RIPPLL FE Use case 3: Learner moves from KS4 to training (developed in conjunction with Connexions Nottingham and local training providers

II Metadata
General information about the scenario
A name given to the
The Language of the
Description An account of the
content of the
Language The language of the
Date Created
Key Stage 4 Student entering
A language of the
intellectual content of
the resource.
A person or entity
Phil Harley
primarily responsible
for providing the
content of the
The intended audience
for this scenario.
A Reference to a
resource from which
the present resource is
derived/linked to, if
any e.g. Scenario A
e.g. UK, schools,
III The Significance of this Use Case
Does this Use Case address a particular problem?
Insufficient guidance on pathways provided by training
providers and diversity of providers.
Need to personalise pathways for better student
Lack of transitional readiness on student’s part in relation to
expectations and skills
The slow verification of achievements
The lack of ‘soft data’ going to providers
Late transfers from FE colleges to providers of students who
feel they are on inappropriate courses
Need for student’s Experiences of work to be more relevant
to Training
Need for earlier information regarding learners with
Learning Difficulties or Special Education Needs
What is the resolution of the problem which the Use Case
The Passport will provide impartial and comprehensive
guidance with detailed links to other sites
The Passport will help students create an individual learning
plan linked to their career choice and learning style
The Passport will concentrate on the identification of
employability skills and direct them to information relating
to the course profiles required by providers
The inclusion of the unique pupil number on the application
form will allow providers to gain verification from the LEA
Providers will be able to use a range of documents e.g. ILP
and personal statements as part of the induction process
More students should use this information to make more
appropriate initial choices at 16 and hopefully cut down the
‘xmas transfers’ from FE to providers
Transfer of information between providers becomes more
The Passport encourages student’s to begin planning career
and learning pathways from year nine onwards, therefore
helping them to identify the most relevant experiences of
work available to them.
The Passport will encourage the transfer information about
students requiring additional learning support at the time of
What other benefits does the Use Case Provide?
Allows greater learner autonomy, gives them control
Allows learner to recognise continuity of achievement
Supports the self-review requirements of the National
Training Awards.
IV List of Actors
Review the lists of actors and stakeholders you provided in the
Section V of the Scenario Template. List those who play an active
role in this Use Case or are a subject of the use case (for example a
use case may involve information about the information a learner
provides even though the learner has no active role)
Always begin with the learner.
In the 2nd column identify which of the particular benefits in the
previous list each stakeholder actor receives. A cross reference is
sufficient, but you may say more if it is useful.(A stakeholder is an
actor who has a particular interest in what the use case delivers.)
(As a result of this process you may sometimes wish to amend the
information you provided in the scenario.)
Access to better advice
Enables an electronic dialogue with
More ownership of the transition
A smoother transition with greater
continuity of learning
Allows learner to make sense of the
range of disparate influences
Reduces the amount of time inputting
information repeatedly.
Connexions PA
Earlier identification of learner need
Improved information on learners to
transfer to ‘Insight’
Ability to track individual student’s
destination and progression at post 16.
Allows for the identification of potential
progression problems both in individuals
and in institutions as a whole.
Training Provider
Ability to link back to adviser’s re learner
Advanced student data
Data should be more consistent
Training Network
Allows possibility of a central MI system
Enhances advice to providers
Provides qualitative data for evaluation
Student information required by
Additional Learning Support is able to be
received earlier.
Allows monitoring of learner’s post 16
Encourages iterative look at provision
The Use Case within the context of the Scenario
If this is the first use case, or a standalone use case, set out the “preconditions” such as the systems that will be used
Relationship with preceding Use Cases
By the time students come to apply to a training provider
they will have been using various aspects of the Passport for
2 years. The systems allows for selected data to be
automatically forwarded to the application. There is the
opportunity to personalise that data including the selection of
supporting evidence which can take a variety of forms.
The learner will have recorded and reviewed their work
related learning experiences and therefore better able to
understand the expectations of work and training.
What is the Trigger for the Use Case?
A career interview or as an outcome of preparing an
individual learning plan
What are the types of information provided for
the Use Case?
1. Student’s personal information
2. A transcript of formal and informal achievement
3. A student’s goals and aspirations (individual learning
4. A record of work related experience and employability
skills demonstrated
5. Links to examples of appropriate work/achievement
6. Access to transcript verification
The Use Case
What information listed in the previous section is used in
sequence by whom and how is it processed? The text for
each step should indicate how the information is used or
processed and by which actor. You should provide a cross
reference to the types of information you listed in the
previous section.
The raw materials you provide here will allow technicians to
develop formal representations of your requirements and
identify similarities with other people’s requirements. This
will be used to develop common solutions to common
problems which can also be customised to support the
diverse practice different kinds of learner require.
The learner will be ‘triggered’ to apply to a training
The learner will share this decision with his/her adviser
The application will be completed with previous data
being edited
The learner will send this onto a tutor or adviser who
will add suggestions and then send it back to them.
The training provider will receive the application
The training provider will acknowledge the application
and ensure its progress can be monitored
The learner will be called to interview and present a
range of ‘softer data’
The Nottinghamshire Training Network will use some of
the hard data to populate their administrative systems
The training provider will populate their own IM
systems with all the received data and share some
information with other relevant colleagues
Students will be able to forward further data to
providers in preparation for induction
Training providers will verify learner’s qualifications via
unique pupil number to LEA
Training providers will provide feedback data to schools
on student’s progression
Schools will use this data to informed their own
processes and support their progression targets
What are the results of the Use Case?
The training provider feels more confident about the learner’s
ability to succeed on the course and is better prepared for
the learner’s admission in advance with well prepared
databases. Induction is enhanced and continuity ensured.
Monitoring and tracking of progression is possible.
What are the types of information provided by the
Use Case?
Please list any new types of information captured by or
arising from processes in the use case using the same
sequence of numbers used in section g.
A profile of the data provided to the training provider
by the learner supported by the school
Electronic verification of achievement depending upon
a unique pupil number
Data sent back to schools to monitor progression and
support their processes
Please list any types of information which have no
continuing function once the use case is finished
The databases will be continuously updated and so some
information will become redundant