Download ICNYC application for credit

for Fall 2016 Semester in New York City
[ ] Read the online Guidelines ( to understand Park
School’s internship policies.
[ ] Complete the Ithaca College Sexual Harassment Prevention online tutorial via
Send the certificate of completion to Eloise Greene with your app.
[ ] Complete the Application Form on page 2
[ ] Attach your internship proposal/learning plan, describing:
 The organization/department you’ll be working in
 What activities and responsibilities will be assigned
 Who at the organization will supervise your work
 Specific learning objectives for this internship
 How you are prepared for this internship
[ ] Attach a letter of agreement from the organization’s Site Supervisor to include:
 Supervisor’s name and contact information
 Internship start and end dates, and hours per week
 Activities that you will engage in
 How your responsibilities will increase over the term
 What you will be expected to learn
 Description of the workspace/resources that will be provided.
(Note that internships cannot be undertaken in a home office.)
 Terms of compensation, if any
[ ] Attach your resume.
Return the completed application to Eloise Greene, Park 335. Email or fax 607-274-1108.
You will be enrolled by the dean’s office.
A letter confirming registration will be emailed to the internship site supervisor, with a copy to you.
NYC Director Hersey Egginton will be your Park School academic sponsor.
All internships include the following academic requirements:
Participate in the scheduled NYC internship meetings in Manhattan
Complete a weekly log with your hours and activities. Mr. Egginton will provide more detail.
At a scheduled date, make a presentation to your seminar class about the internship.
Park School of Communications
New York City Program Internship Application
Number of credits for this internship __________
Organization Agreement Letter
Number of previous internship credits _________
Your Proposal
Total college credits completed prior to this internship: ________
I attended/completed Sexual Harassment Prevention ________
Semester in which internship will take place Fall 2016
Internship start and end dates _________________________
Student Name______________________________________________________ ID______________________
NYC Address________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________
Email address ________________________________
Major__________________________ Concentration _______________________ Cumulative GPA __________
Internship Organization:
Site Supervisor Name _________________________________________________________________
Title __________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________
Email address __________________________________
I understand that being an intern is a serious responsibility, and that as an intern I will be representing the Park School
and Ithaca College, as well as myself. I have considered my academic load and other commitments and am able and
willing to devote the time and energy necessary to make my internship experience a successful one.
I understand my responsibility in reporting any harassment, sexual or otherwise, to my Ithaca sponsor and site sponsor.
Student Signature
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I have reviewed the internship application, student’s proposal, and the organization’s letter of agreement.
(Professional Development Coordinator (Eloise Greene)
I have reviewed the internship application, student’s proposal, and the organization’s letter of agreement.
Park School Associate Dean (Bryan Roberts)
New York City Program Director Mr. Hersey Egginton ( will be the academic sponsor for the
Internship site supervisors are asked to provide Mr. Egginton with midterm and final student evaluations.
Office use:
Course Number __________________
Confirmation of attendance at Sexual
Harassment Prevention session
(Eloise Greene)
Roy H. Park School of Communications, Ithaca College
953 Danby Rd., Ithaca NY 14850
Fax 607-274-1108