Art 201 1st Portfolio Review Mid-Term ssiAss Student: Instructor: Rating = 4 Rating = 3 Rating = 2 Rating = 1 Rating = 0 Line Blind Contour Describes objects accurately. Appropriate Level of Detail. Describes Objects Adequately, Adequate level of detail. Description of objects is weak, Some errors or lack of detail. Does not meet minimum requirements. Serious errors. Drawing missing or incomplete. Modified Contour Describes interior accurately. Appropriate level of detail. Adequately describes interior. Adequate level of detail. Description of interior is weak. Some errors or lack of detail. Does not meet minimum requirements. Serious Errors. Drawing missing or incomplete. Gesture Line is rhythmic and describes figure from inside/out. Negative Space accurately describes subject. Excellent craftsmanship and composition. Adequately describes figure. Some Outlining. Description of figure is weak. Too many outlines. Weak use of Negative Space to describe subject. Average, craftsmanship and composition. Does not clearly represent Gesture. Drawing missing or Incomplete. Drawing missing or incomplete. Negative Space accurately describes subject. Excellent craftsmanship and composition. Demonstrates 4 styles (light and shade, graphic, Chinese and expressive) accurately, excellent use of materials and interesting use of composition. Negative Space adequately describes subject. Good craftsmanship and composition. Demonstrates 4 styles (light and shade, graphic, Chinese and expressive) accurately good use of materials and adequate use of composition. Inadequate use of Negative Space to describe subject. Below Average craftsmanship and composition. Demonstrates at least 2 of 4 styles (light and shade, graphic, Chinese and expressive) with little accuracy, poor use of materials and serious errors in composition. Drawing missing or incomplete. Demonstrates a variety of materials and expressive lines to create an aesthetically interesting work of art (Beautiful Surface). Demonstrates a variety of materials and expressive lines, but needs some more work (layers) to create an aesthetically interesting work of art. Weak use of Negative Space to describe subject. Average, craftsmanship and composition. Demonstrates at least 3 of 4 styles (light and shade, graphic, Chinese and expressive) somewhat accurately and adequate use of materials. Composition needs improvements. Needs to demonstrate a more variety of materials and expressive lines. Drawing needs more layers. Drawing does not demonstrate a variety of materials and expressive lines and needs many more layers. Drawing missing, assignment incomplete. Negative Space (Chair) Negative Space (Plant) Ink and Ink Wash Mark Making Negative Space adequately describes subject. Good craftsmanship and composition. Inadequate use of Negative Space to describe subject. Below Average craftsmanship and composition. Drawing missing, assignment incomplete. Score Technique Shading and Value (Blending) Accurately represents still-life, demonstrates blending with charcoal to show light and shadow with excellent detail, strong composition Copy the Masters Accurately and beautifully demonstrates Master Drawing in technique, style and proportion. Drawing is amazingly similar to original. Accurately represents still-life. Demonstrates Hatching/Cross Hatching with Ink to illustrate form. Strong Composition. Technique Shading and Value (Hatching and Cross Hatching) Adequately represents still-life, demonstrates blending with charcoal to show light and Shadow with good detail. Composition needs some improvement. Drawing adequately demonstrates Master Drawing in technique, style and proportion. Somewhat represents still-life. Somewhat demonstrates blending with charcoal to show light and shadow. Composition needs improvement, Demonstrates Master Drawing, but needs improvement in regards to technique, style and proportion. Inaccurately represents still-fife. Poorly demonstrates blending with charcoal to show light and shadow. Composition needs major improvements. Inadequately demonstrates Master Drawing and needs major improvements in regards to technique, style and proportion. Drawing missing, assignment incomplete. Adequately represents still-life. Demonstrates Hatching/Cross Hatching to illustrate form,. Composition needs some improvement. Somewhat represents still-life. Somewhat demonstrates Hatching/Cross Hatching to illustrate Composition needs improvement. Somewhat represents objects. Somewhat demonstrates stipple to illustrate form. Composition needs improvement. Somewhat applies the principles of Two Point Perspective to represent still-life. Forms are somewhat shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Somewhat applies the principles of One-Point Perspective to represent hallway. Forms are somewhat shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Inadequately represents still-life. Poorly demonstrates Hatching/Cross Hatching to illustrate form. Composition needs major improvements. Inadequately represents Objects. Inadequately demonstrates Stipple to illustrate form, Composition needs major improvements. Does not apply the principles of Two Point Perspective to represent still-life. Forms are inadequately shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Does not apply the principles of One-Point Perspective to represent hallway. Forms are inadequately shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Drawing missing, assignment incomplete. Technique Shading and Value (Stipple) Accurately represents Objects. Demonstrates Stipple with Ink to illustrate form. Interesting composition. Adequately represents objects. Demonstrates Stipple to illustrate form. Composition needs some improvement. Two Point Perspective Accurately applies the principles of Two Point Perspective to represent still-life. Forms are beautifully shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Accurately Applies the principles of One-Point Perspective to represent hallway. Forms are beautifully shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Adequately applies the principles of Two Point Perspective to represent still-life. Forms are shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. One Point Perspective Total/13 Adequately Applies the principles of One-Point Perspective to represent hallway. Forms are shaded to demonstrate light and shadow. Drawing missing, assignment incomplete Drawing missing, Assignment incomplete. Drawing missing, Assignment incomplete. Drawing missing, Assignment incomplete.