SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE SELF-EVALUATION FORM Spring 2012 Shared Governance Committee: Technology Committee Evaluation for Academic Year: 2012 Please indicate the dates of each of your meetings in the past year. Meetings for Fall 2011 - (4) - 9/21, 10/19, 11/16, 12/14 Meetings for Spring 2012 - (3) 3/8, 4/12, 5/10 Are the minutes of these meetings all posted on your web site? Fall minutes posted to the website – Spring meetings and minutes will be posted in May What would you consider to be the main accomplishments/tasks that your committee achieved this academic year? 1. Following the flowchart for annual assessment, implementation, and evaluation, the Technology Master Plan (TMP) was reviewed in the Fall 2011 semester and updated by the committee. The Final revised TMP will be posted on the website in May 2012 2. Wolfram-Mathematica installed on campus. This software is used in the Math program to help students attain higher levels of proficiency. Faculty and staff can download the software at home for personal use. Students get an activation key for a year. Workshops will be provided through the STEM program. 3. The committee has suggested that the campus move forward with a more robust emergency response system. Shared Governance has approved this project and IT will implement it. 4. The College Master Calendar is now being implemented on campus. In 2011, IT took down the Calendar due to lack of faculty involvement in adding updated events. A revamped model is now being rolled-out to better serve our campus. The Technology Committee and IT will plan training during campus 2012 Flex-Day so that faculty/staff become better acquainted with the system. 5. Advised the IT Department on updating the College Website. What prioritized goals for this year were you unable to complete or are still in progress? 1. Updating of faculty and department websites 2. Establish a faculty success center 3. On the college website, we would like to establish a new faculty resource area. 4. Technology survey of students and faculty 5. Help counseling to develop and implement online student counseling and educational plans. 6. Develop an Alumni area of the college website. 7. Please list your prioritized goals for the next academic year. a. Continue working on implementing policies on video captioning of videos and podcasts in use on the college website, and on campus, and by faculty. b. Develop an Alumni area of the college website. c. Assess technology use on campus through a faculty, staff and student technology survey. d. On the college website, we would like to establish a new faculty resource area. e. Work on website configuration and updating of department, and faculty websites, and develop policies on supervision and persons responsible for updating the various parts of the college website. f. Collaborate with Staff Development, Department Chairs, and Title V in developing incentives for both students and faculty use of technology to improve student success 8. Does your charter accurately reflect the committee’s focus? If not, please explain. Yes it does. 9. Is membership tenure reflected accurately on the web site? Needs to be updated 10. Is your membership adequate to meet the work challenges of the committee? Yes – but we would like more committee members. 11. Please list the dates that one or both of the co chairs of your committee attended the SGTF monthly meetings. Our Co-Chair Curtis Stage attended most meetings of the SGTF. He missed the March 2012 meeting. 6. Do you have any suggestions for the SGTF that could improve our Shared Governance process or make it more efficient? None SIGNATURES: _________________________________Co-Chair _________________________________Co-Chair _________________Date