RIPPLL FE Use case 2: an FE college makes further use of a student's application data

II Metadata
General information about the scenario
A name given to the scenario. FE College’s use of application data
The Language of the title
An account of the content of
the scenario.
The language of the
Date Created
A language of the intellectual
content of the resource.
A person or entity primarily
responsible for providing the
content of the resource.
The intended audience for
this scenario.
A Reference to a resource
from which the present
resource is derived/linked to,
if any e.g. Scenario A
e.g. UK, schools, colleges,
Schools, colleges
Philip Harley
III The Significance of this Use Case
Does this Use Case address a particular problem?
a) Currently FE has insufficient data on new entrants as they begin a new
b) Students often apply late to college when they have seen their results
causing FE capacity/course issues
c) There is poor recognition of prior learning
d) Verifying achievement is a slow and manual process
e) Induction becomes administrative rather than concentrating on PDP
What is the resolution of the problem which the Use Case provides?
a) A common application process using the e-portfolio encourages much
earlier applications.
b) Data can be transferred into the receiving institution’s systems earlier and
with the permission of the student
c) An E-Portfolio linked to external assessment systems would provide colleges
with automatic verification. This would require the application including the
student’s unique number
d) Data of prior achievement would allow FE to make more informed
e) An electronic solution to administrative induction would allow more time for
What other benefits does the Use Case Provide? CHANGE TITLE TO BIG
Encourages use of the e-portfolio by providing an achievable target
b. Provides continuity of data
Allows student to present a range of achievements in an electronic form.
Provides Colleges with invaluable information on the student earlier and
so enhances college planning e.g. special needs
Encourages students to use other aspects of the Passport to increase
self-awareness and career opportunities before making the
application thus encouraging retention.
A successful application demonstrates usefulness of the E-Portfolio
IV List of Actors
Review the lists of actors and stakeholders you provided in the Section V of
the Scenario Template. List those who play an active role in this Use Case
or are a subject of the use case (for example a use case may involve
information about the information a learner provides even though the
learner has no active role)
Always begin with the learner.
In the 2nd column identify which of the particular benefits in the previous list
each stakeholder actor receives. A cross reference is sufficient, but you
may say more if it is useful.(A stakeholder is an actor who has a particular
interest in what the use case delivers.)
(As a result of this process you may sometimes wish to amend the information
you provided in the scenario.)
The Learner – a year
11 student having
applied for FE
A common application process which will have
allowed a series of applications without
unnecessary repetition
A process which clearly demonstrates and utilises
the other activities within the Passport. These
The recording of achievement of both
academic and wider activities
A self-review of skills, learning styles,
attributes etc
An examination of possible career
Target setting and individual learning
The creation of a CV incorporating
education history, work related history and
a personal statement
A process which will have enhanced the student’s
self esteem through enabling them to control the
process by which they presented themselves for
Will allow earlier dialogue and preparation for FE
The student’s year 11
Enables feedback to tutor from FE on student’s
progress. Can support collation of school’s
progression data and allow schools to make
iterative judgements on their procedures for
supporting apllications
The student’s FE tutor
Provides the tutor with a wealth of information to
enable a far smoother transition into FE. Allows
the tutor to begin populating curriculum systems
for coming academic year. Highlights student
needs to other colleagues far earlier than
previously was the case.
Head of student
Earlier evaluation for support requirements of the
whole cohort and the planning for their
FE admissions staff
Allows an electronic collection of applications and
the opportunity to make an early transfer of
relevant data into other college systems in
advance of enrolment
Provides the opportunity to set up earlier
verification of assessed learning using unique
Allows students to be guided into more
appropriate courses before the course begins
V The Use Case within the context of the Scenario
If this is the first use case, or a standalone use case, set out the “preconditions” such as the systems that will be used
Relationship with preceding Use Cases
By the time students come to apply to FE they will have been using
various aspects of the Passport for 2 years. The systems allows for
selected data to be automatically forwarded to the application. There is
the opportunity to personalise that data including the selection of
supporting evidence which can take a variety of forms.
The student will have already completed other aspects of the ‘Presenting
Zone’ e.g. a personal statement, individual learning plan and therefore
the application process will have already been experienced
What is the Trigger for the Use Case?
The FE college receiving the student’s application
What are the types of information provided for the Use
Student’s personal information
A record of formal and informal achievement
A student’s goals and aspirations
Information relating to the application will be either found on the
Passport or through related links
A record of work related experience
D The Use Case
What information listed in the previous section is used in
sequence by whom and how is it processed? The text for each
step should indicate how the information is used or processed
and by which actor. You should provide a cross reference to the
types of information you listed in the previous section.
The raw materials you provide here will allow technicians to
develop formal representations of your requirements and identify
similarities with other people’s requirements. This will be used
to develop common solutions to common problems which can
also be customised to support the diverse practice different kinds
of learner require.
The FE college will receive the application electronically
The FE college will acknowledge the application and ensure its
progress can be monitored
The central admissions team will use some of the hard data to
populate their administrative systems in preparation for the next
academic year.
The college systems will be linked and accessible by
administrators and teaching staff
The central admissions team will forward application to admission
tutors to allow them to populate their own curriculum systems
with further ‘softer’ data having made contact with the student.
Also to share information with other relevant colleagues
Students will be able to forward further data to tutors in
preparation for induction
FE admissions will provide feedback data to schools on student’s
Schools will use this data to informed their own processes and
support their progression targets
What are the results of the Use Case?
The college is prepared for the student’s admission in advance with well
prepared databases. Induction is enhanced and continuity ensured.
Monitoring and tracking of progression is possible.
What are the types of information provided by the Use Case?
Please list any new types of information captured by or arising
from processes in the use case using the same sequence of
numbers used in section g.
A profile of the data provided to the college by the learner
supported by the school
Electronic verification of achievement depending upon a unique
pupil number
Data sent back to schools to monitor progression and support
their processes
Please list any types of information which have no continuing
function once the use case is finished
The databases will be continuously updated and so some information will
become redundant