluto?] Two Groups of Planets: Inner planets are made of rocks and metals – Terrestrial Planets Outer planets are made of gases and ices – Gas Giants Our solar system also includes about 138 satellites (like our moon), numerous asteroids, as well as comets and meteors (“shooting stars” and meteorites)[Does our moon have any impact on our environment?] And our Sun is one of an estimated 400 billion stars that make up our Galaxy – the Milky Way Galaxy. • All the stars that you see on a clear night are part of our Milky Way Galaxy • Galaxies are sprawling space systems composed of countless clusters of stars, dusts and gases • Billions of galaxies – so far apart that measured in light years (1 light year = 6 trillion miles; speed of light is 186,000 mps) • The closest galaxy to ours is 75,000 light years away • Some of these distant systems are similar to our own Milky Way Galaxy, while others are quite different These are, then, our planet’s – Cosmic Connections See also: =1 2. THE SUN AND SOLAR RADIATION The Sun and Its Energy • The sun is a self-luminous sphere of gasses that emit radiant energy. • Our Sun, then, is like a giant thermonuclear furnace with fusion reactions, and a core temperatures exceeding 27,000,000˚ F • At its luminous outer surface, the Photosphere, temperatures fall to 10 -11,000˚F – then the Chromosphere, and then the Corona • Charged particles (protons & electrons) from the corona flow along the sun’s magnetic field lines into space as Solar Wind – interacts with ions in earth’s outer atmosphere to produce the colorful light shows, the Auroras (Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis) Sunspots, caused by magnetic storms on the sun, are dark regions on the photosphere, 15000 C - 20000 C cooler than the surrounding. → They signify increased solar activity, peaking in 11- year cycles → The last peak was estimated to be in 2012 (Remember the recent movie, “2012” ?) Solar Flares / Solar Storms (accompanied by coronal mass ejections or CMEs) occur in the region of sunspots, sending out energized, charged particles at great speeds toward the earth. . . May cause massive disruptions and destructions on earth, e.g., crashing the power grid, as happened in Quebec in 1989. Insolation and Atmospheric Dynamics • Incoming solar radiation, or insolation, is the major source of energy both directly and indirectly for the entire solar system The rate of a planet’s receipt of solar energy is called the solar constant • Sun’s energy is emitted as electromagnetic energy, travelling in a spectrum of varying wavelengths, taking 8.3 min. to reach earth • This radiant energy is largely shortwave radiation (9%), composed of Ultraviolet rays, X-rays and Gamma rays; visible light (41%); various infrared wavelengths (49%); and microwave, television and radio wavelengths (1%) Notably, earth receives only 1/2,000,000,000 (one two billionth) of the sun’s radiation ← but that’s what drives much of the atmospheric, physical and biological processes on our earth. However, Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Insolation occurs over the surface of the earth due largely to 3 factors: 1. Duration of daylight (varies by latitudes and seasons); See Table 3.1, p. 53 in Text 1. 2. Angle of solar rays (which affects intensity); and 3. Earth’s atmosphere (some radiation is absorbed by clouds, some reflected back). Unlike solar radiation, earth radiation is longwave radiation The first two factors above relate to: Earth’s Geometry and Movements – and their Implications and Effects → 3. EARTH’S GEOMETRY AND MOVEMENTS: Day-Night, Length of Day, Seasons, Latitudinal Zones 3 aspects of earth’s geometry, and 3 basic movements of the earth have profound, intertwined effects on our environment. First, the 3 aspects of earth geometry: 1. 2. 