Self-Eval-Student Support Services-2011

Shared Governance Committees
Self-Evaluation Form
Student Support Services
Please indicate the dates of each of your meetings in the past year.
The last minutes added to the Student Support Services webpage
were for the academic year 2009-2010. Although meetings have taken
place throughout the academic year 2010-2011 minutes are not
included in the webpage. The chair and co-chair will concentrate in the
next few months on updating the Student Support Services webpage.
Projected completion date is July 2011. SSS met during the following
dates, 10/12/10, 11/09/10, 12/14/10, 01/18, 11, 2/15/11, 4/12/11,
5/10/11, 6/14/11.
2. What would you consider to be the main accomplishments/tasks that
your committee achieved this academic year? Please include progress
made toward last year’s recommendations.
A. Letters were sent on January 24, 2011 to every student personally
inviting them to attend a counseling session.
B. Although funding is not available to man the information booth
departments within student services has placed a person at the
information booth. It is especially important to place a person at the
information booth in the beginning of each semester and intercession.
C. Comprehensive Program Reviews were conducted for the following
Student Services Areas: Student Support Services, Admissions and
records, International/Veterans Affairs, EOP&S, TPP, DSP&S and
ASO for spring 2011.
3. What prioritized goals for this year were you unable to complete or
are still in progress?
A. Creating a sub-committee that will focus on a Student Services
Master Plan.
B. In the process of creating an electronic system that will allow us to
assess how many students are utilizing the information booth as well as
what departments are in most demand.
C. Assessing the library specific needs during this time of economic
crisis. How student support is being affected by the budget issues.
D. Continue to advocate for a full time recruiter.
E. The committee had suggested we reach out to students who have
not returned but and have over 60 units. We still plan to ask Hahn
to create a data base that will allow us to reach out to these
specific students.
4. Please list your prioritized goals for next academic year.
All of the items listed above are priority for the next academic year.
5. Does your charter accurately reflect the committee’s focus? If not,
please explain.
Our objective is to review and evaluate campus wide student services that
are provided to LAMC’s student population. We executed this objective by
providing students with information as explained in our task and
accomplishment section of this self-evaluation. This is in alignment with our
charter of making recommendations and/or policies that will accomplish
these established objectives.
6. Is membership tenure reflected accurately on the web site?
Membership is not reflected accurately because many members are at
the end of their term and new members will need to be assigned.
7. Is your membership adequate to meet the work challenges of the
committee? New members are needed. The following are the needs of
the committee. Monica Moreno (Co-Chair) will contact Academic
Senate, ASO, SEIU and AFT to assign new members.
Student Support Services Committee
Voting Members
Mr. Joe Ramirez
Vice President, Student Services (Co-Chair)
Ms. Ludi Villegas-Vidal
Dean of Student Services (Administrator)
Mrs. Monica Moreno
Faculty Rep. Appointed by Academic Senate (Co-Chair)
July '11 - June '13
Faculty Rep. Appointed by Academic Senate
July '11 - June '13
Donna Ayers
Faculty Rep. Appointed by AFT
July '10 - June '12
ASO Representative
July '11 - June '12
Student Services Manager
July '11 - June '13
Classified Staff Appointed by AFT
July '11 - June '13
Resources to Student Support Services Committee
Mr. Dennis Schroeder
Financial Aid Director
Mr. Robert Crossley
Director, ASO
Mrs. Rosalie Torres
Supervisor, Admissions and Records
8. Please list the dates that one or both of the co-chairs of your
committee attended the SGTF monthly meetings. Mr. Ramirez has
attended all but three meetings this academic year. Will need to
verify with SGTF’s minutes the days attended.
9. Do you have any suggestions for the SGTF that could improve our
Shared Governance process or make it more efficient?
The SSS committee has suggested that the SGTF consider reviewing
membership each semester. Maybe consider posing the question to all
co-chairs at the last SGTF meeting of the end of the semester.