3. SPHERICITY AXIAL TILT – INCLINATION AXIAL PARALLELISM 1. SPHERICITY Earth appears as an oblate spheroid to the Sun’s parallel rays; the geoid Effects of Earth’s 2. AXIAL TILT – INCLINATION and Plane of Ecliptic Earth’s axis is tilted about 23.5˚ from perpendicular the Plane of Ecliptic; this tilt has two characteristics: Angle of Inclination Axial Parallelism 3. PARALLELISM Earth’s axis remains in a fixed alignment with Polaris directly overhead, throughout the year, as it revolves about the Sun Next, 3 Basic Movements of the Earth: 1. ROTATION; 2. REVOLUTION 3. GALACTIC MOVEMENT 1. ROTATION The Earth rotates on its axis One complete rotation (3600) takes approximately 24 hours Rotation is from West to East Sun appears to ‘rise’ in East and ‘set’ in West Two Types of Rotation Velocity: Angular Velocity – constant Linear Velocity – fastest at the equator, decreases to 0 at the poles 2. REVOLUTION The Earth revolves around the Sun in one year (365.25636 days) The Earth’s revolution is slightly elliptical, not circular – Direction of revolution is counter-clockwise Earth moves in a constant plane – Plane of the Ecliptic – in its revolution about the Sun – Earth’s Orbit The Orbit of the earth is an elliptical path along the Plane of Ecliptic Average orbital length = 940,416,480 km Average orbital velocity = 29.8 km/s Closest approach to the Sun = 147 million km, Perihelion (January 3) Farthest distance from the Sun = 152 million km, Aphelion (July 4) 3. GALACTIC MOVEMENT Movement of the earth with the sun and the rest of the solar system in an orbit around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This movement apparently has limited perceptible effect on the changing environment of the earth. However, could there be long-term effects? • Earth’s axis wobbles through time (22˚- 24.5˚) and will not always maintain a constant angle • Earth’s orbit around the sun will also change from more circular to more elliptical (Milankovitch Cycles) [Explains Cycle of Ice Ages?] • Why? IMPLICATIONS AND EFFECTS: Alternating Day and Night • Caused by earth’s rotation – Circle of Illumination Length of Day and Seasons 12-hour days year-round at the equator, greater variability toward the poles, with the poles alternately experiencing essentially one long 6-month long day, and a similarly long night. – Variations due to: Inclination of earth’s axis Plane of Ecliptic, and Parallelism; and Earth’s revolution around the sun, which results in: 2 Solstices (Summer, Winter) 2 Equinoxes (Vernal, Autumnal) In the Northern Hemisphere, A: Summer Solstice* B: Autumnal Equinox C: Winter Solstice* D: Vernal Equinox *During[See: the 2 Solstices, Figures 3.5 & 3.6 the situations are reversed in Text, and Read the in the Southern Hemisphere Explanation ] 2 Solstices → The Sun’s Rays in Summer (b) and Winter (c) (Angle of the Sun) 2 Equinoxes → Percentage of Insolation striking various latitudes during an equinox (Sphericity) The combined effect → Seasonality To summarize: 4 Seasons (or 6, as in Asia) 5 Reasons for Seasons: Sphericity Axial Tilt Parallelism Rotation Revolution Sun’s Migration Across the Sky and The Analemma Subsolar Point Sun’s Declination Sun’s Altitude Why the sun can never be seen directly overhead in Los Angeles? Latitudinal/Spatial Variations 6 Latitudinal Zones of Insolation and Temperature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. North Tropical North Middle-Latitude North Polar or Arctic South Tropical South Middle-Latitude South Polar or Antarctic LATITUDINAL GEOGRAPHIC ZONES ONLINE EXERCISE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN RELATION TO THE DIAGRAM BELOW: a) Name the locations marked by numbers on the diagram of the earth. (Identify Antarctic Circle, Arctic Circle, Axis of Rotation, Equator, Tropic of Cancer, and Tropic of Capricorn) 1 _______________________________ 2 _______________________________ 3 _______________________________ 4 _______________________________ 5 _______________________________ 6 _______________________________ b) If you were looking down on the North Pole from outer space, in what direction would the earth be turning? (clockwise or counterclockwise?) c) At what point or line on the earth’s surface is the sun overhead at noon? d) What date of the year is represented by the earth in this position relative to the sun? e) Where is the “land of the midnight sun” according to this diagram? f) What changes would take place in terms of daylight hours and seasons if earth’s revolution around the sun took two years instead of one? Speculate and elaborate.